Imatges de pàgina

hunter; and I can see no reason why fortune hunting women should not be contemptible too. Thus, sat best, we shall be contemptible if his views are ho. nourable; but if they be otherwise, I should shudder but to think of that! It is true, have no apprehensions from the conduct of my children, but I think there are some from his character. I would have proceeded, but for the interruption of a servant from the squire, who with his compliments, sent us a side of venison, and a promise to dine with us sonte days after. This well-timed present pleaded more powerfully in his favour than any thing I had to say could obviate. I therefore continued silent, satisfied with just having pointed out danger, and leaving it to their own discretion, to avoid it. That virtue which requires to be ever guarded, is scarce worth the centinel.

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The Happiness of a Country Fire-side. As we carried on the former dispute with, some degree of warmth, in order to accommodate matters, it was universally agreed, that we should have à part of the venison for supper, and the girls undertook the task with alacrity.,,I am sorry," cried I,,,that we have no neighbour or stranger to take part in this good cheer: feasts of this kind acquire a double relish from hospitality.",,Bless me," cried my wife, ,,here comes our good friend Mr. Burchell, that saved our Sophia, and that run you down fairly in the argument." ,,Confute me in argument, child cried I, ,,you mistake there, my dear. I believe there are but few that can do that; I never dispute your abilities at making a goose - pye, and I beg you'll leave argument to me. "As I spoke, poor Mr. Burchell entered the house, and was welcomed by the family, who

shook him heartily by the hand, while little Dick officiously reached him a chair.

I was pleased with the poor man's friendship for two reasons; because I knew that he wanted mine, and I knew him to be friendly as far as he was able. He was known in our neighbourhood by the character of the poor gentleman that would do no good when he was young, though he was not yet thirty. He would at intervals talk with great good sense; but in general he was fondest of the company of children, whom he used to call harmless little men. He was famous, I found, for singing them ballads, and telling them stories; and seldom went out without something in his pockets for them, a piece of gingerbread, or an half-penny whistle. He generally came for a few days into our neighbourhood once a year, and lived upon the neighbours' hospitality. He sat down to supper among us, and my wife was not sparing of her gooseberry wine. The tale went round; he sung us old songs, and gave the children the story of the Buck of Beverland, with the history of Patient Grizzel, the adventures of Catskin, and then fair Rosamond's bower. Our cock which always crew at elevẹn, now told us it was time for repose; but an unforeseen difficulty started about lodging the strapger: all our beds were already taken up, and it was too late to send him to the next ale-house. In this ́dilemma, little Dick offered him his part of the bed, if his brother Moses would let him lie with him. ,,And I," cried Bill,,,will give Mr. Burchell my part, if my sisters will take me to theirs." Well done, my good children," cried I,,,hospitality is one of the first Christian duties. The beast retires to his shelter, and the bird to it's nest; but helpless man can only find refuge from his fellow-creature." The greatest stranger in this world was he that came


to save it. He never had an house, as if willing to see what hospitality was left remaining amongst us. ,,Deborah, my dear," cried I to my wife,,,give those boys a lunip of sugar each; and let Dick's be the largest, because he spoke first."

In the morning early I called out my whole family to help at saving an after- growth of hay, and our guest offering his assistance, he was accepted among the number. Our labours vent on lightly; we turned the swath to the wind; I went foremost, and the rest followed in due succession. I could not avoid, however, observing the assiduity of Mr. Burchell in assisting my daughter Sophia in her part of the task. When he had finished his own, he would join in her's, and enter to a close conversation but I had too good an opinion of Sophia's understanding, and was too well convinced of her ambition, to be under any uneasiness from a man of broken fortune. When we were finished for the day, Mr. Burchell was invited as on the night before; but he refused, as he was to lie that night at a neighbour's, to whose child he was carrying a whistle. When gone, our conversation at supper turned upon our late unfortunate guest. ,,What a strong instance," said I,,,is that poor man of the miseries attending a youth of levity and extravagance! He by no means wants sense, which only serves to aggravate his former folly. Poor, forlorn creature! where are now the revellers, the flatterers, that he could once inspire, and command? gone perhaps, to attend the bagnio pander, grown rich by his extravagance. They once praised him, and now they applaud the pander: their former raptures at his wit are now converted into sarcasms at his folly: he is poor, and perhaps deserves poverty; for he has neither the ambition to be independent, nor the skill to be useful." Prompted perhaps by some secret reasons,


I delivered this observation with too much acrimony, which my Sophia gently reproved.,,Whatsoever his former conduct may be, papa, his circumstances should exempt him from censure now. His present indigence is a sufficient punishment for former folly: and I have heard my papa himself say, that we should never strike one unnecessary blow at a victim over whom Providence holds the scourge of its resentment." You are right, Sophia," cried my son Moses;,,and one of the ancients finely represents so malicious a conduct, by the attempts of a rustic to flay Marsyas, whose skin, the fable tells us, had been wholly stript off by another. Besides, I don't know if this poor man's situation be so bad as my father would represent it. We are not to judge of the feelings of others by what we might feel if in their place. However dark the habitation of the mole to our eyes, yet the animal itself finds the apartment sufficiently lightsome. And to confess the truth, this man's mind seems fitted to his station; for I never heard any one more sprightly than he was to-day, when he conversed with you." This was said without the least design; however, it excited a blush, which she strove to cover by an affected laugh; assuring him, she scarce took any notice of what he said to her; but that she believed he might once have been a very fine gentleman. The readiness, with which she undertook to vindicate herself, and her blushing, were symptoms I did not internally ap prove; but I represt my suspicions.

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As we expected our landlord the next day, my wife went to make the venison pasty; Moses sat reading while I taught my little ones: my daughters seemed equally busy with the rest; and I observed them for a good while cooking something over the fire. I at first supposed they were assisting their

mother; but little Dick informed me in a whisper, that they were making a wash for the face. Washes of all kinds I had a natural antipathy to; for I knew that instead of inending the complexion, they spoiled it. I therefore approached my chair by sly degrees to the fire, and grasping the poker, as if it wanted mending, seemingly by accident, overturned the whole composition; and it was too late to begin


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A Town Wit described. The dullest Fellows may learn to be comical for a Night or two. When the morning arrived on which we were to entertain our young landlord, it may be easily supposed what provisions were exhausted to make an appearance. It may be also conjectured that my wife and daughters expanded their gayest plumage upon this occasion, Mr. Thornhill came with a cou ple of friends, his chaplain and feeder. The servants, who were numerous, he politely ordered to the next alehouse but my wife, in the triumph of her heart, insisted on entertaining them all; for which, by the bye, our family was pinched for three weeks after. As Mr. Burchell had hinted to us the day before, that he was making some proposals of marriage to

Wilmot, my son George's former niistress, this a good deal damped the heartiness of his reception: but accident, in some measure relieved our embarrass ment; for one of the company happening to mention! her name, Mr. Thornhill observed with an oath, that he never knew any thing more absurd than cal ling such a fright a beauty:,,For strike me ugly," continued he,,,if I should not find as much pleasure in choosing my mistress by the information of a lamp under the clock at St. Dunstan's." At this he

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