Pirandello's Theater: The Recovery of the Modern Stage for Dramatic Art

Southern Illinois University Press, 1974 - 159 pàgines

Anne Paolucci here combines her inter­ests in the theater, with her extraordinary talents as a playwright. In this sympa­thetic and perceptive first book on Piran­dello's theater she covers the entire corpus of Pirandello's work, tracing the continuity of the plays through their interre­lated themes.

Rather than simple and direct, she shows that all the Pirandellian themes are below the cheery surface; that they are developed in two parallel series of plays; and that they are brought to a cathartic dramatic effect in his last group of plays. Richly rewarding, this study of the "play­wright's playwright" is further enhanced by Anne Paolucci's own sensitive trans­lations.

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Sobre l'autor (1974)

Anne Paolucci is University Research Professor at St. John's University. Among her own plays is The Short Season.

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