The Making of the Modern Self: identity and culture in eighteenth-century EnglandYale University Press, 1 de gen. 2004 - 414 pàgines Toward the end of the eighteenth century, a radical change occurred in notions of self and personal identity. This was a sudden transformation, says Dror Wahrman, and nothing short of a revolution in the understanding of selfhood and of identity categories including race, gender, and class. In this pathbreaking book, he offers a fundamentally new interpretation of this critical turning point in Western history. Wahrman demonstrates this transformation with a fascinating variety of cultural evidence from eighteenth-century England, from theater to beekeeping, fashion to philosophy, art to travel and translations of the classics. He discusses notions of self in the earlier 1700s-what he terms the ancien regime of identity-that seem bizarre, even incomprehensible, to present-day readers. He then examines how this peculiar world came to an abrupt end, and the far-reaching consequences of that change. This unrecognized cultural revolution, the author argues, set the scene for the array of new departures that signaled the onset of Western modernity. |
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The Making of the Modern Self: Identity and Culture in Eighteenth-century ... Dror Wahrman Previsualització no disponible - 2006 |
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2nd edn actor Amazon Amazonian American American revolutionary war ancien régime animals appeared argument asserted Bees breeches British Britons broader Cambridge chap character Charles Charles Lee Lewes civil climate complexion contemporary contrast cross-dressed cultural D'Eon debate decades disguise distinctions dress earlier Edmund Burke eighteenth-century English epilogue Essay essential European fashion female warrior feminine feral child French French Revolution Garrick gender boundaries Gentleman's Magazine Hannah Hannah Snell Henry Fielding History human iden identity categories imagine Indians individual innate insisted James Jews John Lady late eighteenth late-eighteenth-century London Magazine manly masculine masquerade modern moral mutability nation nature novel observation Oxford personal identity physiognomy play political portrait precisely prologue queen quoted race racial reader regime régime of identity Revolution revolutionary role sexual shift short eighteenth century social Society Society of Dilettanti species story tion transformation turned understandings unnatural vols William Woffington woman women writer
Passatges populars
Pàgina xi - The Western conception of the person as a bounded, unique, more or less integrated motivational and cognitive universe, a dynamic center of awareness, emotion, judgment, and action organized into a distinctive whole and set contrastively both against other such wholes and against its social and natural background, is, however incorrigible it may seem to us, a rather peculiar idea within the context of the world's cultures.
Pàgina 191 - For, since consciousness always accompanies thinking, and it is that which makes every one to be what he calls self, and thereby distinguishes himself from all other thinking things, in this alone consists personal identity, ie the sameness of a rational being: and as far as this consciousness can be extended backwards to any past action or thought, so far reaches the identity of that person...
Pàgina 17 - I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman ; but I have the heart and stomach of a King, and of a King of England too...
Pàgina 314 - Since when is it permitted to give up one's sex? Since when is it decent to see women abandoning the pious cares of their households, the cribs of their children, to come to public places, to harangues in the galleries, at the bar of the senate? Is it to men that nature confided domestic cares? Has she given us breasts to breast-feed our children? No, she has said to man: "Be a man: hunting, farming, political concerns, toils of every kind, that is your appanage
Pàgina 188 - ALL joy or sorrow for the happiness or calamities of others is produced by an act of the imagination, that realises the event however fictitious, or approximates it however remote, by placing us, for a time, in 'the condition of him whose fortune we contemplate; so that we feel, while the deception lasts, whatever motions would be excited by the same good or evil happening to ourselves.
Pàgina 170 - Burbage, of whom we may say that he was a delightful Proteus, so wholly transforming himself into his part, and putting off himself with his clothes, as he never (not so much as in the tiring-house) assum'd himself again until the play was done...
Pàgina 118 - But among all the other inhabitants of America, there is such a striking similitude in the form of their bodies and the qualities of their minds, that, notwithstanding the diversities occasioned by the influence of climate, or unequal progress in improvement, we must pronounce them to be descended from one source.
Pàgina 290 - Nursed in his mother's arms, the babe who sleeps Upon his mother's breast, who, when his soul Claims manifest kindred with an earthly soul, Doth gather passion from his mother's eye.
Pàgina 204 - Thus while the nobleman will emulate the grandeur of a prince, and the gentleman will aspire to the proper state of the nobleman, the tradesman steps from behind his counter into the vacant place of the gentleman. Nor doth the confusion end here ; it reaches the very dregs of the people, who aspiring still to a degree beyond that which belongs to them...
Pàgina 290 - Without reserve to them, the lonely roads Were open schools in which I daily read With most delight the passions of mankind...
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