Imatges de pàgina

by our author as possibly, though not certainly, the Bishop of Durham of that name, whose date is 957-68. The Rushworth Version of the Gospels, made by Farman and Owun, and probably of the tenth century, is also dealt with at some length. The same is the case with the poem Judith mentioned above, which has been assigned to singularly different dates Dr Cook is of opinion that it may be regarded as settled that this poem was composed between 800 and 937; but he thinks we have no means of deciding whether it was "in Wessex or Mercia, whether in 856 or 918, whether to celebrate the stepmother of King Alfred or his daughter, Queen Judith or Queen Ethelflaed." Special attention is given to Ælfric, "the foremost representative of Old English culture in the tenth and early eleventh century." A summary of Dietrich's views is given, and the main points in Ælfric's career, so far as they can be determined, are stated. These are but a few of the many things of interest which are brought under our notice in this able work.

Professor Driver has found time among his many and absorbing engagements to prepare a volume on the English Psalter.1 Its title, The Parallel Psalter, so far indicates its scope and purpose. It is intended to promote the study of the Psalms on the part of the English reader and to be a help to the comprehension of them. It takes the Prayer Book version and places over against it, on the opposite page, a new version giving a more accurate representation of the Hebrew. This version is by his own hand, and aims at precision rather than literary excellence. Thus English readers have the advantage of retaining the version with which their ear is so familiar, and which has rare literary merit, and of reading alongside of it another rendering which will explain it and correct it in those matters in which it is confessedly faulty. It is a happy idea, and it is carried out with undoubted success. The volume is also furnished with an admirable introduction, and glossaries of noteworthy expressions and archaisms. It will be gratefully received by many devout readers.

Record of Select Literature.


SELLIN, E. Serubbabel. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Messian. Erwartg. u. der Entstehg. des Judentums. Lpzg.: A. Deichert Nachf. 8vo, pp. vi. 316. M.4.50.

Gesenius's Hebrew Grammar as edited and enlarged by E. Kautzsch. Translated from the 25th German edition by the late G. W. Collins. The Translation revised and adjusted to the 26th edition by A. E. Cowley. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 8vo, pp. 618. 21s.

1 Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1898. Cr. 8vo, pp. xliv. 486. Price, 6s.

WIJNKOOP, J. D. Manual of Hebrew Grammar.

(Revised and Improved Ed.) Translated from the Dutch by C. Van Den Biesen. London: Luzac & Co. 8vo, pp. xvi. 158. ZUCK, W. J. The Book of Job. With an Dayton: O. United Brethren Publ. House. M.0.75.

2s. 6d.
Introd. and Notes.

16mo, pp. xii. 214.

The Polychrome Bible. The Book of Leviticus. A new English Translation by S. R. Driver. London: J. Clarke. Imp. 8vo, sd. 6s. net.

GUNNING, J. Hry. J. H. Jesaja XL-LXVI. Hebreenwsche tekst. Rotterdam: J. M. Bredée. 8vo, pp. 56.


Lex Mosaica od. Das Mosaische Gesetz u. die neuere Kritik. Eine Sammlg. apologet. Aufsätze. Gütersloh: C. Bertelsmann. 8vo, pp. vii. 508. M.9.

KLEIN, G. Bidrag till Israels Religionshistoria.

Sex Föredrag.

Stockholm: Samson & Wallen. 8vo, pp. 129. Kr.2. FRANKENBERG, W. Die Sprüche, übersetzt u. erklärt. (Handkommentar zum Alten Testament. Hrsg. v. W. Nowack. II. Abth.,

die poet. Bücher. 3. Bd. 1. Thl.) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht. 8vo, pp. iv. 170. M.3.40.

SIEGFRIED, C. Prediger u. Hoheslied., übersetzt u. erklärt. (Handkommentar zum Alten Testament. Hrsg. v. W. Nowack. II. Abth., die poet. Bücher. 3. Bd. 2. Thl.) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht. 8vo, pp. iv. 126. M.2.60.

RIEDEL, W. Die Auslegung des Hohenliedes in der jüdischen Gemeinde u. der griechischen Kirche. Lpzg.: A. Deichert. 8vo, pp. vi. 120., M.2.40.

Text, Eine Vor

1. Hft.

KRAMER, F. O. Die äthiopische Übersetzung des Zacharias. zum ersten Male hrsg., Prolegomena, Commentar. studie zur Geschichte u. Kritik des Septuagintatextes. Lpzg. Dörffling u. Franke. 8vo, pp. viii. 30. M.1. PETERS, N. Die sahidisch-koptische Uebersetzung des Buches Ecclesiasticus auf ihrem wahren Werth f. die Textkritik untersucht. (Biblische Studien. Hrsg. v. O. Bardenhewer. III. Bd. 3. Hft.) Freib.: Herder. 8vo, pp. xi. 69. M.2.30. MARTINI, A. La Sacra Bibbia d'après la Vulgate. Ancient Testament. Vol. VI. Ecclésiaste, Cantique des Cantiques, Sagesse, Ecclésiastique. Mondovi: Graziano. Mondovi: Graziano. 18mo. Fr.2.

BECK, J. T. Erklärung der Propheten Micha und Joel, nebst einer Einleitung in die Prophetie. Hrsg. v. J. Lindemeyer. Gütersloh: C. Bertelsmann. 8vo, pp. vii. 246. M.3.60.


WILDEBOER, G. Jets over de methode der Oud-Testamentische kritiek.

Theol. Studien, 1898, 4.

DUSSAUD, R. Les visions d'Ézéchiel.

juin, 1898.

Rev. de l'hist. des rel., mai

ROSENTHAL, L. A. Einiges über Habakuk. Theol. Studien, 3, 1898.

HERZ, N. The Hebrew Ecclesiasticus.

Jew. Quart. Rev., July


BÜCHLER, A. The Fore-Court of Women and the Brass-gate in the Temple of Jerusalem. Jew. Quart. Rev., July 1898.

HOMMEL F. Inschriftl. Glossen u. Exkurse z. Genesis u. d. Propheten. N. Kirchl. Z., 7, 1898.

MARGOLIOUTH, G. A Fresh Explanation of Genesis vi. 3. Expositor, July 1898.

Vos, G. The Modern Hypothesis and Recent Criticism of the Early Prophets. III.: Isaiah. Presb. and Ref. Rev., July 1898. ZENNER, J. K. D. erste Teil d. Buches d. Weisheit, Z. f. Kathol. Theol., 3, 1898.

LIEBLEIN, J. Mots Egyptiens dans la Bible.

Arch., 1898, 5.

Proced. of Soc. of Bibl.

M'CURDY, J. F. Contemporaneous history: Josiah to Ezra. Biblical World, June 1898.


Historical movements in Israel from the reform of Josiah to the completion of the second temple. Biblical World, June 1898.

DAVIS, J. D., and E. L. CURTIS. The literary productions of Israel Biblical World, June 1898.

from Josiah to Ezra.

PATON, L. B. The religion of Judah. Biblical World, June 1898. M'CURDY, Prof. J. F. Light on Scriptural Texts from recent Discoveries. II. Benhadad and Hazael. III. Sennacherib. The Homiletic Review, July, August 1898.

MITCHELL, Prof. H. G. The new Old Testament. Methodist Review, July-August 1898.

MARGIVAL, Henri. Richard Simon et la critique biblique au XVII. Siècle; 7. article. Revue d'Histoire et de Littérature religieuses, 4. Solomon in Tradition and in Fact. The New

BACON, Benjamin W.

World, June 1898.

HECTOR, Rev. Dr J. The Testimony of the Old Testament to Jesus. The Indian Evangelical Review, July 1898.

HOMMELL, Dr Fritz. Inschriftliche Glossen und Exkurse zur Genesis und den Propheten. Neue Kirchl. Ztschr., IX. 7.

GREEN, Prof. W. Henry. Elohim and Jehovah in the Pentateuch. The Homiletic Review, Aug. 1898.

ADLER, E. N. The Persian Jews; their books and their ritual. The Jewish Quarterly Review, July 1898.

KRAUSS, Dr S. The Names of Moses. The Jewish Quarterly Review, July 1898.

CHEYNE, Prof. T. K. Gleanings in Biblical Criticism and Geography. The Jewish Quarterly Review, July 1898.

VOLZ, P. Die Ehegeschichte Hosea's. Ztschr. für wissen Theol., XLI. 3.

BENNETT, Prof. W. H. The Book of Joshua and the Pentateuch. The Jewish Quarterly Review, July 1898.

SKIPWITH, G. H. The Tetragrammaton; its Meaning and Origin. The Jewish Quarterly Review, July 1898.

KENNEDY, James. The Song of Deborah. The Jewish Quarterly Review, July 1898.

BATTEN, L. W. The Social Life of the Hebrews. Biblical World, June 1898.

RUBEN, P. An Oracle of Nahum. Proced. of Soc. of Bibl. Arch., 1898, 5.

CHEYNE, Prof. T. K. The Promise of Sleep, and Two other Passages reconsidered (Ps. cxxvii. 2; Ps. li. 6; Job xxxviii. 36). The Expositor, Aug. 1898.

GRAY, G. Buchanan. The Alphabetical Poem in Nahum. The Expositor, Sept. 1898.

DOUGLAS, Principal G. C. M. Ezekiel's Temple.

The Expository

Times, Aug. 1898.


MILLIGAN, W., and MOULTON, W. F. Commentary on the Gospel of St John. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark; London: Simpkin. Super Roy. 8vo, pp. 272. 98.

RESCH, A. Tà óyia 'Inoou. Lpzg.: J. C. Hinrichs.

120. M.1.

8vo, pp.

HEINECKE, R. Synopse der drei ersten Kanonischen Evangelien m. Parallelen aus dem Johannes-Evangelium. (In 3 Tln.) 1. Tl. Das Markus-Evangelium m. den Parallelen aus dem Lukasu. Matthäus- Evangelium. Giessen: J. Ricker. Lex. 8, pp. viii. 120. M.3.


Die christliche Lehre vom Erdengut nach den Evangelien u. Apostolischen Schriften. Eine Grundlegg. der christl. Wirtschaftslehre. Mainz: F. Kirchheim. Svo, pp.

xiv. 288. M.4.

ZAHN, Th. Die bleibende Bedeutung des Neutestamentlichen Kanons f. die Kirche. Vortrag. Lpzg.: A. Deichert Nachf. 8vo, pp. 61. M.0.90.

MADER, J. Kompendium der biblischen Hermeneutik.

F. Schöningh. 8vo, pp. vii. 80. M.1.20.


HILLENBRAND, H. J. Die Kindheit Jesu. Hrsg. v. K. A. Leimbach. Paderborn: F. Schöningh. 8vo, pp. vii. 130. M.3.

BEBBER, J. van. Zur Chronologie des Lebens Jesu. Eine exeget. Studie. Münster i. W.: H. Schöningh. 8vo, pp. iii. 187. M.2.80. MAAS, A. J. The Gospel according to St Matthew with an explanation and critical commentary. Freib. i. B.: Herder. Svo, pp. xli. 317.


SCHRENCK, E. v. Die johanneische Auffassung vom "Leben" mit Berücksicht ihrer Vorgeschichte untersucht. Lpzg.: A. Deichert. 8vo, pp. viii. 189. M.3.

WIGAND, P. Beiträge zum Verständnis der Offenbarung Johannis mit besond. Beziehung auf unsre Zeit. Gütersloh: C. Bertelsmann. 8vo, pp. viii. 65. M.1.

Mémain, L'apocalypse de Saint Jean et le septième chapitre de Daniel. Paris: Haton. 8vo, pp. 79.

HEINEKE, R. Synopse der drei ersten Kanonischen Evangelien mi Parallelen aus dem Johannes-Evangelium. II. u. III. Tl. II, Das Lukas-Evangelium mit den Parallelen aus dem MatthäusEvangelium. III. Das Matthäus-Evangelium mit Parallelen aus dem Lukas-Evangelium, nebst 2 Anhäugen: Die UrmarkusXóya-Stellen des Matthäus-Evangeliums. Verzeichnis der Johannesparallelen. Giessen: Ricker, 1898. Lex. 8vo, pp. vi. 121-166, and pp. v. 167-196. M.1.20 and M.0.80.

HASHAGEN, J. F. Seelsorgerliche Kreuzfahrten im Kampfe wider kräftige Irrtümer. II. Bd. : Die Gemeinde des Herrn nach den 7 apokalypt. Sendschreiben. 2. Hft.: Die Sendschreiben an die Engel der Gemeinden in Smyrna u. Pergamus. Gütersloh: C. Bertelsmann. Pp. 145-293. M.2.

RAMSAY, Prof. W. M. Paulus in der Apostelgeschichte. Deutsch von H. Groschke. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann. 8vo, pp. xi. 335. M.5.20.


ABBOTT, L., R. RHEES, A. H. BRADFORD, &c. The Kingdom of God: a Symposium. Biblical World, July 1898.

ROSE, F. V. La Critique nouvelle et les Actes des Apôtres. Rev.
Bibl., 3, 1898.

MANEN, W. C. v. Nit den Strijd over de Hoofdbrieven.
Tijdschr., 4, 1898.


MÉRITAN, J. L'Écclesiologie de l'Épitre aux Ephésiens. Rev. Bibl.,

3, 1898.

LABOURT, J. Notes d'Exégèse sous Philipp. II. 5-11.

3, 1898.

Rev. Bibl.,

KÜHL. Ueber Philipp. II. 12, 13. Stud. u. Krit., 4, 1898. ABBOTT, T. K. The Apocalypse of St John, in a Syriac Version hitherto unknown. Hermathena, No. XXIII., 1897.

QUARRY, J. Novationi De Trinitate Liber: its Probable History. Hermathena, No. XXIII., 1897.

BLASS, F. Philologische Mitarbeit a. Neuen Testament. N. Kirchl. Z., 7, 1898.

STEWART, G. W. Harnack, Jülicher, and Spitta on the Lord's Supper. Expositor, July 1898.

WILKINSON, J. H. Were Matthew and Zacchaeus the Same Person? Expositor, July 1898.

WAHLE. Paulus Erster Brief a. die Korinther. N. Kirchl. Z., 7, 1898.



with God.

A Historical Commentary on the Epistle to the
Cont. Expositor, July, Aug., Sept. 1898.

Difficult Passages in Romans v.: Faith and Peace
Expositor, July 1898.

BRUCE, A. B. Disciple-Logia. Expositor, July 1898.

SCHMIEDEL, P. D. Name "Menschensohn" u. d. Messiasbewustsein Jesu. Prot. Monatshft., 7, 1898.

CERSOY, P. Quelques Remarques sur les Logia de Benhesa. Rev. Bibl., 3, 1898.

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