There will be woe indeed, lords; the fly whorefons Sands. The devil fiddle 'em; I'm glad they're going, For sure there's no converting 'em : now Sirs, An honest country lord, as I am, beaten A long time out of play, may bring his plain song, And have an hour of hearing, and by'r lady Held current musick too. Cham. Well faid, lord Sands, Your colt's tooth is not cast yet? Sands. No, my lord, Nor shall not, while I have a stump. Cham. Sir Thomas, Whither are you going? Lov. To the Cardinal's; Your lordship is a guest too. Cham. O, 'tis true; 2 This night he makes a supper, and a great one, The beauty of this kingdom, I'll assure you. Lov. The churchman bears a bounteous mind indeed; A hand as fruitful as the land that feeds us, His dew falls ev'ry where. Cham. No doubt, he's noble; He had a black mouth that said other of him. Sands. He may, my lord, h'as wherewithal in him; But few now give so great ones: my barge stays; Sands. I'm your lordship's. Exeunt. SCENE 1 SCENE VII. Hautboys. A small table under a state for the Cardinal, a longer table for the guests. Then enter Anne Bullen, and divers other ladies and gentlemen, as guests, at one door; at another door enter Sir Henry Guilford. Guil. Ladies, a general welcome from his grace Salutes ye all: this night he dedicates To fair content and you: none here he hopes, In all this noble bevy, has brought with her One care abroad: he would have all as merry, As, first, good company, good wine, good welcome, Can make good people. Enter Lord Chamberlain, Lord Sands and Lovell. O my lord, y'are tardy; Cham. You're young, Sir Harry Guilford. Lov. O that your lordship were but now confeffor To one or two of these.. Sands. I would I were, They should find easie penance. Sands. As easy as a down bed would afford it. Place you that side, I'll take the charge of this: Sands. By my faith, And thank your lordship. By your leave sweet ladies, If If I chance to talk a little wild, forgive me: Anne. Was he mad, Sir? Sands. O very mad, exceeding mad in love too; But he would bite none; just as I do now, Cham. Well faid, my lord: Sands. For my little cue, Let me alone. Hautboys. Enter Cardinal Wolfey, and takes Wol. Y'are welcome, my fair guests; that noble lady Sands. Your Grace is noble: Let me have fuch a bowl may hold my thanks, And save me fo much talking. Wol. My lord Sands, I am beholden to you; cheer your neighbour: Ladies, you are not merry; gentlemen, Sands: The red Wine first must rise Anne. You're a merry gamester, My lord Sands. Sands. Yes, if I make my play, Here's to your ladyship, and pledge it, madam: Anne. You cannot shew me.. Sands. I told your Grace that they would talk anon. [Drum and trumpets, chambers discharged. Wol. What's that? Cham. Look out there, fome of ye. If And And to what end is this? nay, ladies, fear not; Enter a Servant. Cham. How now, what is't? Ser. A noble troop of strangers, For so they feem, have left their barge, and landed, And hither make, as great ambassadors From foreign Princes Wol. Good Lord Chamberlain, Go, give 'em welcome; you can speak the French tongue, And pray receive 'em nobly, and conduct 'em Shall shine at full upon them. Some attend him. [All arise, and tables removed. You've now a broken banquet, but we'll mend it, Hautboys. Enter King and others as maskers, habited like Shepherds, usher'd by the Lord Chamberlain. They pass directly before the the Cardinal, and gracefully falute him. A noble company! what are their pleasures? This night to meet here, they could do no less, Woi. Say, Lord Chamberlain, They've done my poor house grace: for which I pay 'em A thousand thanks, and pray 'em take their pleasures. [Chuse ladies, King and Anne Bullen. King. The faireft hand I ever touch'd! O beauty, Till now I never knew thee. [Musick. Dance. Wol. Wol. My lord. Wol. Pray tell 'em thus much from me: Cham. I will, my lord. Wol. What say they? Cham. Such a one, they all confess, [Whisper. There is indeed, which they would have your Grace Find out, and he will take it. Wol. Let me see then: By all your good leaves, gentlemen, here I'll make My royal choice. King. You've found him, Cardinal : You hold a fair assembly: you do well, lord. Wol. I am glad. Your Grace is grown so pleasant. Pry'thee come hither, what fair lady's that? Cham. An't please your Grace, Sir Thomas Bullen's daughter, (The Viscount Rochford,) one of her Highness' women. Wol. Sir Thomas Lovell, is the banquet ready I'th' privy chamber? Lov. Yes, my lord. Wol. Your Grace, I fear, with dancing is a little heated. King. I fear too much. Wol. There's fresher air, my lord, In the next chamber. King. Lead in your ladies every one: sweet partner, I must not yet forsake you; let's be merry, B Good |