chased or shall purchase in Pennsylvania for the use of the Continental Army in the said Colony of Virginia, before the first day of May next, at such price as the said Committee shall regulate, not to exceed 1,000 stand in the whole. "Extract from the Minutes. "Sign'd, CHAS. THOMSON, Sec'y." In Consequence of the above Resolve of Congress, John Young has Liberty to purchase as many Firelocks as will compleat the said 1,000 stand, provided he compleats the number before the 1st day of May. Resolved, That Mr. David Rittenhouse be added to the Fort Island Committee. By order of the Board, Robert Towers, Commissary, was directed to deliver to Capt. Thomas Forrest, for the use of his Marine Comp'y on Board the Floating Battery, Thirty Firelocks, with twenty-three Rounds of Cartridges. The sub-Committee appointed to consider what further defences are necessary for the River, agreed in opinion that a Floating Battery of a similar, or nearly similar Construction with the one now in service, be immediately built; not doubting but the Committee, from their different Contracts, will be speedily supplied with a sufficient Number of suitable Canon to mount thereon. The Board taking the above Report of the Sub-Committee into Consideration, do Resolve, That a floating Battery, be immediately Built, under the direction of Sam'l Howell, Robert Whyte, & George Clymer, a Committee hereby appointed for the purpose. A Letter was this day wrote, By order of the Board, to Doct'r Chas. Bennett of Germantown, acquainting him that L't Boger & Mr. Jno. Draper, two Prisoners on their Parole, were going to reside at Germantown, & that their allowance was 158 each per week, which would be paid by this Board. By order of the Board, Robert Towers, Commissary, was directed to deliver Capt. Nath'l Falconer Half a Barrel Gun powder, for the use of the Signals at Lewes Town. By order of the Board, Rob't Towers, Commiss'y, was directed to deliver Capt. Brown twenty-six Firelocks, Cartridge Boxes, & Bayonet Belts, for the use of his Marine Company. By order of the Board, an order was drawn on the Committee of accounts for 45s, payable to Adam Baldwin & Benja. Low, two Men who deserted from Lord Dunmore, being so much given them to assist them to go to New Brunswick to their Families. Resolved, That William & Tho's Bradford print 2,000 English, & that Henry Miller print 300 German Rules & Regulations for the better Government of the Military association in Pennsylvania; The Articles of association & the Resolutions directing the Mode of levying Taxes on Non-associators in Pennsylvania, agreeable to the Resolution of Assembly at their last sessions. Resolved, That Rob't Towers, Com'ry, reserve 21 Firelocks for Capt. Brown, exclusive of the order for 26 deliver'd this day, and that he deliver in equal proportions to Colo. Dickinson, Colo. Roberdeau, Colo. Cadwalader, & Colo. McKean, the remainder of the Firelocks which he has in his possession belonging to this Province, taking Receipts for the same. By order of the Board, Robert Towers was directed to deliver to Mr. Bedwell, one Ton of Crude Sulphur for refining. By order of the Board, an order was drawn on the Committee of accounts, for three hundred pounds, in favour of Capt. Richards or Capt. Falconer, for the use of the Alarm Committee, the expendi ture of which they are to be accountable for. By order of the Board, an order was drawn on the Committee of accounts in favour of Mr. Owen Biddle, for account of the powder Mill building by order of Congress, for seven hund'd & fifty pounds, the expenditure of which Capt. Cowperthwait & Mr. Clem't Biddle is to be accountable for. Upon application of Colo. Miles, for a sum of Money for the use of the Pennsylvania Battalions under his Command, By order of the Board, an order was drawn on Michael Hillegas, Esq'r, Treasurer, in favour of Colo. Sam'l Miles, for one thousand pounds. Resolved, That Doct'r Duffield & Doct'r Rush, have the superintendence and direction of the Hospital and Pest House, & have full power to fit the same for the reception of the sick, to provide Nurses, & all necessaries & utensils that shall be wanting, & Contract with Mr. C'n Cleish for furnishing the sick with firewood & provisions, and attending them, upon the Terms he formerly undertook the same. Upon application of Colo. Sam'l Miles for some light sail cloth, for making Tents for the use of the Troops in the service of this Province, By order of the Board, Robert Towers was directed to deliver what sail cloth he has belonging to the Province, of Number 8, for use aforesaid. By order of the Board, an order was drawn on Robert Towers, to deliver Capt. Hazelwood 6 cwt. of Brimstone, and one other order to deliver Peter De Haven, for the use of Lewis Prahl, 100lbs. Brass, for mounting to the Firelocks making by him for the use of this Province. Upon application of Robert Towers, for the payment of two accounts for Firelocks, Salt Petre, &c., purchased and paid for by him, By order of the Board, two orders was drawn on the Committee of accounts in his favour, amounting to £160 13 4. A Memorial was this day sign'd and sent to Congress, solliciting that Honorable Body for a few pieces of the heaviest Canon taken by Commodore Hopkins at Providence. Letters was this day wrote to the Committees of Cumberland, York & Northampton Countys, requesting they would each send to the Com'y in this City, fifty-six Firelocks, Bayonets & accoutrements, out of the Number made in said Counties for the use of this Province; the said Arms are requested for the arming the Battalion of Musketry raising for the immediate defence of this Province. Resolved, that a powder Magazine be built on the Ground belonging to the powder Mill of Congress, at French Creek, and that Clement Biddle & Capt. Jos. Cowperthwaite procure materials, and employ proper persons to carry this Resolve into execution. Upon application of Ludwig Fohrer for the payment of his account for Firelocks, purchased of him by Capt. Jones, & for the repairs of sundry others, for his & Capt. Dorrey's Company in Colo. De Haas' Battalion in the service of the United Colonies, By order of the Board, an order was drawn on Messrs. Mease & Caldwell, in favour of said Fohrer, for £93 11 1, being the amount of said accounts. By order of the Board, an order was drawn on Jno. Nixon & others, the Committee of accounts, in favour of Colo. Hart, for twenty-five pounds two shillings & 6d, being the amount of 10 Firelocks purchas'd by Henry Wynkoop, in Bucks County, which sum is to be charged to the acc't of arms purchased for account of Congress. Upon application of Lt. Colo. Caleb Parry, for a sum of money for the use of the Musket Battalion in the service of this Province, By order of the Board, an order was drawn on Mich'l Hillegas, Esq'r, in favour of said Parry, for the sum of £250. Resolved, That it is necessary L't Boger & Mr. John Draper attend in this City on Monday next, in order to be examined in the Court of Admiralty, and that they return to their station at Germantown as soon as they are dismiss'd by the said Court. Resolved, That the Reverend David Jones be, and he is hereby appointed Chaplain to Colo. Shee & Colo. Wayne's Battalions of Pennsylvania Troops in the service of the United Colonies. By order of the Board, an order was drawn on Jno. Nixon, Esq'r, & others, the Committee of accounts, in favour of Colo. Hart, for the use of Henry Wynkoop, for £7 15, being the amount of 3 Firelocks purchased by him, which is to be Charged to the arms bought for account of Congress. By order of the Board, Robt. Towers, Commissary, was directed to deliver to Colo. Sam'l Miles, or his order, Intrenching Tools he may have occasion for, taking Receipts for the same. And to Capt. Sam'l Morris, one quarter Cask of Gunpowder, for the use of the light Horse. |