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" Nearly all these high schools are the offshoots of single parish schools. Even in towns and cities which boast of a number of large and wellequipped parish schools, with thousands of pupils, no attempt is made, as a rule, to build up a central high school... "
Catholic Educational Review - Pàgina 611
editat per - 1911
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Report of the Commissioner of Education Made to the Secretary of ..., Volum 1

United States. Bureau of Education - 1914 - 1024 pàgines
...1'roc. and Addresses of Eighth Annual Meeting of the Cath. Ed. Assoc.: Chicago, loll, p. 45thousands of pupils, no attempt is made, as a rule, to build...the existing parish schools would be made to fit in. ' 111 the most conspicuous examples of high-school foundations which have taken place since that report...
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NCEA Bulletin, Volums 7-9

National Catholic Educational Association - 1910 - 1612 pàgines
...fifty-two of these high schools are directly connected with only a single parish school, while only fifteen of them are directly connected with several parish...school himself, he has not been able to rely upon his fellow pastors to send the graduates of their elementary schools up to his high school. On the contrary,...
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United States Congressional Serial Set

1913 - 748 pàgines
...school, while only 15 of them are directly connected with several parish schools. No other fact, perhaps, so clearly reveals the inchoate character of this...the existing parish schools would be made to fit in. Academic standing. — But, it may be asked, are these new high schools competent to do the work of...
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NCEA Bulletin, Volums 24-25

National Catholic Educational Association - 1927 - 1442 pàgines
...several parish schools. Even in towns and cities which boast of a number of large and well equipped parish schools, with thousands of pupils, no attempt...existing parish schools would be made to fit in." By 1922, the number of central Catholic high schools was only thirty-five, according to the survey...
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Report of the Commissioner of Education Made to the Secretary of ..., Volum 1

United States. Bureau of Education - 1914 - 1012 pàgines
...parish schools, with 1 Third Keport of tho Superintendent of Parish Schools, Diocese of Newark, 30. thousands of pupils, no attempt is made, as a rule,...the existing parish schools would be made to fit in. ' In the most conspicuous examples of high-school foundations which have taken place since that report...
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