Imatges de pàgina

Warrant. Duties of Postage. West Indies.


Malta. Gibraltar, Hong Kong. London, 3rd December, 1858......... 942 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Mauritius. London, 18th January, 1859.........1069 Order in Council. Light Dues on Oversea and Coasting Vessels...London 2nd February, 1859......... 723

Warrant. Duties of Postage. Argentine Confederation.

London, 9th February, 1859......... 43
East Indies, China, &c.
London, 16th February, 1859......... 372

Warrant. Duties of Postage.
Order in Council. British Jurisdiction. Japan.

London, 3rd March, 1859......... 405

London, 3rd March, 1859......... 724

Order in Council. Light Dues, Cornwall.

Exemption of Fishing Vessels from Light
Dues............ London, 12th April, 1859......... 726

Warrant. Duties of Postage.
Warrant. Duties of Postage.

London, 10th March, 1859......... 948

Paraguay. British Colonies, &c.
London, 21st March, 1859......... 462

Order in Council.

Order in Council.

Light Dues. Off Scilly.

Act of Parliament.

Act of Parliament.

London, 12th April, 1859......... 727

Evidence in Suits out of jurisdiction
of British Tribunals...19th April, 1859......... 236
Foreign Physicians in Hospitals for
Foreigners....19th April, 1859..... 238
Act of Parliament. Superannuations. Civil Offices... 19 April, 1859......... 238
Order in Council. French Trade in River Gambia.

Windsor, 23rd April, 1859......... 25
Windsor, 23rd April, 1859......... 728

Order in Council. Copyright. Jamaica.


Distressed British Labourers, &c., on Foreign Rail-
ways and Steamers......... London, 26th April, 1859......... 244

Proclamation. Prohibition against British Subjects taking
part in War between Austria, and France,

and Sardinia.........London, 13th May, 1859......... 58 Orders, Regulations, &c. Post-Office... London, 27th May, 1859......... 729 Order in Council. Pilotage Dues, Weymouth District.

London, 6th June, 1859......... 732

London, 6th June, 1859......... 950

Portugal. British Colonies, &c.

Warrant. Duties of Postage.

Cape of Good Hope.

Warrant. Duties of Postage.

Warrant. Duties of Postage.
Warrant. Duties of Postage.

London, 14th June, 1859......... 498 Malta.... London, 14th June, 1859......... 953 Uruguay. British Colonies, &c.

London, 16th June, 1859......... 645 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Bremen. London, 27 June, 1859......... 77 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Hamburgh. London, 27 June, 1859......... 348 Warrant. Extra Postage on Books, Packets, &c.

London, 1st July, 1859......... 734 Order in Council. Light Dues. Douglas Head, Isle of Man. London, 6th July, 1859......... 737 Page

Warrant. Duties of Postage. Mauritius. London, 11 July, 1859.........1043 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Mosquitos. London, 13 July, 1859......... 428 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Nicaragua. British Colonies, &c.

Warrant. Duties of Postage.

Warrant. Duties of Postage.

London, 13th July, 1859......... 439

New Brunswick. Nova Scotia.

London, 13th July, 1859...... 956

Bremen. Hamburgh.

London, 28th July, 1859......... 80

Act of Parliament. Duties of Chief Superintendent in China.

8th August, 1859......... 109

Act of Parliament. Qualifications of persons holding Diplomatic Pensions to sit in Parliament.

8th August, 1859......... 244

Act of Parliament. Recovery of Debts. Victoria, &c.

8th August, 1859......... 739

Order in Council. Pilotage. Dartmouth District.

Osborne, 12th August, 1859......... 744

Act of Parliament. Additional Rates. Income Tax.

Act of Parliament. Trade with Indians. Justice in North

Western Territories, America.

13th August, 1859......... 245

13th August, 1859......... 741

Act of Parliament.

Probates, &c. Ireland. Affidavits sworn

Abroad........13th August, 1859......... 246

Act of Parliament.

Act of Parliament.

Customs. Shipping Bills of Export, Im-
portations from Canada..13 August, 1859......... 247
Military Reserve Force... 13th August, 1859......... 248

Act of Parliament.

Law pleaded in different Parts of British

Dominions...............13th August, 1859.......


Warrant. Duties of Postage. Egypt... London, 11th Oct., 1859.........1054

Order in Council. British Jurisdiction. Japan.

London, 23rd January, 1860......... 406

Order in Council. Spanish Merchant Seamen Deserters.

London, 23rd January, 1860......... 517 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Egypt... London, 3rd Feb., 1860......... 554 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Gibraltar... London, 6th Feb., 1860......... 958 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Africa (West and South).

London, 7th February, 1860......... 27 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Australia... London, 10th Feb., 1860......... 960 Warrant. Duties of Postage. British Colonies, &c.

London, 23rd February, 1860......... 963 Act of Parliament. Stamp Duties. Foreign Bills.

Order in Council. Maritime Law under Declaration of Con-
gress, Paris, 1856. War with China.

London, 7th March, 1860......... 110
London, 7th March, 1860......... 746

Order in Council. Light Dues off Bill of Portland.

Act of Parliament. Qualification of Surgeons. Irish Licences.

Warrant. Duties of Postage. Gottenberg.

Act of Parliament.

23rd March, 1860......... 251

London, 28th March, 1860......... 519 Income Tax..................3rd April, 1860......... 747 Act of Parliament. Customs. tations.

Page 3rd April, 1860......... 252 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Bremen.... London 16 April, 1860... 81 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Nova Scotia. Bermuda. New

foundland...London, 16 April, 1860...... 971

Warrant. Duties of Postage. Hamburgh. Lubeck.

London, 17th April, 1860......... 351

Order in Council. Light Dues, Northern Lighthouses.

Act of Parliament.

London, 10th May, 1860......... 748
Carrier or

Customs. Bills of Lading.
Forwarder of Goods...15th May, 1860......... 253

Warrant. Duties of Postage. Prince Edward Island. Turk's

Warrant. Duties of Postage.
Order in Council. Light Dues.

Rockabill, Dublin.

Islands. Labuan... London, 7th June, 1860......... 976 Labuan... London, 11 June, 1860......... 376 London, 30th June, 1860......... 750 Act of Parliament. Postage. Army. Navy...6th August, 1860... 255 Act of Parliament. Adulteration. Spirits... 6th August, 1860......... 257 Act of Parliament.

Act of Parliament.

Scotland. Registration of Births, &c., in
Foreign Countries... 6th August, 1860......... 258
British Marriages. Ionian Islands.

6th August, 1860......... 392 India. 13th August, 1860......... 387 13th August, 1860......... 863 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Denmark. West India Colonies. London, 22nd August, 1860......... 115 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Bermuda... London, 23rd Aug., 1860......... 979 Order in Council. Nicaragua. Merchant Seamen Deserters.

Act of Parliament. Colonial Admiralty Jurisdiction.
Act of Parliament. Superannuation. Ciril Service. India.

Balmoral, 27th August, 1860......... 460

Jurisdiction. Turkey.

Order in Council. British

[blocks in formation]

Balmoral, 27th August, 1860......... 558
Cardigan Bay.
Balmoral, 27th August, 1860......... 754
Varne Shoal, Straits of Dover.
Balmoral, 27th August, 1860
Discriminating Duties. Impor-
Malt............ 28th August, 1860......... 259

755 Warrant.

Act of Parliament. Stamp Duties. Foreign Promissory Notes.


28th August, 1860......... 261

Act of Parliament. Excise Duties on Chicory, &c. Wine


Act of Parliament. Excise Regulations.

28th August, 1860......... 262

Export of Malt.

Spirits and Liqueurs.

28th August, 1860......... 263

Act of Parliament. Government of British Possessions.

28th August, 1860......... 265

Act of Parliament.

Act of Parliament.

Act of Parliament.

Offences against the Person, at Sea, or
out of Colonial Limits... 28th Aug., 1860......... 266
Government of Navy.... 28th August, 1860......... 267
Conveyance and Exportation of Gun-

powder............. 28th August, 1860......... 751 Act of Parliament.

Warrant. Duties of Postage.

Duties of Postage.


Argentine Confederation and
Uruguay...... London, 19th September, 1860......... 55

Army and Navy Services.

Warrant. Duties of Postage.

London, 22nd October, 1860......... 756 British Colonies, &c.

Warrant. Duties of Postage.

Warrant. Duties of Postage.

London, 6th November, 1860......... 759
Paraguay. British Colonies, &c.
London, 12th November, 1860......... 466
East Indies.

London, 19th January, 1861......... 388

Order in Council. British Jurisdiction. Japan.

London, 4th February, 1861......... 423 Order in Council. Copyright. Sardinia. London, 4th February, 1861......... 513 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Tasmania. London, 4th May, 1861......... 981 Act of Parliament. Admiralty Jurisdiction. Salvage of Life.

Act of Parliament.

Court of Chancery. Ship owners.

17th May, 1861......... 268


Foreign Laws pleaded in British Courts. 17th May, 1861 Warrant. Duties of Postage. Sweden. London, 18th May, 1861......... 523

Duties of Customs, Income Tax, &c.


12th June, 1861......... 271

Act of Parliament. Duties on Foreign Spirits, and on Bills of

Exchange......28th June, 1861......... 272

Act of Parliament. New Provinces in New Zealand.

11th July, 1861......... 761 11th July, 1861.......... 40 Act of Parliament. Annexation of Territories. Queensland. South Australia.........22nd July, 1861......... 763 Light Dues. St. Abb's Head, Berwick.

Act of Parliament. Punishment of Offences. Sierra Leone.

Order in Council.

Order in Council.

Reduction of Light Dues.

Osborne, 25th July, 1861......... 766
Osborne, 25th July, 1861......... 768

Act of Parliament. Loans to Harbour Authorities.

1st August, 1861......... 770 Ports.....................1st August, 1861...... 777 Act of Parliament. Constitution of the Council. Local Government. India. 1st August, 1861......... 864 Warrant. Duties of Postage. East Indies, China, &c. London, 2nd August, 1861......... 384 Act of Parliament. Copyright of Designs...6th August, 1861......... 273 Act of Parliament. Enlistments from Indian to General Forces. 6th August, 1861......... 868

Act of Parliament. Passenger Vessels between Australian

Act of Parliament. Inland Revenue. Export of Beer. Licences for Wines. Stamps on Foreign Bills. Income from Colonial Dividends.

6th August, 1861......... 274

Act of Parliament. Accessories of Offences at Sea, Abroad, or

within Admiralty Jurisdiction.

6th August, 1861......... 276

Act of Parliament.

Act of Parliament.

Act of Parliament.

Act of Parliament.

Act of Parliament.

Act of Parliament. Offences. Colonies, &c. Forgery. Re-
gisters of Births, &c. East India



6th August, 1861......... 277

Act of Parliament. Larceny, &c. Foreign Stocks, Debentures,
&c. Legal Records and Office Docu-
ments. Frauds by Agents, &c.

6th August, 1861......... 278

Injuries to Property, within Admiralty

Jurisdiction.... ..... 6th August, 1861......... 281

Forgery. India Bonds, Foreign Bills of

Exchange, &c.............6th August, 1861... 281, 870

Offences. British and Foreign Coin.

6th August, 1861......... 778

&c. Bigamy ............ 6th August, 1861......... 283
Stamp Duty on Fire Insurances of Property

Murders at Home, or Abroad, or at Sea,

Act of Parliament.

in Foreign Countries... 6th August, 1861..... 285
High Courts of Judicature. Confirmation

of Acts, &c. India...... 6th August, 1861.........1044

[blocks in formation]

Act of Parliament.

Act of Parliament.

Government of Navy...... 6th August, 1861......... 288

Wills of British Subjects Abroad, and
of Foreigners in British Dominions.

6th August, 1861......... 298

Act of Parliament.

Drainage of Land. Absence of Owners.

Act of Parliament.

Warrant. Duties of Postage.

6th August, 1861......... 299
Bankruptcy and Insolvency...6th Aug. 1861......... 300
Venezuela, British Colonies, &c.

Warrant. Duties of Postage.

London, 4th October, 1861......... 653
Natal... London, 12th Nov., 1861......... 5

Order in Council. Light Dues. Outer Dowsing Shoal,

Lincolnshire...... 20th November, 1861......... 783

Warrant. Duties of Postage. Austria. Baden. Bavaria.
France and Algeria. Germany. Hohenzollern.
Ionian Islands. Turkey. Wirtemberg.

London, 26th December, 1861......... 212

Rules and Regulations Colonial Service......... December, 1861......... 307

Order in Council. Rules and Regulations. Navigation of

Danube...... Osborne, 6th January, 1862... 568

Order in Council. Rates and Duties on Trade. Whitby Harbour.

Osborne, 6th January, 1862......... 785

Instructions. Rules within British Territorial Jurisdiction,

during Civil War in United States.

London, 31st January, 1862......... 900

Order in Council. Copyright. Hesse Darmstadt.

Osborne, 5th February, 1862......... 363

Warrant. Duties of Postage. Hanover. London, 20th Feb., 1862.........1039
Order in Council. Rules, &c., Navigation of Danube. British

Consular Jurisdiction. Turkey.

Windsor, 21st March, 1862......... 572

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