Imatges de pàgina

My glade thoghtys / to hevynesse
In travayleys myn ydelnesse
And eke my reste / my wele is woo
My goode ys harme / and euer moo
In wrathe ys turned / my pleynge
And my delyte/in-to sorwynge
Myn hele ys turned /in-to sekeenesse
In drede ys al / my sykernesse
To derke ys turned / al my lyghte

My wytte ys foly / my day ys nyghte

My love ys hate / my slepe wakynge

My merthe and meles / ys fastynge
My countenaunce/ys nycete
And al abawed / where so I be
My pees/in pledynge and in werre
Allas how myght I / fare werre
My boldenesse/ys turned to shame
For fals Fortune / hath pleyde a game
Atte the chesse with me / allas the while
The trayteresse fals/ and ful of gyle
That al behoteth / and no thyng halte
She gethe vpryght' / and yet she is halte
That baggeth foule / and loketh faire





[nota in margin]

[leaf 138]

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That ys a fals/flateyrynge beste

For with his hede / he maketh feste
But al amydde/hys Flaterynge
With hys tayle / hyt wol stynge
And envenyme / and so wol she
She ys/thenvyouse charite

That ys ay fals/ and semeth wele

So turneth she/hyr fals whele
Aboute for hyt ys no thynge stable
Now by the fire / now at table

For many oon/ hatħ thus she yblent
She ys pley / of enchauntement
That semeth ooñ / and ys not soo
The fals thefe / what hath she doo

Trowest thou by oure lorde / I wol the sey
At the chesse with me / she gañ to pley
With hir fals draughtes / dyvers
She staale on me / and toke my fers
And whañ I sawgħ / my fers away
Allas I kouthe/ no lenger play
¶ But seyde fare-wel / swete y-wys




[nota in margin]



[leaf 138, back]

And fare-wel al / that ever ther ys

Ther-with fortune / seyde chek here

And mate / in the myd poynt / of the chekkere
With a povne / errante allas


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

I holde that wysshe / nat worthe A stree

Hyt had be neuer / the bet for me



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But throgh that draught / I haue lorne

My blysse allas / that I was borne
For euermore y trowe trewly
For al my wille / my luste holly
Ys turned / but yet what to doone
Be oure lorde / hyt ys to deye soone
For no thynge/ I leve hyt noght'
But lyve and deye / ryght' in this thoght
For there nys planete / in firmament
Ne in ayrene in erthe / noon element
That they ne yive me / a yifte echon
Of wepynge/whañ I am alloñ
For whan that I / avise me wel
And be-thenke me / euery del



[leaf 139]


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And whañ al this / falletħ in my thoght'

Allas thañ am I / ouercome

I haue more sorowe / thañ Tantale

And whan I herde/ hym tel thys tale

This pitously as I yow telle

Vnnethe myght' y / lenger duelle
Hyt dyd myñ hert / so moche woo
A goode sir quod I say not soo
Haue somme pitee / on your nature
That formed yow / to creature
Remembre yow / of Socrates
For he ne counted/nat thre strees
Of noght that fortune / koude doo

No quod he/ I kan not soo

Why so good syr / yis parde quod y
Ne noght soo for trewly

Thogh ye had loste / the ferses twelve

And ye for sorwe/mordred your selve
Ye sholde be dampned / in this cas
By as goode ryght / as Medea was
That slowgħ hir children / for Iasoñ
And Phyllis also / for Demophon
Henge hir selfe / so weylaway.
For he had broke / his terme day
To come to hir / another rage

Had Dydo the quene / eke of Cartage
That slough hir selfe / for Eneas
Was fals/which a foole she was
And Ecquo died / for Narcisus
Nolde nat love hir / and ryght' thus
Hath many another/foly doon
And for Dalida / died Sampson







[leaf 139, back]


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loo / she that may be quod y

Good sir telle me / al hooly

In what wyse / how/why / and wherfore
That ye have thus / youre blysse lore


Blythely quod he / come sytte adooñ

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