THE Scripture-Doctrine OF THE TRINITY WHERE IN EVERY Text in the NEW TESTAMENT By SAMUEL CLARKE, D. D. That you will continually pray to God the Father, the Office for ordaining Priests. The SECOND EDITION. LONDON: Printed by W. Wilkins, for JAMES KNAPTON, at THE PREFACE. HE Subject of the following TPapers, is a Doctrine no way affecting the particular confti tution, order, or external Government of the Church, but in general of great Importance in Religion; a Matter not to be treated of flightly and carelefly, as it were by Accident only, after the manner of fuperficial controverfies about Words, or of particular occafional queftions concerning the meaning of fingle ambiguous Texts; but which ought, when difcourfed upon at all, to be examined thoroughly on all fides, by a ferious A 2 ftudy ftudy of the Whole Scripture, and by taking care that the Explication be confiftent with it self in every part. I have, according to the Weight and Dignity of the Subject, confidered it throughout as carefully and distinctly as I was able; and defire only, that the Reader, when he begins the Book, would peruse it All, and confider seriously every Part, and compare the Whole of what is here faid, with other Whole Schemes, before he paffes his judgment THE CONTENTS. THE HE Introduction. Page 1 The Paffages wherein He is filed God with fome peculiar high Titles, Epithets, or Attributes; which, tho' Most of them indeed not abfolutely incommunicable, yet in the New Tefta- SE CT. IV. |