Imatges de pàgina

they might fall on the Macdonalds unawares, and slay them all, men, women, and children. The season was winter, and the Master of Stair reckoned on its help to finish his work, if peradventure any of his prey should escape to the wood or the thicket. The plot was laid with devilish cunning.

Lieutenant-Colonel Hamilton, second in command to Colonel Hill, of Fort William, was selected as the military executioner. Hill was reckoned too humane, too squeamish, to undertake such a business, and he was simply ordered to place a strong detachment under his junior's command. "Better not meddle with them than meddle to no purpose. When the thing is resolved, let it be secret and sudden." These were the secretary's instructions to Hamilton, whose brain readily thought of a method for strictly obeying them.

A hundred and twenty men were chosen from a regiment lately raised by the Earl of Argyll, and therefore for clan reasons deadly opposed to the Macdonalds; they were put under the command of a Captain Campbell, commonly called Glenlyon, whose niece was married to the second son of Mac Ian, and were marched on the 1st of February, 1692, to Glencoe. The fears of the clansmen were allayed by the king's officers, who assured them they came but as friends, and that all they wanted were food and quarters. These were accorded cheerfully, the men were distributed through the community, the officers were lodged with the chief's kinsman; Highland hospitality was largely extended to men who came as travellers and friends, and Mac Ian little thought the advent of his guests was in any way connected with his tardy journey to Inverary. Indeed, he supposed, and reasonably, that his fault was condoned, and if he speculated at all upon the object of the soldiers' march through his territory, he certainly did not think that he was the aim and object of it.

All went happily for nearly a fortnight, Glenlyon and Lindsay were treated like members of Mac Ian's own family, and there was no hint in the conduct of the officers of the danger that was threatening their hosts. Yet all the while Glenlyon was secretly informing Hamilton of what he saw, and receiving his instructions in return. Those instructions, the final instructions, were to begin operations at 8 a.m. on the 13th of February, and to kill every Macdonald in Glencoe under the age of seventy. Hamilton intended to come with 400 men for the purpose of cutting off fugitives, but in any case Glenlyon was to fall on at the time and date agreed.

There was not any suspicion of guests who were eating and drinking at the clansmen's tables, sleeping in their huts, and interchanging the offices of friendship with them, until a few hours before the massacre began, and then the suspicions of John Macdonald, son of Mac Ian, were allayed as soon as aroused by the assurances of Lindsay, that they were only about to march against the Glengarry men, who had been giving some trouble. Sharp at five o'clock, Glenlyon began the work by shooting his host and family, and then the fiendish slaughter went on all through Glencoe. Mac Ian was shot through the head, his wife was so maltreated that she died next day, and the chief's sons had a hairbreadth escape, having only time to fly ere the human bloodhounds could come upon them. The rattle of musketry mingled grimly with the groans of the dying and the shrieks of the wounded, and the red glare of the burning houses for the soldiers set fire to the dwellings which had sheltered them-lighted the way to the destruction which was meant to be universal. But Hamilton was delayed on the road, and did not appear in time; Glenlyon's men bungled at their bloody work, and the result was that at least half of the people escaped. When Hamilton came he found the work unfinished, and though he committed a few more cold-blooded murders by way of wreaking vengeance, he was unable to follow the bulk of the fugitives into the fastnesses which were known only to them. When he had gone the ruined remnant of the Macdonalds came back, only to find their houses a heap of ashes, the bodies of their murdered kindred unburied, and all the flocks of the clan driven away as plunder.

It was a long time before the truth leaked out. The perpetrators of the massacre kept the thing quiet, and the surviving sufferers by it were not in a position to make themselves heard. Ramour, then revelations by men in their cups, then the complaint of Mac Ian's sons, gradually brought the affair at Glencoe into prominence. The story was disbelieved at first, as being simply impossible; but fresh facts continued to present them

selves till the mass of evidence became enormous, and there was a cry all over Scotland for an inquiry into the circumstances attendant on the slaughter of the Macdonalds of Glencoe. Tho Scottish Parliament took the matter in hand, and King William was at length obliged, for the honour of his Government, to order an inquiry by a commission.

The result of the inquiry was to fix the entire guilt of the massacre upon the Master of Stair, whose letters and papers of instructions were produced. The subordinates, Hamilton, Glenlyon, Lindsay, and some more, were voted by the Parliament to be murderers, and they fled for their lives before the request of the Estates that they might be prosecuted for their crimes. For the Master of Stair, the Estates left him to the judgment of the king, his master, whom they voted to have had no knowledge of what the Master intended, and whose letter to the commander of the troops they declared was not capable of the interpretation put upon it by the secretary. The king simply dismissed the Master of Stair from his posts, and refused to prosecute him for the murder; and finding that so many persons were implicated in the affair, and that it would be inconvenient to prosecute them all, while he could not punish a few only where all were guilty, proclaimed soon afterwards a general amnesty. For the actual participators in the massacre of Glencoe, the only punishment that was inflicted upon them was that described by Macaulay, the punishment "which made Cain cry out that it was greater than he could bear; to be vagabonds on the face of the earth, and to carry wherever they went a mark from which even bad men should turn away sick with horror."



THE game of Croquet is a very recent introduction into the list of our popular pastimes; but the number of persons of both sexes with whom it is a favourite amusement is now so large, and so rapidly increasing, that we give it a prominent place in this series of papers. It is true it is not every one who has access at all times to a private croquet ground; but many of our public places of recreation are now provided with accommodation for the game, and, as it becomes more widely known, additional facilities will no doubt spring up for its practice.

Before describing it, we will give a short account of the history of the game. Although new in its modern features, it is little more than an old game revived, after it had been almost forgotten. Most of our readers either know or have heard of the neighbourhood of Pall Mall, in St. James's Park, and are perhaps aware that the long avenue in front of Buckingham Palace is called "The Mall." These names are derived from a pastime which was frequently played here after the Restoration, and, there seems reason to believe, was introduced from France when King Charles II. returned from his exile in that country. It is certain that the same game had long been known in France, where it was termed the jeu de mail, and the following account of it is given in a modern book of French sports and pastimes :"This game, which is said to have been played by the Gauls, our ancestors, was so generally played in former years, that the greater portion of the promenades adjoining many of our towns consisted of a long avenue, termed the mail, because it was set apart for the jeu de mail. To this day it is still as much in vogue as ever in some of the towns in the centre of France, and in Montpellier it has never ceased to be a favourite amusement with all classes and all ages. The instrument termed the mail consists of a club of strong wood, made in the form of a cylinder, furnished at the two extremities with a tip or ferule of iron, and in the middle of which is firmly fixed a handle, about a yard long, not too stiff nor too pliant, but proportioned to the weight of the cylinder. The ball, which is struck with the club, is made of Boxwood, very dry and firm."

Here we have a description of the same implements as those that were used in the English game of Pall-mall, as appears from the recent discovery of a set, concerning which the following account is given in Mr. Timbs's "Curiosities of London:"

"In 1854 were found in the house No. 68, Pall Mall, a box containing four pairs of the matles, or mallets, and such as were formerly used for playing the game in the Mall of St. James's Park. Each maile is

and is made of lancewood; the head is slightly curved, and measures outwardly five and a half inches, the inner curve being four and a half inches. The diameter of the maile-ends is two and a half inches, each shod with a thin iron hoop: the handle, which is very elastic, is bound with white leather to the breadth of two hands, and terminated with a collar of jagged leather. The ball is of boxwood, two and a half inches in diameter. A pair of mailes and a ball have been presented to the British Museum."

These mallets are almost the same in construction as those used in the game of Croquet, while the ball also is similar,



half inches in diameter, perfectly round, and each painted of a different colour, so that each player may know his own. The mallets for striking the balls should bear a proper proportion to the size and weight of the latter. They are usually made in one or other of the forms shown in the annexed engraving, although more fanciful ones have been devised, and are occasionally seen in use. The handles should be made of ash wood, about two feet nine inches long, and thinner in the centre than at the two ends, which allows a spring in the stroke. In the thickest part, which is grasped by the hand, they should be about an inch in diameter, and taper to five-eighths of an inch in the middle. The heads of the mallets should be of box-wood, their greatest diameter two and a half inches, and their length about four and a half inches. The pegs for a single set of implements are two in number, one being driven in at each end of the ground. They are about two feet in length, an inch and a quarter in diameter at the top, and brought to a point at the bottom, so as to be readily driven into the earth. They are usually painted with rings of colour, which show the order of players -blue first, then pink, black, yellow, brown, orange, green, and red.


although smaller in size. The English game of Pall-mall, although no detailed description of it is extant, no doubt so far resembled that of Croquet, that the object of it was to propel the ball along the ground from one fixed point to another. whereas in Croquet the ball is struck through a series of iron hoops, there is no evidence that such appliances were used in the game played by King Charles and his court, nor, it will be seen by the foregoing extract, was any hoop found with the other instruments of the game. So far there would appear to be a difference in the two games; but, on the other hand, it is a well-known fact that in some districts of France the jeu de mail has long been played through a series of hoops, and it is quite possible that they were also used occasionally when the game was brought to England. If so, the identity of the game of Pall-mall with that of Croquet is no unreasonable assumption. At any rate, the occasional use of hoops in the jeu de mail in France is sufficient to prove that Croquet has no title whatever to be considered a modern invention.

We have gone into this matter, as questions are frequently asked concerning it, and surprise has sometimes been expressed that so attractive a pastime was not devised until within the last few years.

The great charm and attraction of Croquet, and the great secret of its popularity, lie in the fact





6 Q-9





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The hoops are either eight or ten in number, according to the arrangement adopted in laying out the ground. They are made of round iron-wire, arched in form, and each leg about fifteen inches long from the crown of the arch. Being driven about two inches into the ground, they should stand thirteen inches high when fixed, the span of the arch being about nine inches. Flat-topped hoops are occasionally employed, but are not recommended. If the hoops are painted white, they are more easily distinguished.

The arrangement of the hoops in laying out the croquet ground is varied according to the size of the ground, or the preference of those who may use it; but the plan shown in Fig. 2 is that most commonly adopted, and it forms the basis for all other arrangements. The relative distances here given are suited to a ground where space is limited.

The arrow lines show the direc tion in which the balls are played, and the figures indicate the order in which the hoops are taken in playing the game. Thus, commencing at a short distance on either side of the starting peg, each player aims to drive the ball with his mallet through hoop No. 1, and so on through each in order until he passes No. 7. Then he has to hit the turning peg with

that it stands alone as a game in which persons of both sexes can join in the open air, and find both health and recreation together. Occupying this position, it is likely that the popularity of Croquet will increase rather than diminish. We see no reason why a croquet ground should not be formed on many a village green, or why the game should not have, like cricket, its allotted space in our public parks. In this way it might soon be found taking the place of more objectionable | his ball, and to return through hoop No. 7 (which thus practically



nd add another source of health and happiness to

to a description of the game, and the appaplaying it. The implements required are and pegs.

ibe of box or beech-wood, about three and a

becomes No. 8 also), and along the other side of the ground, taking all the other hoops in downward succession, until he repasses No. 1; he has then to strike the starting peg with his ball, and this completes the game.

A more detailed description of the game, with a code of rules to be observed in playing it, we must reserve for another paper.

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The gas cannot be collected over cold water unless with much loss, for 100 cubic inches of water at 13° Cent. absorb 77 of the gas. However, if the water be hot, a very small quantity is retained, hence the gas must be collected over hot water or mercury, upon which metal it has no action.

Properties.-The gas is colourless and without smell, but possesses a sweetish taste.

When subjected to a pressure of about 30 atmospheres at the temperature of 0° Cent., by a process which will be described in a succeeding lesson, the gas becomes a clear liquid. The same phenomenon is exhibited if the gas be cooled down to -88 Cent., that is to say, liquid nitrous oxide boils at -88°, or the vapour of that liquid (that, is nitrous oxide gas) has a tension equal to one atmosphere at the temperature of -88° Cent.; and as it requires a pressure of 30 atmospheres at 0° Cent. to liquefy it, we say that at 0° Cent. the gas has a tension of 30 atmospheres. When liquid nitrous oxide is mixed with bisulphide of carbon, and caused rapidly to evaporate under the exhausted receiver of an air-pump, the greatest known degree of cold is

reached, -140° Cent.

When a body in a state of ignition is plunged into this gas, the gas is decomposed into nitrogen and oxygen, this latter causing the body to burn with the same brilliance as if it were in pure oxygen. With sulphur the process is somewhat peculiar: if the sulphur be only ignited feebly, the flame will be extinguished, showing that there is some effort required to determine the decomposition of the gas; therefore the sulphur must be in a state of thorough ignition.

The resulting compounds are exactly those in the cases alluded to in the chapter on oxygen.

If the experiment of burning phosphorus in this gas be arranged as in Fig. 34-that is, a jar of the gas over water, the stopper of the jar being rapidly removed, and in its place a cork fitted, through which is passed a "deflagrating spoon," in which is a piece of ignited phosphorus-it will be observed that the water in the jar will have no tendency to rise; whereas if the gas had been oxygen instead of nitrous oxide, as the phosphorus consumed the oxygen, of course the water would rise to fill the place of the gas. The explanation of this fact is, that in nitrous oxide there is as large a volume of nitrogen as of the compound gas, that is, in two volumes of the gas there are two volumes of nitrogen and one volume of oxygen, these three volumes being condensed into two. The combination of gases by volume offers no difficulty if the student remember that simple gases are reckoned as one and compound gases as two volumes. To illustrate this statement

Fig. 34.

5N,O+2PP,0, + 10N =

represents the process which takes place when phosphorus is burnt in nitrous oxide. The P,O, (phosphoric acid), which is formed, being a solid, does not enter into our calculations of the volumes of the gases; but it will be observed that there are five atoms of a compound gas (NO), and on the other side of the equation ten atoms of the simple gas N: hence, according to the above statement, if we reckon the compound gas as two volumes, we shall have ten volumes of N,O, and after the combustion has taken place we shall still have an equal quantity (ten volumes) of gas left-namely, ten volumes of the simple gas N, which is verified by the experiment.


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There is a more delicate method of demonstrating the composition of nitrous oxide. The bent tube in

Fig. 35 is filled with mercury, a small piece of potas

Fig. 35.

sium having been introduced into the bent part by an iron wire; the tube is inverted into a capsule of mercury, and nitrous oxide end of the tube beneath the mercury being covered by the finger gas passed into it. Heat is then applied to the potassium, the to prevent the escape of the gas when combustion takes place. The potassium takes the oxygen from the gas, forming potash, and the nitrogen is left. After the combustion is perfected, the finger may be removed, and it will be found that the mercury stands at the same point in the tube, thus proving that although the oxygen has been abstracted from the gas, yet it retains its original volume.

which it takes the name of "laughing gas," remains to be The most remarkable property of nitrous oxide, and from mentioned. It may be inhaled from an india-rubber bag. Place the tube from the bag in the mouth, close the nostrils, and breathe the gas in the bag. After about 2 minutes a pleasurable sensation will be experienced, which expresses itself in uncontrolled fits of laughter, or it may be exhibited in muscular There is little or no danger in this experiment to the great exertion, which, if the subject be strong, amounts to "dangerous." majority of persons; but where the heart is diseased, or in persons of full habit, it had better not be attempted.

Nitric oxide (NO, NO; combining weight, 30; density, 15).As the termination ic will indicate, this gas contains more oxygen than nitrous oxide. It is easily obtained by acting on copper with nitric acid diluted with 2 times its volume of water. The action is thus expressed :

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3Cu+8HNO, = 3(Cu2NO,) + 4H,O + N,O,. The flask will be found full of red fumes, for nitric oxide combines at once with oxygen to form nitric tetroxide, which is a deepcoloured gas. This action is an infallible test for the presence of nitric oxide.

The gas may be collected in the usual way over water, and it will be found to be colourless. It is less ready to support combustion than nitrous oxide, seeing that it requires a greater heat to decompose it, so that its oxygen may take part in the combustion.

Phosphorus, when immersed in this gas, must be very. thoroughly ignited, or it will be extinguished.

Pelouze suggests the following manner for procuring this gas perfectly pure :

Digest hydrochloric acid with iron filings till it will dissolve no more; decant that is, pour off-the clear liquid, and add to it and add potassium nitrate (saltpetre), and the nitric oxide begins its own bulk of hydrochloric acid. Place the liquid in a retort, to come off in large quantities.

of nitric oxide. If the formula be N,O,, it will be evident that The composition of the gas may be determined as in the case we must have as much nitrogen left after the combustion as there was nitric oxide before. Thus:

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account: hence two volumes of N,0,= two volumes of nitrogen; but this is found not to be the case, for upon removing the finger, the mercury rises in the bent tube exactly one-half the winne occupied by the gas. Therefore the formula for nitric al must be NO, and not NO, :—


2 =1+;

The gas must either be collected over mercury or by displacement, as in the case of hydrogen (Fig. 23), as it is one-half as light as air. Its specific gravity is 0·59, and it possesses the well-known pungent odour of "smelling salts."

When breathed it has a violent irritating power on the pulmonary passages. It is a powerful base, neutralises the strongest acids, and returns the colour to litmus paper reddened

that is, the volume of nitrogen is one-half that of the nitric by an acid. erle, which agrees with the result of the experiment.

This gas has not yet been liquified.

Nitric trioxide, or nitrous acid (N,O,; combining weight, 76; density, 38). This gas is noted for its deep-red colour. The most ready method of preparing it is by heating in a capacious retort 1 part of starch with 8 of nitric acid. The gas liberated is almost pure N ̧ ̧.

It forms compounds called nitrites. A very minute trace of any nitrite may be detected by mixing a dilute solution of potassium iodido with starch and a little dilute hydrochloric acid. Render the liquid to be tested also acid with hydrochloric acid; then mix the two liquids; if any nitrite be present, the liquid will become blue. These salts may frequently be detected in the well-water of towns.

When this gas is reduced to a temperature of -18° Cent., the red fumes become a dark-blue liquid. When added to water, it is at once decomposed into nitric oxide and nitric acid, thus:3N,0, + H,0=2HNO, + 4NO.

Nitric tetroxide, or nitric peroxide (NO,; combining weight, 46; density, 23). The reddish-brown fumes which appear when nitric oxide meets with oxygen are chiefly of this substance.

It is best prepared by heating lead nitrate in a small glass retort. The fumes which are given off are a mixture of peroxide of nitrogen and free oxygen; if they are conducted through a bent tube which is surrounded by ice and salt, the peroxide becomes condensed into a liquid. The reaction is thus expressed:

2(Pb2NO3)2 PbO+4NO, + 0,.

The red fumes are very suffocating, but will support the comstion of a taper immersed in them. This compound may be distinguished from the former, nitrous acid, by its power of imparting to a neutral solution of potassium sulpho-cyanide, a ad tint; an excess of the peroxide, however, renders the liquid again colourless.

The compounds of nitrogen and hydrogen are:-


Ammonia Ammonium


Amidogen (NH) is not known to exist in a separate state, but it is believed to exist as a constituent of numerous compounds which chiefly belong to organic chemistry, and are termed amides. Ammonia (NH,; combining weight, 17; density, 8.5). This compound receives its name from the fact that it was first prepared from the dung of the camels which the Arabs collected at the temple of Jupiter Ammon, the halting-place before the journey of the desert of Libya was undertaken.

Nitrogen and hydrogen do not combine directly with each other, but it seems whenever they are liberated together by the decomposition of any compound containing them, they unite to form ammonia, and it appears frequently to be found when hydrogen, in its nascent state-that is, just liberated from its combination-meets with nitrogen of the air. Thus, if iron filings be moistened and exposed to the air they become oxidised, partly at the expense of the oxygen of the water; and the hydrogen as it is liberated forms, with the nitrogen, ammonia, which is found in the compound.

This is also exhibited when tin, zinc, iren, and some other metals are acted on by dilute nitric acid, thus:

STINO + 4Zn = 4(Zn2NO,) + 3H2O + NH,.

hich contain nitrogen when distilled in ammonia. Formerly this method was tion from horn clippings, hence its name it is now got from the refuse products in the manufacture of gas-the ammoworks.


It is very soluble in water. That liquid at 0° Cent. and 760 mm. pressure is capable of absorbing 1149 times its volume. If a jar of the gas be held with its mouth downwards to the surface of water, the water will rush into the jar as into a vacuum, unless the glass be strong the jar will probably break. When water containing ammonia is heated, the gas is given off, so that at 20° Cent. only half the quantity of gas is retained which the water possessed at 0° Cent.

When submitted to a pressure of 7 atmospheres at the ordinary temperature of the air, the gas becomes a liquid, which boils at 38.5° Cent., and freezes into a transparent solid at -175° Cent.

This fact has been advantageously applied by M. Carré to freeze water. A saturated solution of ammonia is placed in a strong iron vessel, which is connected by a pipe with a "receiver," which is a cavity in the thick wall of a cylindrical vessel. When heat is applied to the liquor ammonia, the gas is given off in large quantities; but not being able to escape, it finds itself under great pressure, and begins to condense into a liquid in the receiver. The interior of the cylindrical vessel is filled with water, the heat is now removed from the other vessel, pouring cold water over it. But this renders the water it contains and the temperature of the water it contains is reduced by capable of absorbing the gas again, and therefore the liquefied gas in the "receiver" begins to evaporate rapidly; this, however, it cannot do, without absorbing a large quantity of latent heat, and hence the water which the "receiver" surrounds freezes.

Ammonium (symbol NH).-Place a globule of mercury in a cavity in a piece of sal-ammoniac, and moisten it with liquor ammonia; then if the positive wire of a battery be attached to the salt, and the mercury be touched with the negative, the globule will swell and assume all the appearance of an amalgam. When the current is suspended, the mercury returns to its ordinary state, giving off ammonia and hydrogen.

There is only one way of accounting for this, namely, that sal-ammoniac is a chloride of a metal (NH,Cl), and that in the ordinary way electrolysis took place-the metal combining with the mercury formed an amalgam. But this compound only having permanence under the influence of the current, decomposes when the current is interrupted.

Saturate the solution supposed to contain ammonia with potash, Nessler's test discovers the most minute quantity of ammonia. then add potassic iodide saturated with mercuric iodide. If any ammonia be present, a "brick-dust" precipitate will appear.

through a red-hot porcelain tube, or by passing a series of electric The composition of ammonia is discovered by leading the gas sparks. Either of these methods resolves the compo and into its components, which are found to occupy double the volume of the gas, as might be expected from this equation, which has been previously alluded to :

NH.=N+3H 2 = 1 + 3;

that is, two volumes of NH, become, when decomposed, four volumes of the mixed gases.


THE THIRD DECLENSION (continued), THERE is yet another class in the subdivision of nouns whose nominatives append s to the stem (see page 258), of which the stem ends in v or VT. As examples, take ǹ pis, pw-os, the nose; deλois, deλow-os, a dolphin; dyryas, yiyart-os, a giant; & odous, odovT-os, a tooth (Latin, dens, English, dentist). Singular. δελφις.

it may be prepared by gently heating wek-lime (oxide of calcium), made into a paste al-ammoniae, which is ammonium chloride. CaO+2NH,C1 = CaCl, + H,O+2NH,.

Nom. ῥις. Gen. piv-os.



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1. We have ivory. 2. Ivory is produced (γιγνομαι) in districts of Africa. 3. The rays of the sun delight the shepherds. 4. The brothers and the sisters are delighted by the rays of the sun. 5. The sister is lovely. 6. We admire fine ivory. 7. Many elephants are in Africa. 8. The business of the teeth is to masticate the food. 9. It is the duty of every man to worship the divinity. 10. To the gods there once was (in idiomatic English, the gods once carried on a war against (προς) the giants.

According to οδουs are formed words compounded with οδους, as ὁ, ἡ μονόδους (gen. μονόδοντος), having one tooth; according to γιγας, adjectives in -as, (gen. -αντος), as ὁ, ἡ ακαμας, unsub dued, unwearied.



Ι pass on to this second great division of nouns (for the first great division the learner must refer to page 195); and here, first, I must take up substantives which end in -eus, -as, and -οῦς. The stem of these ends in v. The v remains at the end of the word and before consonants, but disappears in the middle between vowels. Nouns in -eus have in the accusative singular -a, and in the accusative plural -as; take in the genitive singular what is called the Attic form in -ws, instead of -os; and in the dative singular, as well as in the nominative plural, admit contraction, which, however, is commonly not found in the accusative plural. If a vowel precedes -eus, the whole singular and plural is contracted, as in χους. Nouns in -αὓς and -oûs take the contraction only in the accusative plural. The words about to be declined are ὁ βασιλευς, a king; ὁ χοευς, a measure of liquid (about a gallon); δ, ἡ βοῦς, a bull or cow, an ox (Latin, bos, bovis); and ʼn ypaûs, an old woman.



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Xo(ew)ws.* Bo-os.



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ἡ λειφθείσα, λειφθείσης,

το λειφθεν.


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Gen. βασιλεων.

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βασιλεῦσι. χοεῦσι. Acc. βασιλείας. χο(εα)ᾶς. Voc. βασιλεῖς. χοεῖς.

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λειφθέντα. λειφθεντα.

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talk, chatter. andalso, both. Νομεύς, -εως, δ, α Τηλεμαχος, -ου, ὁ, shepherd. Νομη, ης, ή, a pasture man- | Εικαζω (dat.), I liken | Οδυσσεύς, -εως, to, compare with. Ulysses.

Βρώμα, ατος, το, Λεαίνω, Ι make Φιλανθρωπος, smooth, polish, loving, philanΈλεφας, αντος, δ, masticate. thropic. elephant, Λιβύη, ης, ή, Lybia, Χωρα, -ας, ἡ, country, district.

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1. Ου πασιν ανθρωποις δ' αυτος νοῦς εστιν. 2. Τοις οδουσι τα βρώματα λεαινομεν. 3. Οἱ δελφίνες φιλανθρωποι εισιν. 4. Εστιν * ανδρος αγαθου παντα κακα ανδρειως φερειν. 5. Πολλαι Λιβυης χώρας εύποροι εισιν ελεφαντος. 6. Παντες κωτίλον ανθρωπον Εχθαίρουσιν. 7. Τοις γιγάσι ποτε ην μαχη προς τους θεους. 8. Ταις του ήλιου ακτίσι χαιρομεν. 9. Ρινων έργον εστιν οσφραινεσθαι.

• The verb εστι with a genitive, as here, signifes it is the duty of," "it is becoming in."



Φονεύω, I put to death, kill, mur



2. Η αγελη

1. Οἱ βασιλεῖς επιμέλειαν έχουσι των πολιτῶν. τῷ νομεῖ ἑπεται. 3. Έκτωρ ὑπ' Αχιλλέως φονεύεται. 4. Of ἱερεις τοις θεοῖς βοῦς θύουσιν. 5. Κυρος παῖς ην αγαθων γονέων. 6. Οἱ αχαριστοι τους γονέας ατιμαζουσιν. 7. Πειθου, ω παι, τοις γονεῦσιν. 8. Τηλεμαχος ην Οδυσσεως υἱος. 9. Βουλου τους γονέας προ παντος εν τιμαις έχειν. 10. Οἱ των γραῶν ληροι τα ώτα τείρουσιν. 11. Καλως αρχεις, ω βασιλεῦ. 12. Αἱ γρλες πολυλογοι εισιν. 13. Οἱ νομεῖς την βοῶν αγελην εις νομην αγουσι. 14. Όμηρος τους Ήρας οφθαλμους τοις των βοῶν εικαζει. 15.

* That is, xoews is contracted into xows, xoea into xo χοῶν, and χρeas into χρᾶς.



γράτε. γρα-οῖν.

Αρχω(gen.),I govern. Ατιμαζω, Ι honour not, dishonour, despise.


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