Imatges de pàgina

or 20,000 each, every month; and which contain the sentiments of Arminian and Calvinistic methodists, and of the evangelical clergymen of the Church of England. We shall use the general

three classes of fanatics, not troubling ourselves to point out the finer shades and nicer discriminations of lunacy, but treating them all as in one general conspiracy against common sense, and rational orthodox Christianity.

man. The clergy are accused of not exerting themselves. What temporal motive, Mr. Ingram asks, have they for exertion? Would a curate, who had served thirty years upon a living in the most exemplary manner, secure to him-term of Methodism, to designate these self by such a conduct, the slightest right or title to promotion in the Church? What can you expect of a whole profession, in which there is no more connection between merit and reward than between merit and beauty, or merit and strength? This is the In reading these very curious prosubstance of what Mr. Ingram says ductions, we seemed to be in a new upon this subject; and he speaks the world, and to have got among a set of truth. We regret, however, that this beings, of whose existence we had hardly gentleman has thought fit to use against before entertained the slightest concepthe dissenters the exploded clamour of tion. It has been our good fortune to Jacobinism ; or that he deems it neces- be acquainted with many truly relisary to call in to the aid of the Church gious persons, both in the Presbyterian the power of intolerant laws in spite and Episcopalian churches; and from of the odious and impolitic tests to their manly, rational, and serious chawhich the dissenters are still subjected. racters, our conceptions of true pracWe believe them to be very good sub-tical piety have been formed. jects; and we have no doubt but that any further attempt upon their religious liberties, without reconciling them to the Church, would have a direct tendency to render them disaffected to the State.


these confined habits, and to our want of proper introductions among the children of light and grace, any degree of surprise is to be attributed, which may be excited by the publications before us; which, under opposite circumstances, would (we doubt not) have proved as great a source of instruction and delight to the Edinburgh reviewers, as they are to the most melodious votaries of the tabernacle.

It is not wantonly, or with the most distant intention of trifling upon serious subjects, that we call the attention of the public to these sorts of publications. Their circulation is so enormous, and so increasing,-they contain the

Mr. Ingram (whose book, by the bye, is very dull and tedious) has fallen into the common mistake of supposing his readers to be as well acquainted with his subject as he is himself; and has talked a great deal about dissenters, without giving us any distinct notions of the spirit which pervades these people-the objects they have in view or the degree of talent which is to be found among them. To remedy this very capital defect, we shall endea-opinions, and display the habits of so vour to set before the eyes of the reader, a complete section of the tabernacle; and to present him with a near view of those sectaries, who are at present at work upon the destruction of the orthodox churches, and are destined hereafter, perhaps, to act as conspicuous ais established by law, and encouraged part in public affairs, as the children of Sion did in the time of Cromwell.

The sources from which we shall derive our extracts are the Evangelical and Methodistical Magazines for the year 1807;-works which are said to be circulated to the amount of 18,000

many human beings,-that they cannot but be objects of curiosity and importance. The common and the middling classes of people are the purchasers; and the subject is religion,though not that religion certainly which

by national provision. This may lead to unpleasant consequences, or it may not; but it carries with it a sort of aspect, which ought to insure to it serious attention and reflection.

It is impossible to arrive at any knowledge of a religious sect, by merely

detailing the settled articles of their belief: it may be the fashion of such a sect to insist upon some articles very slightly; to bring forward others prominently; and to consider some portion of their formal creed as obsolete. As the knowledge of the jurisprudence of any country can never be obtained by the perusal of volumes which contain some statutes that are daily enforced, and others that have been silently antiquated: in the same manner, the practice, the preaching, and the writing of sects, are comments absoIntely necessary to render the perusal of their creed of any degree of utility.

It is the practice, we believe, with the orthodox, both in the Scotch and the English churches, to insist very rarely, and very discreetly, upon the particular instances of the interference of Divine Providence. They do not contend that the world is governed only by general laws-that a Superintending Mind never interferes for particular purposes; but such purposes are represented to be of a nature very awful and sublime,-when a guilty people are to be destroyed-when an oppressed nation is to be lifted up, and some remarkable change introduced into the order and arrangement of the world. With this kind of theology we can have no quarrel; we bow to its truth; we are satisfied with the moderation which it exhibits; and we have To doubt of the salutary effect which It produces upon the human heart. Let us now come to those special cases of the interference of Providence as they are exhibited in the publications before us.

An interference with respect to the Rev.
James Moody.

sirable companion': he would sometimes venture to profane the day of God, by and would join in excursions on the water, turning it into a season of carnal pleasure, to various parts of the vicinity of London. But the time was approaching, when the Lord, who had designs of mercy for him, and for many others by his means, was about to stop him in his vain career of sin and folly. There were two professing servants in the house where he lived; one of these was a porter, who, in brushing his will never do-you must be otherwise clothes, would say, 'Master James, this employed-you must be a minister of the gospel.' This worthy man, earnestly wishing his conversion, put into his hands that

excellent book which God hath so much owned, Alleine's Alarm to the Unconverted.

About this time it pleased God to visit him with a disorder in his eyes, occasioned,

as it was thought, by his sitting up in the apprehension of losing his sight occasioned night to improve himself in drawing. The many serious reflections; his mind was impressed with the importance and necessity of seeking the salvation of his soul, and he was induced to attend the preaching of the gospel. The first sermon that he heard Chapel; a place which he had formerly with a desire to profit was at Spa-fields frequented, when it was a temple of vanity and dissipation. Strong convictions of sin fixed on his mind; and he continued to attend the preached word, particularly at Tottenham-Court Chapel. Every sermon increased his sorrow and grief that he had not earlier sought the Lord. It was a considerable time before he found comfort from the gospel. He has stood in the free part of the chapel hearing, with such emo

tion, that the tears have flowed from his

eyes in torrents; and when he has returned home, he has continued a great part of the night on his knees, praying over what he had heard.

devoting himself with as much resolution and diligence to the service of God, as he had formerly done to folly."-Ev. Mag. p. 194.

"The change effected by the power of the Holy Spirit on his heart now became visible to all. Nor did he halt between two opinions, as some persons do; he became at "Mr. James Moody was descended from once a decided character, and gave up for pious ancestors, who resided at Paisley:-ever all his vain pursuits and amusements; his heart was devoted to music, dancing, and theatrical amusements: of the latter be was so fond, that he used to meet with some men of a similar cast to rehearse plars, and used to entertain a hope that he should make a figure upon the stage. To improve himself in music, he would rise. very early, even in severely cold weather, and practise on the German flute: by his skill in music and singing, with his general powers of entertaining, he became a de

An interference respecting Cards. "A clergyman not far distant from the spot on which these lines were written, was spending an evening-not in his closet, wrestling with his Divine Master for the communication of that grace which is so

peculiarly necessary for the faithful discharge of the ministerial function-not in his study, searching the sacred oracles of divine truth for materials wherewith to prepare for his public exercises and feed the flock under his care,- not in pastoral visits to that flock, to inquire into the state of their souls, and endeavour, by his pious and affectionate conversation, to conciliate their esteem, and promote their edification, -but at the card table."-After stating that when it was his turn to deal, he dropt down dead," It is worthy of remark (says the writer), that within a very few years this was the third character in the neighbourhood which had been summoned from the card table to the bar of God."-Ev. Mag. p. 262.

Interference respecting Swearing, -a Bee the instrument.

"A young man is stung by a bee, upon which he buffets the bees with his hat, uttering at the same time the most dreadful oaths and imprecations. In the midst of his fury, one of these little combatants stung him upon the tip of that unruly member (his tongue), which was then employed in blaspheming his Maker. Thus can the Lord engage one of the meanest of His creatures in reproving the bold trans

gressor who dares to take His name in

vain."-Ev. Mag. p. 363.

Interference with respect to David Wright, who was cured of Atheism and Scrofula by one Sermon of Mr. Coles.

This case is too long to quote in the language and with the evidences of the

writers. The substance of it is what our title implies.-David Wright was a man with scrofulous legs and atheistical principles;-being with difficulty persuaded to hear one sermon from Mr. Coles, he limped to the church in extreme pain, and arrived there after great exertions;-during church time he was entirely converted, walked home with the greatest ease, and never after experienced the slightest return of scrofula or infidelity.-Ev. Mag. p.


The displeasure of Providence is expressed at Captain Scott's going to preach in Mr. Romaine's Chapel.

The sign of this displeasure is a violent storm of thunder and lightning

just as he came into town.-Ev. Mag. p. 537.

Interference with respect to an Innkeeper, who was destroyed for having appointed a cock-fight at the very time that the service was beginning at the Methodist Chapel.

"Never mind,' says the innkeeper, 'I'll get a greater congregation than the Methodist parson;-we'll have a cock-fight.' But what is man! how insignificant his designs, how impotent his strength, how ill-fated his plans, when opposed to that Being who is infinite in wisdom, boundless in power, terrible in judgment, and who frequently reverses, and suddenly renders abortive, the projects of the wicked! A few days after the avowal of his intention, the innkeeper sickened," &c. &c. And then the narrator goes on to state, that his corpse was carried by the meeting-house "on the day and exactly at the time, the deceased had fixed for the cock-fight."Meth. Mag. p. 126.

In p. 167. Meth. Mag., a father, mother, three sons, and a sister, are destroyed by particular interposition.

In p. 222. Meth. Mag., a dancinganother person for swearing at a cockmaster is destroyed for irreligion, fight, and a third for pretending to be deaf and dumb. These are called recent and authentic accounts of God's avenging providence.

So much for the miraculous inter

position of Providence in cases where the Methodists are concerned: we shall now proceed to a few specimens of the energy of their religious feelings. Mr. Roberts's feelings in the month of May, 1793.

"But, all this time, my soul was stayed upon God: my desires increased, and my mind was kept in a sweet praying frame, a going out of myself, as it were, and taking shelter in him. Every breath I drew, ended in a prayer. I felt myself helpless as an infant, dependent upon God for all things. I was in a constant daily expectation of receiving all I wanted; and, on Friday, May 31st, under Mr. Rutherford's sermon, though entirely independent of it (for I could not give any account of what he had been preaching about), I was given to feel that God was waiting to be very gracious to me; the spirit of prayer and supplication was given me, and such an assurance that I was accepted in the Beloved, as I cannot

describe, but which I shall never forget."- | itself forth in groans: 'Oh that I had never Meth. Mag. p. 35. sinned against God! I have a hell here upon Mrs. Elizabeth Price and her attendants earth, and there is a hell for me in eternity!" hear sacred music on a sudden.

"A few nights before her death, while some neighbours and her husband were sitting up with her, a sudden and joyful sound of music was heard by all present, although some of them were carnal people; at which time she thought she saw her crucified Saviour before her, speaking these words with power to her soul, 'Thy sins are forgiven thee, and I love thee freely.' After this she never doubted of her acceptance with God; and on Christmas day following was taken to celebrate the Redeemer's birth in the Paradise of God. MICHAEL COUSIN."-Meth. Mag. p. 137.

T. L., a Sailor on board the Stag frigate, has a special revelation from our Saviour.

* October 26th, being the Lord's day, he had a remarkable manifestation of God's love to his soul. That blessed morning be was much grieved by hearing the wicked use profane language, when Jesus revealed himself to him, and impressed on his mind those words, 'Follow Me.' This was a precious day to him."-Meth. Mag. p. 140. The manner in which Mr. Thomas Cook

was accustomed to accost S. B. "Whenever he met me in the street, his salutation used to be 'Have you free and lively intercourse with God to day? Are you giving your whole heart to God? I have known him on such occasions speak in so pertinent a manner, that I have been astonished at his knowledge of my state. Meeting me one morning, he said, I have been praying for you; you have had a sore conflict, though all is well now.' At another time he asked, 'Have you been much exereised these few days, for I have been led to pray that you might especially have suffering grace?'"-Meth. Mag. p. 247.

Mr. John Kestin on his death-bed. "Oh, my dear, I am now going to glory, happy, happy, happy. I am going to sing praises to God and the Lamb: I am going to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I think I can see my Jesus without a glass between. I can, I feel I can, discern 'my title clear to mansions in the skies. Come, Lord Jesus come! why are thy chariot-wheels so long delaying?'"-Ev. Mag. p. 124.

The Rev. Mr. Mead's sorrow for his sins. "This wrought him up to temporary desperation; his inexpressible grief poured

One Lord's day, very early in the morning, he was awoke by a tempest of thunder and lightning: and, imagining it to be the end of the world, his agony was great, supposing the great day of divine wrath was come, and he unprepared; but happy to find it not so."-Ev. Mag. p. 147.

Similar case of Mr. John Robinson. "About two hours before he died, he was in great agony of body and mind: it appeared that the enemy was permitted to struggle with him; and being greatly agitated, he cried out, 'Ye powers of darkness begone!' This, however, did not last long: the prey was taken from the mighty, and the lawful captive delivered,' although he was not permitted to tell of his deliverance, but lay quite still and composed.” — Ev. Mag. p. 177.

The Reverend William Tennant in a heavenly trance.

"While I was conversing with my brother,' said he, 'on the state of my soul, and the fears 1 had entertained for my future welfare, I found myself in an instant in another state of existence, under the direction of a superior being, who ordered me to follow him. I was accordingly wafted along, I know not how, till I beheld at a distance an ineffable glory, the impression of which on my mind it is impossible to communicate to mortal man. I immediately reflected on my happy change; and thought, Well, blessed be God! I am safe at last, notwithstanding all my fears. I saw an innumerable host of happy beings surrounding the inexpressible glory in acts of adoration and joyous worship; but I did not see any bodily shape or representation in the glorious appearance. I heard things unutterable. I heard their songs and hallelujahs of thanksgiving and praise with unspeakable rapture. I felt joy unutterable, and full of glory. I then applied to my conductor and requested leave to join the happy throng."" Ev. Mag. p. 251.

The following we consider to be one of the most shocking histories we ever read. such scenes take place in the gloomy God only knows how many annals of Methodism.

"A young man of the name of S C--, grandson to a late eminent dissenting minat Kister, and brought up by him, came to reside -g, about the year 1803. He attended at the Baptist place of worship, not only on the Lord's day, but frequently at the week

day lectures and prayer meetings. He was supposed by some to be seriously inclined; but his opinion of himself was, that he had never experienced that divine change, without which no man can be saved.

"However that might be, there is reason to believe he had been for some years under powerful convictions of his miserable condition as a sinner. In June, 1806, these convictions were observed to increase, and that in a more than common degree. From that time he went into no company, but, when he was not at work, kept in his chamber, where he was employed in singing plaintive hymns, and bewailing his lost and perishing state.

"He had about him several religious people; but could not be induced to open his mind to them, or to impart to any one the cause of his distress. Whether this contributed to increase it or not, it did increase, till his health was greatly affected by it, and he was scarcely able to work at his business.

"While he was at meeting on Lord's day, September 14th, he was observed to labour under very great emotion of mind, especially when he heard the following words: 'Sinner, if you die without an interest in Christ, you will sink into the regions of eternal death.'

"On the Saturday evening following, he intimated to the mistress of the house where he lodged, that some awful judgment was about to come upon him; and as he should not be able to be at meeting next day, requested that an attendant might be procured to stay with him. She replied that she would herself stay at home, and wait upon him: which she did.

'Though he had no feverish heat, yet his pulse beat above 150 in a minute. To abate the mania, a quantity of blood was taken from him, a blister was applied, his head was shaved, cold water was copiously poured over him, and fox-glove was administered. By these means his fury was abated; but his mental agony continued, and all the symptoms of madness, which his bodily strength, thus reduced, would allow, till the following Thursday. On that day he seemed to have recovered his reason, and to be calm in his mind. In the evening he sent for the apothecary, and wished to speak with him by himself. The latter, on his coming, desired every one to leave the room, and thus addressed him: C have you not something on your mind?"'Ay,' answered he, that is it!' He then acknowledged that, early in the month of June, he had gone to a fair in the neighhourhood, in company with a number of wicked young men; that they drank at a public house together, till he was in a measure intoxicated; and that from thence they went into other company, where he was criminally connected with a harlot. 'I have been a miserable creature,' continued he, ever since; but during the last three days and three nights, I have been in a state of desperation.' He intimated to the apothecary, that he could not bear to tell this story to the minister: But,' said he, do you inform him that I shall not die in despair: for light has broken in upon me: I have been led to the great Sacrifice for sin, and I now hope in him for salvation."

From this time his mental distress ceased, his countenance became placid, and his conversation, instead of being taken up as before with fearful exclamations concerning devils and the wrath to come, was now confined to the dying love of Jesus! The apothecary was of opinion, that if his strength had not been so much exhausted, he would now have been in a state of religious transport. His nervous system, however, had received such a shock, that his recovery was doubtial; and it seemed cer

"On the Lord's day he was in great agony of mind. His mother was sent for, and some religious friends visited him; but all was of no avail. That night was a night dreadful beyond conception. The horror which he endured brought on all the symptoms of raging madness. He desired the attendants not to come near him, lest they should be burnt. He said that the bed curtains were in flames. - that he sinelt the brim-tain, that it he did recover, he would sink stone, that devils were come to fetch him, that there was no hope for him, for that he had sinned against light and conviction, and that he should certainly go to hell.' It was with difficulty he could be kept in bed.

"An apothecary being sent for, as soon as he entered the house, and heard his dreadful howlings, he inquired if he had not been bitten by a mad dog. His appearance, like wise, seemed to justify such a suspicion, his countenance resembling that of a wild beast more than that of a man.

into a state of idiocy. He survived this interview but a few days.”—Ev. Mag. pp. 412, 413.

A religious observer stands at a turnpike-gate on a Sunday, to witness the profane crowd passing by; he sees a man driving very clumsily in a gig; the inexperience of the driver provokes the following pious observations.

"What (I said to myself) if a single untoward circumstance should happen!

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