Imatges de pàgina
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LAODICEA.-From Macfarlane's "Seven Apocalyptic Churches."

18 The salutation a by the hand of me Paul. Remember my bonds. Grace be with you. Amen.

Written from Rome to the Colossians, by Tychicus and Onesimus.

a 2 Th. 3. 17.

b He. 13. 3, 25.

work of the Lord. Comp. Notes affixed his own hand to it in the Acts xx. 28. It is always proper to form of a salutation. Comp. Notes, caution even the most faithful and 1 Cor. xvi. 21. 2 Thess. iii. 17. self-denying servants of the Lord to ¶ Remember my bonds. Also evitake heed,' or see to it, that they dently written by his own hand, to perform their duties with fidelity. make the injunction more impresThe office of the ministry is such, sive. Comp. Notes, Heb. xiii. 3. and the temptations to unfaithfulness The meaning is, that they should are so great, that we need constant not forget him in his confinement. watchfulness. ¶ That thou fulfil it. They should remember that he was That there be nothing wanting, or suffering on their account (Notes, lacking, in any of the departments ch. i. 24), and that he was entitled of labour which you are called to to every expression of sympathy and perform. love. Grace be with you. Notes,

18. The salutation by the hand Rom. xvi. 20. of me Paul. Probably the rest of

The subscription to this epistle is

the epistle was written by an aman- undoubtedly correct. See the IntroAs was his custom, Paul duction.



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