Imatges de pàgina

The headman of the village [off] was asked by the commander whether he would give grain to his army.

The hut near Chitrakuta was built by the recluses [] that dwelt in the vicinity.

Women [f] shall bring up (take care of) children, and men [ ] shall acquire money by hard labour.

Dilîpa's horse was once taken away by Indra [zaga or मघवन् ].

In the beginning there were waters [7] only. On these waters appeared the self-existent [] Brahmâ, and by that self-existent being all these things were created.

He is blind by one eye [].

The honey in the flowers of the Kunda creeper has been drunk by bees [ मधुलिह ].

Idols are made of the bones [] of elephants.

He who walks by the path [] of truth attains prosperity.

In Greece there were two hills which were called [T]heads." श्वन्

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Thou art commanded by thy husband [] to give money

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His companion [f] having gone to Kâs'î, he lives here alone.

The name of Aryaman occurs in Zend religious books.
Give me any one [a] of those books.

Brâhmaņas repeating the Vedas are like frogs [afy ] croaking in the rains.

[blocks in formation]

f. water (used in the plur.) m. a horse.

m. n. f. pron. hinder, pos- n. the heart, intellect.

[blocks in formation]

fm. n. f. wicked,

m. a bull; f. a cow, speech, 1st conj. Parasm. to repeat,

the earth.

m. the leader or head

man of a village.

m. the moon.

f. a beautiful woman, a


to read.

qa m. master, husband.
¶¶7 m. a path, a way.
qm. the foot.

qm. the sun, a protector.
qm. n. f. pron. another, other.

परित्यक्त past part. puss of त्यज् | मानोन्नति f. (मान respect) loftiness

with qf, abandoned.

m. a recluse.

17 m. a name of S'iva.

gm. a raan.

gf. a widow remarried.

f. a town.

of respect, great self-respect. मृगानुसारिन् m. f. following or

pursuing an antelope.

[blocks in formation]

gum. a family priest.

m. a king; m. n. f. shining..

qa m. n. ƒ. pron. former, eastern.m, wealth.

ƒ. an army.

n. beauty, loveliness.

प्रच्युत past part. of च्यु to fall वह्नि m. fire. with प्र.

प्रजापीडनज़ ... (प्रजा f. sub jects, n. oppression, and from arising), arising from the oppression of the subjects.

प्रतिषिद्ध past part. pass. of सिध् with gf, forbidden, prohibi


प्रत्यच् m. n. f. western. प्रधी m. n. f. keen,


q m. a frog.
विचवत् m. nf wealthy.
fam. a man of the mercantile

caste; f. subjects, people. fm. the protector of all, God.

fam. the protector or sup

porter of the universe. fam. the creator, Brahmâ, वृत्रहन् m. killer of वृत्र, Indra. acute, m. a grammarian. व्याकरण n. grammar.

प्रयुक्त past part. pass. of युज् 20ith शकट m. a cart.

, used.

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2. animal-dung.

m. a conch-blower.

f. wealth, goddess of wealth. वन् m. a dog.

m. a beast of prey, a beast. A m. a friend, a companion. संख्यातीत m. nf (संख्या f. num ber, m. n. f. gone beyond) innumerable. सत्संगति f. company of the


सद् with आ 1st conj. Parasm. to approach, to come to.

सद् with प्र ( in the causal) to please, to propitiate.


सम्यच् m. n. f. good.
सम्नाज् m. a great king, an em -

in sight of.

सृज् with सम्, to bring in contact

with, to unite with.

स्त्री f. woman, wife.

संप्रदाय "". a custom, a tradi-with 3 and 1st conj. Pa

tional observance.

स्वयंभू m. n.f. self-existent.

rasm. and Atm. to bring, to


साक्षात् adv. in the presence of, / स्नु n. summit.

Acquire अर्ज 1st & 10th conj. | Grain धान्य n.

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Inhuman मानवानई . . f.

निरनुक्रोशं कर्म.

Politics नीतिशास्त्र n.

Bring up, causal of वृधु, वर्धय with Rains वर्षा plur.

सम, पोषणं or भरणं क्र.

[blocks in formation]

Croak रद 1st conj. with आ.

Religious book धर्मग्रन्थ m.

Reputed अभिमत past part. pass. प्रसिद्ध past part. pass. ; कर्तृत्वेनाभिमतौ reputed as authors (two).

Dirghatamas दीर्घतमस् m. name Slavery दास्य n. |

of a Rishi.

[ नितुम् inf. | Truth ऋत

Excavate खन् with उत्; उत्ख



1. The following is a list of the Sanskrit cardinal

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Up to

२० विंशति Twenty.

नवदशन्, these numerals may be considered as adjec

tives, i. e. they take the number and case of the noun to which they are applied ; and the first four, the gender also.

[blocks in formation]

These may be considered as substantives. They are all feminine; the noun to which they are applied may be of any gender. With a plural noun they are used in the singular; as fafaaferar: 'twenty Brahmanas.' They have duals and plurals like other nouns, but when these are used the construction is different ; ब्राह्मणानां विंशती ' two twenties of Bráhmanas'; ब्राह्मणानां विंशतय: 'many twenties of Bráhmanas.' The singular may be used similarly; as ramai faufa: 'one twenty of Brahmanas.'

3. The numbers intermediate between any two of these are formed by prefixing एक, हि &c. up to नवन् to the lower; but the ninth intermediate number is generally made up by prefixing to the higher. In making these compounds the final नू is invariably dropped ; द्वि becomes हा, त्रि, त्रयः and अष्टन्, अष्टा. But the three latter changes are optional in the case of चत्वारिंशत्, पञ्चाशत् षष्टि, सप्तति, and नवति; and do not take place at all in the case of अशीति. These numerals also follow the constructions explained in the preceding paragraph. शत ' a hundred' is a neuter noun.


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