GENERAL INDEX. [COUNTRIES, PAGE 1125, SUBJECTS, PAGE 1211.] VOL. I. TO VOL. XI. COUNTRIES. 1125 Acts of Parliament. Warrants. ABYSSINΙΑ. Postage.........1837-1856. ADEN, &c. ...... ... Vol. Page VIII. ABBADEE. Engagement. Peace. Commerce...............18th Feb., 1839. MAIDEE. Engagement. Peace. Friendship.... .....7th May, 1849. ΙΧ. 4 IX. 7 IX. 7 IX. 9 IX. 10 ....18th Feb., 1839. IX. 5 MUSWADEE SUBEES. Engagement. Friendship. SHERZEBEE. Engagement. Friendship 10th March, 1839. IX. 6 SUBEES, SOUTHERN. Engagement. Friendship. Peace...20th Feb., 1839. IX. 5 1; 1065 IX. 6 18th Feb., 1839. IX. 5 Act of Government of India. Aden a Free Port No. 10, 1850. IX. 534 Acts of Parliament. Warrants. Postage .......1837-1856. See ARABIA, &c. Act of Parliament. Postage......................3 & 4 Vict., c. 96. 1840. V. 248 AFRICA. Act of Parlt. Slace Trade Offences ...... Ytsanda, 20th September, 1854. Χ. 36 (GENERALLY.) ...........59 Geo. 3, c. 97. 1819. Χ. 158 Repealed by Act 24 and 25 Vict. cap. 101. AFRICA. (NORTH.) Warrant. Postage. Letters, &c. (Goree, Fernando Po)... 8th Sept,, 1852. IX. 55 Partially repealed by Warrant, 16th March, 1863. See also ALGIERS. LIBERIA, MEDITERRANEAN (postal). MOROCCO. TRIPOLI. BASUTOS. Treaty. Friendship, &c. October, 1843. ΙΧ. 22 CONGO, Treaty. Peace. Commerce, &c............... 5th December, 1836. IX. 73 CONGO. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce, &c. 30th Jan., 1845. IX. 90 Annulled by Proclamation, 17th December, 1847. FINGO. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce, &c. December, 1836. IX. 73 GAIKA. Treaty. Peace. Boundary. Commerce, &c....... 5th Dec., 1836, IX. 63 Annulled by Treaty, 22nd November, 1845. .........30th Jan., 1845. IX. 96 Annulled by Proclamation, 17th December, 1847. GAIKA. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce, &c. ... 21 Jan., 22 Nor., 1845. IX. 100 Annulled by Proclamation, 17th December, 1847. JOHANNA. See JOHANNA. KAFIR TRIBES. Proclamation, &c. Treaty of 18367th Dec., 1840. IX. 76 Annulled by Proclamation, 17th December, 1847. PHILLIPPOLIS GRIQUA. Treaty. Friendship, &c....... 5th October, 1843. IX. 80 BRITISH COLONIES, &c. :- Act of Parliament. Non-intercourse (St. Helena) 56 Geo. III. c. 23. 1816. Χ. 781 Repealed by Act 24 and 25 Vict. cap. 101. Vol. Page Circular. Revival. Intercourse (St. Helena)...............30th July, 1821. IV. 493 .....30th April, 1827. IV. 198. Repealed by Order in Council, (1) 24 April, 1847. ..................1st April, 1835. IV. 276 Repealed by Act 24 and 25 Vict. cap. 101. Repealed by Act 24 and 25 Vict. cap. 101. Act of Parlt. Offences. Vicinity of Cape.........6 & 7 W. 4. c. 57. 1836. IX. 121 Altered by Order in Council, 11th March, 1842. Order in Council. Customs (Cape) Revoked by Order in Council (1), 24th April, 1847. Revoked by Order in Council (1), 24th April, 1847. Act of Parlt. Government, Africa, &c..... 10th Aug., 1840. V. 598 ....... 8th May, 1841. VI. 467 ..........6 Vict. c. 13. 1843. VI. 489 Act of Parlt. Jurisdiction abroad.....................6 & 7 Vict. c. 94. 1843. VI. 500 Order in Council. Order in Council. Trade. Free W. Ports (Cape)...(2) 24th April, 1847. VIII. 238 Revoked by Order in Council, 1st March, 1849. .......27th June, 1848. VIII. 298 Free W. Ports (Cape.) Repeal ...1st March, 1849. VIII. 346 Free W. Ports (Cape). Order in Council. Legislature (Cape) ..........11th March, 1853. X. 234 Act of Parlt. Government. African Settlements, &c. 23 & 24 V. c. 121.1860. ΧΙ. 265 Act of Parliament. Offences POSTAL:- ....... 26 & 27 Vict. c. 35. 1863. XI. 904 Warrant. Postage. Letters. Cape of Good Hope, &c.......21st Feb., 1851. IX. 305 Repealed by Warrant, 22nd February, 1855. Warrant. Postage. Books, Votes, &c. (Cape) Repealed by Warrant, 21st July, 1857. Repealed by Warrant, 21st July, 1857. 22nd Feb., 1855. Χ. 291 .................12th May, 1856. Χ. 425 Warrant. Postage. Letters (Natal). Vol. Page 21st March, 1857. .. 20th April, 1857. Χ. 708 19th May, 1857. ΧΙ. 924 Partially repealed by Warrants, 16th and 17th March, 1863. Partially repealed by Warrants, 16th and 17th March, 1863. ......2nd Sept., 1857. XI. 701 16th Aug., 1858. ΧΙ. 932 Partially repealed by Warrants, 16th and 17th March, 1863. Warrant. Postage. Letters (St. Helena) Partially repealed by Warrants, l6th and 17th March, 1863. Partially repealed by Warrant, 16th March, 1863. Warrant. Postage. Letters (Natal). ....7th February, 1860. XI. 27 Repealed by Warrant, 16th March, 1863. AFRICA. (WEST.) NATIONS AND CHIEFS :- ABBEOKUTA. Agreement. Slave Trade. Human Sacrifices. 7th Nov., 1861. ΧΙ. 42 ACQUA. See CAMEROONS. ADAFFIE. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce ......... 29th January, 1852. IX. 13 ......24th November, 1860. XI. 30 AMBRIZ. Treaty. Commerce, &o..................... Ambriz, 15th Dec., 1849. IX. 14 AMBRIZETTE. Treaty. Slave Trade. ANTONIO LAHOU. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce ...17th September, 1855. Χ. 27 BADAGRY. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce...........18th March, 1852. IX. 14 BADAGRY. Treaty. Commerce ....19th June, 1861. XI. 39 BAGROO. BALY. See SHERBRO, &c. ......... 8th November, 1860. XI. 29 BATANGA. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce ............5th July, 1847. VIII. 17 ..... 4th April, 1851. IX. 14 BENTO (BRASS) RIVER. Agreement. Commerce, &c. ......17th Nov., 1856. Χ. 691 28th May, 1845. VII. 67 BIMBIA. Treaty. Slave Trade. Commerce ... 17th Feb., 1844. VII. 54 BIMBIA. Acts. Ratification &c. of do... Bimbia, 24th Feb., 1846. VII. 55, 56 |