Imatges de pàgina

And stick them in our will. Sixth part of each!
A trembling contribution!-why we take
From ev'ry tree, lop, bark, and part o'th' timber :
And though we leave it with a root thus hackt,
The air will drink the fap. To ev'ry country
Where this is question'd, send our letters, with
Free pardon to each man that has deny'd
The force of this commiffion; pray look to't,
I put it to your care.

Wol. A word with you.

Let there be letters writ to ev'ry fhire

[To the Secretary.

Of the King's grace and pardon: The griev'd commons
Hardly conceive of me; let it be nois'd,

That through our interceffion, this revokement
And pardon comes; I fhall anon advise you
Further in the proceeding.


Enter Surveyor.

[Exit Secretary.

Queen. I'm forry that the Duke of Buckingham Is run in your displeasure.

King. It grieves many;

The gentleman is learn'd, a moft rare fpeaker,
To nature none more bound, his training fuch,
That he may furnish and instruct great teachers,
And never feek for aid out of himself.
Yet fee, when noble benefits fhall prove
Not well difpos'd, the mind growing once corrupt,
They turn to vicious forms, ten times more ugly
Than ever they were fair. This man fo compleat,
Who was enroll'd 'mongst wonders, and when we
Almoft with lift'ning ravish'd, could not find
His hour of fpeech, a minute; he, my lady,
Hath into monftrous habits put the graces
That once were his, and is become as black
As if befmear'd in hell. Sit, you fhall hear
(This was his gentleman in truft) of him
Things to ftrike honour fad. Bid him recount
To-fore-recited practices, whereof


We cannot feel too little, hear too much.

Wol. Stand forth, and with bold fpirit relate, what you,' Most like a careful fubje&t, have collected

Out of the Duke of Buckingham.

King. Speak freely.

Surv. First, it was ufual with him, ev'ry day
It would effect his fpeech, that if the King
Should without iffue die, he'd carry't fo

To make the scepter his. These very words
I've heard him utter to his fon-in-law,
Lord Aberganny, to whom by oath he menac'd
Revenge upon the Cardinal.

Wol. Pleafe your Highness, note

His dangerous conception in this point,
Not friended by his wifh to your high perfon,
His will is moft malignant, and it ftretches
Beyond you to your friends.

Queen. My learn'd lord Cardinal,
Deliver all with charity.

King. Speak on;

How grounded he his title to the crown
Upon our fail? to this point haft thou heard him
At any time fpeak ought?

Surv. He was brought to this,
By a vain prophefie of Nicolas Hopkins.
King. What was that Hopkins?

Surv. Sir, a Chartreux Friar,

His confeffor, who fed him ev'ry minute
With words of Sov'reignty.

King. How know'st thou this?

Surv. Not long before your Highnefs fped to Franci The Duke being at the Rofe, within the parish St. Lawrence Poultrey, did of me demand What was the fpeech among the Londoners Concerning the French journey? I reply'd, Men fear'd the French would prove perfidious To the King's danger: presently the Duke Said, 'twas the fear indeed, and that he doubted 'Twould prove the verity of certain words Spoke by a holy Monk, that oft, fays he,


Hath fent to me, wifhing me to permit
John de la Car my chaplain, a choice hour
To hear from him a matter of fome moment:
Who (after under the commiffion's feal
He folemnly had fworn that what he spoke
My chaplain to no creature living but

To me fhould utter) with demure confidence

Thus paufingly enfu'd; Neither the King, nor's heirs
(Tell you the Duke) fhall profper, bid him ftrive
To gain the love o'th' commonalty, the Duke
Shall govern England

Queen. If I know you well,

You were the Duke's furveyor, and loft your office
On the complaint o'th' tenants; take good heed
You charge not in your fpleen a noble perfon,
And fpoil your noble foul, I fay take heed;
Yes, heartily I beseech you.

King. Let him on.

Go forward.

Surv. On my foul, I'll speak but truth.
I told my lord the Duke, by th' devil's illufions
The Monk might be deceiv'd, and that 'twas dang'rous
For him to ruminate on this, until

It forg'd him fome defign, (which, being believ'd,
It was much like to do) he answer'd, Tufh,
It can do me no damage: adding further,
That had the King in his last sickness fail'd,
The Cardinal's and Sir Thomas Lovell's heads
Should have gone off.

King. Ha! what, fo rank? ah ha

There's mischief in this man; can't thou fay further?

Surv. I can, my Liege..

King. Proceed.

Surv. Being at Greenwich,

After your Highnefs had reprov'd the Duke

About Sir William Blomer

King. I remember

Of fuch a time, he being my fworn fervant,

The Duke retain'd him his. But on; what hence? Surv. If, quoth he, I for this had been committed,


As to the Tower, I thought; I would have plaid
The part my father meant to act upon

Th' ufurper Richard, who being at Salisbury, Made fuit to come in's prefence, which, if granted, (As he made femblance of his duty) would

Have put his knife into him.

King. A giant traitor!

Wol. Now, Madam, may his Highness live in freedom, And this man out of prison?

Queen, God mend all.

King. There's fomething more would out of thee; what fay'ft?

Surv. After the Duke his father with the knife, He ftretch'd him, and with one hand on his dagger, Another spread on's breaft, mounting his eyes, He did discharge a horrible oath, whose tenour Was, were he evil us'd, he would out-go His father, by as much as a performance Does an irrefolute purpofe.

King. There's his period,

To fheath his knife in us: he is attach'd,
Call him to prefent tryal, if he may
Find mercy in the law, 'tis his; if none,
Let him not feek't of us: by day and night
He's traitor to the height.



Enter Lord Chamberlain, and Lord Sands.

Chamb. S't poffible the fpells of France fhould juggle
Men into fuch strange mysteries?

Sands. New customs,

Though they be never fo ridiculous,

Nay let 'em be unmanly yet are follow'd.

Cham. As far as I fee, all the good our English
Have got by the laft voyage, is but meerly
A fit or two o'th' face, but they are fhrewd ones;
For when they hold 'em, you would fwear directly


Their very nofes had been counsellors

To Pepin or Clotharius, they keep ftate fo.

Sands. They've all new legs, and lame ones; one would take it.

(That never faw 'em pace before) the pavin
And fpring-halt reign'd among 'em.
Cham. Death! my lord,

Their clothes are after fuch a pagan cut too,

That fure they've worn out Christendom: how now? What news Sir Thomas Lovell?

Enter Sir Thomas Lovell.

Lov. 'Faith, my lord,

I hear of none, but the new proclamation
That's clap'd upon the court-gate.

Cham. What is't for?

Lov. The reformation of our travell'd gallants, That fill the court with quarrels, talk and tailors.

Cham. I'm glad 'tis there; now I would pray out

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To think an English courtier may be wife,
And never fee the Louvre.

Lov. They must either

(For fo run the conditions) leave those remnants
Of fool and feather, that they got in France,
With all their honourable points of ignorance
Pertaining thereunto, as fights and fire-works;
Abufing better men than they can be

Out of a foreign wisdom, clean renouncing
The faith they have in tennis, and tall ftockings,
Short bolfter'd breeches, and thofe types of travel,
And understand again like honeft men

Or pack to their old play-fellows; there, I take it,
They may, cum privilegio, wear away

The lag-end of their lewdness, and be laugh'd at. Sands. 'Tis time to give them phyfick, their diseases are grown fo catching.

Cham. What a lofs our ladies

Will have of these trim vanities?
Lov. Ay marry,


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