Book II.Ch.2.part. MARIA. Published as the Act directa, by J.Johnson in S! Paul's Church Tard May 1801. THE SPEAKER: OR, MISCELLANEOUS PIECES, Selected from the BEST ENGLISH WRITERS, And difpofed under proper Heads, with a View to facilitate Oculos, paulum tellure moratos, Suftulit ad proceres; expectatoque refolvit Warrington, Printed by W. EYRES, Horíe-Market, FOR J. JOHNSON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD, LONDON; MDC CCI. ADVERTISEMENT. THE favourable reception, with which the public has bonoured THE SPEAKER, has induced the Editor to prefix to the prefent edition THE ESSAY ON ELOCUTION, corrected and enlarged; and an ESSAY ON READING WORKS OF in which he has endeavoured to reprefent to young perfons the value of the study of polite literature, and to furnish them with a concife view of the fundamental principles of criticifm. TASTE, This edition is also enriched with some extracts from Dr. DARWIN'S and the Rev. Mr. HURDIS's Poems, and fome original pieces written by W. CowPER, Efq. and is embellished with four copper-plates. Thefe additions, as well as other pieces which have appeared in former editions, cannot be inferted in any editions of this work, but fuch as are printed by the original publisher, J. JOHNSON, IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD, without fubjecting the vender to a profecution; every other edition must therefore neceffarily be incomplete. This book being generally put into the hands of young perfons, particular care has been taken, to get the genuine editions accurately printed. THIS work having been undertaken prin- In this Seminary, which was at first establifhed, and has been uniformly conducted, on the extenfive plan of providing a proper course of Instruction for young men in the most useful branches of Science and Literature, you have seen many refpectable characters formed, who are now filling up their ftations in fociety with reputation to themfelves, and advantage to the Public. And, while the fame great object continues to be purfued, a 2 |