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ART. I. Some Account of the Lives and Writings of Lope Felix
de Vega Carpio, and Guillen de Castro. By Henry
Richard Lord Holland
II. Historical Sketches of the South of India; in an At-
tempt to trace the History of Mysoor; from the
Origin of the Hindoo Government of that State to the
Extinction of the Mahomedan Dynasty in 1799. By
Colonel Mark Wilks
III. The Lives of Haydn and Mozart; with Observations on
the Genius of Metastasio, and the present State of
Music in France and Italy. Translated from the
French of L. A. C. Bombet. With Notes by the Au-
thor of the Sacred Melodies -
IV. The History of Brazil. By Robert Southey. Vol. ii.
V. Plan of Parliamentary Reform, in the form of a Cate-
chism, with reasons for each Article; with an Intro-
duction, shewing the necessity of radical, and the
inadequacy of moderate Reform. By Jeremy Ben-
tham, Esq.
VI. Relation Historique du Voyage de MM. de Humboldt
et Bonpland. Tome premier, Seconde Partie, conte-
nant les feuilles 45 à 81, la Table des Matières et
l'Errata. 4to.
- 135
VII. A practical Inquiry into the Causes of the frequent
Failure of the Operations of Depression, and of the
Extraction of the Cataract, as usually performed; with
the Description of a Series of new and improved Ope-
rations, by the practice of which most of these Causes
of Failure may be avoided. Illustrated by Tables of
the comparative success of the new and old modes of
practice. By Sir William Adams, &c.
- 158