Imatges de pàgina

was directed in Council to be passed to the Credit of the same, by said Michael Hillegas.

100,000 Dollars.

An order on Michael Hillegas, Esq., in favour of John M. Nesbit, Esq., for thirty thousand Dollars, passed the Council.

30,000 Dollars.

An account in favour of Jeremiah Baker, for One hundred & thirty-nine Pounds, twelve shillings & Eleven pence, for Wood for the Barracks, certified by Lewis Nicholeau, passed.

£139 12 11.

An account for ten Rifles & eight smooth Bores, of fifty-two Pounds, to be charged to Col. Timothy Green's Account, passed. £52.

An Account of Guns & repairing, of thirty-five Pounds ten Shil. lings & Six pence, passed, viz: Two Guns Valued nine pounds ten Shillings, to be charged to Col. Calender's account, Cumberland County, Col. Montgomery's account, five guns valued at Sixteen. Pounds Ten Shillings, the rest in repairs, charged to the State. £35 10 6.

In Council of Safety, Oct'r 2d, 1776-Three O'Clock, afternoon.

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An Account passed of Vandel Burdesway, of three Pounds, for bringing down Capt. Pawling's Company, to be charged to Congress.


An Account of Eight Guns rec'd by Robert Towers, amounting to Sixty-six Pounds.


An Account of thirteen Blankets delivered to Clement Biddle, Esq., at Camp, delivered by Abraham Laitcher, Major in Col. Green's Battalion, Lancaster County, amounting to fourteen Pounds Eight shillings, passed, to be charged to Congress.

£14 8.

New Commissions were given out to the Captains of the Galleys, & they were qualified to execute their Trust faithfully, &c., which qualifications they signed.

Adjourned to 8 O'Clock to-morrow Morning.

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Mr. Nesbitt was directed to pay Emanuel Woodbeɣ, £4 5 0, for 17 days Boat Hire.

An order was drawn on Mr. Nesbitt in favour of Major Lewis Nicola, £100, to be charged to his acco't.

An order was drawn on Mrs Nesbitt in fav'r of Mr. James Dundass, One Hundred pounds, on acco't of the Fortification at Billingsport. An order was drawn on Mr. Nesbitt in favour of Mr. John Sparhawk, for £2 3 6.

An order was drawn on Mr. Nesbitt in fav'r of Col. Nicholas Housaher, 1000 Dollars, to be charged to the Col. for the use of the German Battalion.

The following Commissions were granted this day, agreeable to the Resolves of Congress, Viz't:

"For the Privateer Sloop Congress, Wm. Greenway, Commander, of the Burthen of 40 Tons, mounting Six Carriage Guns Navigated by Forty Men, owned by John Bayard, Jos. Dean & co.; Privateer Brig, General Lee, John Chatham, Commander, Burthen abo't 100 Tons, Mounting 12 Carriage Guns, Navigated by Ninety Men, owned by John Bayard, Alex'r Henderson, & co.'

The Council adjourned to 3 o'Clock afternoon; When the following Members Met:

John Bayard,
Francis Gurney,

Jos. Blewer,

Fred. Kuhl,

Sam'l C. Morris.

Mr. Nesbitt was directed to pay Henry Fraley £4 15 0, or a Riffle delivered to Col. Matlack, to be charged to the Col.

Mr. Nesbitt to pay Sacheveral Wood £46 12 5, for dieting Pris oners in the State Prison in this City, to be charged to Congress.

Mr. Nesbitt to pay Mr. Rob't Towers' acco't, for making Cartridges, & Men's wages, &ea, £42 1 6.

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Mr. Nesbitt was directed to pay Thomas Hemphill for Tow Linen delivered Lewis Nicola for Bed Cases for Barracks, £28 19 4.

Col. William Cook & Major James Crawford, & Capt. Peter Withington, Officers appointed for the Twelfth Battalion of Regulars to be raised in this State for the Continental service, took the Qualification directed by Convention, & delivered their Commissions, signed by the President of Congress.

Mr. Nesbitt was directed to pay Wm. James of £2 0 8, for 6 Kettles, to be charged to Col. Thos. Hockley.

Mr. Nesbitt was directed to pay Thos. & Isaac Heston, for Painting, &ca., on board the armed Boats, £6 11 0.

Lawrence Fagan for Boarding Major Rogers £5 6 1, to be Charged to Congress.

Resolved, That Mr. William Evans be desir'd to purchase all the Coarse Cloths, Blankets & Stockings in Chester County, for the use of y State, and draw on this Board for the Cost.

Resolved, That the Ship Montgomery, belonging to this State, be brought up & exchange her present cannon (18 pounders) and take Sixteen Twelve pounders, and that Capt. Blewer & Capt. Gurney be directed to procure proper Carriages for said 12 Pounders, and attend Particularly to their being fitted and put on board said Ship.

Mr. Nesbitt to pay Lewis Grant £4 00, for a set of Copper Powder Measures, &ca., sent to Camp in New Jersey.

An order was drawn on Mr. Nesbitt in favour of Col. Wm. Cook, for 1000 Dollars, on acco't of Recruiting the 12 Battalions of Regulars in the Continental service, to be charged to the Col.

An order was drawn on Mr. Nesbitt in favour of Sam'l Wheeler for £100, on acco't of Work done for this State, to be charged to his acco't.

Resolved, That Nicholas Miller & Hawkins Boon be appointed Captains, & Thomas Branden first Lieutenant, Robert King, Second Lieutenant, & Hannaniah Lincoln, first Lieutenant, and James Williamson Second Lieutenant, (Withington's Co.) in the Twelfth Battalion of Foot to be raised in this State for the Continental service, & their Commissions delivered.

Mr. Robert Towers was directed to deliver Rich'd Peters, Esq'r, Secretary at Warr, 100 Cannon Shot for 22 pounders, & Sheet

Lead sufficient for aprons for 20 Cannon, to be charged to Congress.

The Council being informed that an Election had been held in Chester County on the first Instant, in direct Violation of the Declaration of Convention, hearing that Nath'l Vernon, sheriff of said County, was in Town, ordered him to appear before this Board, deliver up the returns he brought with him.

The Minutes of Yesterday afternoon being read, (at which time a Quorum did not meet,) this Board do hereby Confirm the Proceedings of the Members then present.

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Josiah Wood's acco't for 150 Pikes delivered to Mr. Towers, amo't £45 10 0, passed the Board, & Mr. Nesbitt directed to pay.

Mr. Nesbitt was directed to pay Mrs. Connelly £7 10 0, for 6 Weeks' board to 1st October Instant, @ 25s Week, agreeable

to direction of Congress.

Mr. Towers was directed to deliver Major Proctor 26 Blankets, for the use of the Artillery.

Resolved, That the two Companies of Artillery under the Command of Major Thomas Proctor, be Officered with One Captain & three Lieutenants for the present; & that the following Gentlemen be and are hereby appointed officers in said Companies, vizt:

First Company.

John Martin Strohbogh, Captain.
Worsley Emes, 1st Lieutenant.

Charles Turnbull, 2nd Lieut.

William Ferguson, 3rd Lieut.

Second Company.

Thomas Forrest, Captain.
Herculus Courtney, 1 Lieut.

Francis Proctor, 2nd Lieut.

Patrick Duffy, 3rd Lieut.

Mr. Nesbitt was directed to pay Christian Schaider £39 0 0, for 13 Guns Delivered Mr. Towers.

A Commission granted for Wm. Connell, Comman'r of Schooner Gen'l Thomson, 6 Carriage Guns, 12 Men, 40 Tons, Own'd by Edmund Beach & Co.

Resolved, That the three Pennsylvania Battalions now in the Continental Service at New York, be arranged as follows: two of them to be on the new Continental Establishment, and to serve during the War, the other to be retained in the Service of this State until the first of January, 1778, unless sooner discharged, and to consist of ten Companies of one hundred men each, Officers included; The privates of the three Battalions to continue in Service of this State; The Officers, according to seniority, to have the Choice of entering into either; The two Battalions to be recruited to their full Compliment of men as speedily as possible. Nothing in this resolve to affect the rank of the Officers who are prisoners with Gen'l Howe.


"The Council of Safety having entr'd into the enclosed Arrangement of the three Battalions belonging to this State, are desirous of having a return of the officers who choose to enter into the Continental Service on the new Establishment, that the Council may give them such rank as they conceive them entitled to. They mean to order & retain at home the Troops which are to continue in the Service of the State, as soon as the Condition of the Continental Army will admit of it; as they are hereafter, by the said arrangement, to keep twelve compleat Battalions in the continental Service. Colonel Broadhead is therefore requested to consult the officers as speedily as possible on the Subject, & make return to the Council of such as are desirous to enter into the Continental Service, and who are willing to continue in the Service of the State, that they may proceed in the affair, as it is of immediate necessity & very great Importance.


A letter was wrote to General McKinley, at Wilmington, New Castle County, requesting him to purchase all the Coarse Cloths, Blankets, & Stockings he can procure, for the use of the Troops of the State, & his draught shall be answered.

Resolved, That a Detachment be made from the Artillery Companies of the State, of 50 men, to be sent to Fort Montgomery, under the command of Capt. Strohbogh, Subject to the direction of the Commander-in-Chief, and that two of the Commissioned Officers in his Company, and Lieutenant Proctor, of Capt, Forrest's comp'y, proceed with the said Detachment, (that they may have an opportunity of seeing Service,) to be relieved at such time as the board may think proper, and that they shall march as soon as they are furnished with necessary Camp Equipage. Major Proctor is. to see this resolve carried into Execution.

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