Imatges de pàgina

भविष्यसि यदाक्षज्ञः श्रेयसा योक्ष्यसे तदा ||
समेष्यसि च दारैस्त्वं मा स्म शोके मनः कृथाः ।
राज्येन तनयाभ्यां च सत्यमेतद्ब्रवीमि ते ॥
स्वरूपं च यदा द्रष्टुमिच्छेथास्त्वं नराधिप ।
संस्मर्तव्यस्तदा तेऽहं वासश्चेदं निवासयेः ॥
अनेन वाससा च्छन्नः स्वरूपं प्रतिपत्स्यसे |
इत्युक्त्वा प्रददौ तस्मै दिव्यं वासोयुगं तदा ||
एवं नलं च संदिश्य वासो दत्वा च कौरव ।
नागराजस्ततो राजंस्तत्रैवान्तरधीयत ||

मधुकर मदिराक्ष्याः शंस तस्याः प्रवृत्तिं
वरतनुरथवासौ नैव दृष्टा त्वया मे ।
यदि सुरभिमवाप्स्यस्तन्मुखोच्छ्रासगन्धं
तव रतिरभविष्यत्पुण्डरीके किमस्मिन् ॥
अकरिष्यदसौ पापमतिनिष्करुणैव सा ।
नाभविष्यमहं तत्र यदि तत्परिपन्थिनी ॥

If I do not see [ दृश् ] Nala to-day, I will enter [ विx with प्र ] or throw [ त्यज with परि ] myself into a fire, and perish [ मृ].

The king does not tell me the object of his visit. Well I shall know [ज्ञा ] it in the end.

Sudeva, go to Rituparna, and tell him “ Damayantî is going to (will) institute [ स्था with आ ] a new Svayamvara ; many princes and kings go there, and it will come off [ वृत् with g ] to-morrow.”


*Said of a wicked woman who wanted to kill a young maid out of spite for her husband, but was prevented by a holy dame, who is the speaker.

"If you wish, go to Kundinapura in a single day; for as soon as the sun rises [with], she will choose [] a उद् second husband."

Damayantî gave much wealth to Parnâda, and said, “ I will give [ दा ] you more when Nala comes [ गम् with आ ]. Thou hast done much for me, none else will do [] so much; for now, as a consequence of your efforts, I shall soon be united [ युज् pass, इ or गम् with सम् ] to my husband .',

Oh Bâhuka! thou shouldst not deceive me; how will these weak horses bear [or] me to Kuṇḍinapura in a single day?

We will now mount [with] our horses and run swiftly.

Bâhuka said to the king, "Thou hast told me the number of leaves and fruits on this tree. Well, I will fell [caus. of at, or fit in your presence, and count the leaves."

I will not touch [] you because you eat with Chândâlas.

I do not know when he will begin [with] to construct a house to live in.

Had Yajnadatta made a bow [with] to him when he entered the house, he would not have considered [#] him a conceited fellow.

Had he gone [] into the presence of his enemy unguarded, the enemy would have killed [] him.

Had the cobra bitten [] him at the time, and had there been [] nobody to get medicine, Devadatta would certainly have died [ मृ, or रम् with उप ].


Thou wilt, by my blessing, enjoy [] supreme power in this world, and get [or] a son possessing all thy virtues; keep all your subjects contented.

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or some such expression should be used.

+ The of this root is changed to in the causal.

Part II.


1. The Parasmaipada terminations of this mood are made up by adding to those of the Imperfect. The 3rd pers. plur. is यासुः and the स् of is dropped before the and of the 3rd and त् स 2nd pers. sing.


2. To the terminations of the Âtmanepada Potential and to the and occurring in them prefix. These will be the terत् minations of the Atmanepada Benedictive. becomes fin

the circumstances mentioned in 4



3. The Parasmaipada terminations are weak, and the Atmanepada strong.

Rules regarding the Parasmaipada forms.

4. Roots ending in ऋ change it to रि ; as क्रियात्, क्रियास्ताम् &c.


5. preceded by a conjunct consonant and the root are changed to Guna ; as स्मर्यात्, स्मर्यास्ताम् &c. from स्मृ.

6. Art. 4 Lesson XIV. holds good in this case; as IT, Iच्यास्ताम् &c. from वच्

7. दा and धा and other roots assuming these forms, मा, स्था गै, पा, सो and हा 'to abandon', change their final vowel to ए; as देयात्, धेयात् &c.


8. Other roots ending in a preceded by a conjunct consonant, change their आ to ए optionally ; as ग्लेयात्, ग्लेयास्ताम् &c. from ग्लै 9. A final or is lengthened; as, rear &c. from जि; स्तूयास्ताम् &c. from स्तु.

10. Final

labial or, to

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(long) is changed to, and, when preceded by a

(see Art. 8 p. 8).

11. Some roots such as मन्थ्, अञ्च् ‘to go, ' शंस, दंश, सञ्ज, रञ्ज,

अञ्ज्, भञ्ज्, स्कन्द्, ग्रन्थ्, स्तम्भ, बन्धु, भ्रंश &c. drop their nasals.

Atmanepada forms.

12. The terminations take g after Set roots and optionally after those that are optionally Set.

13. Roots ending in ✈ (long), and in (short) preceded by a


conjunct consonant, and बृ admit of इ optionally ; as वरिषीष्ट, वृषीष्ट (see below) from वृ, स्तरिषीष्ट, स्तृषीष्ट from स्तृ.

14. Final or and the penultimate vowel do not undergo their Guna substitutes when the terminations do not take इ; as दृषीष्ट from हु, स्तरिषीष्ट, स्तीषट from


मुक्षीष्ट from मुच्.

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दिश्यात्, दिक्षीष्ट, रुध्यात्, रुत्सीष्ट, उच्यात्, स्मर्यात् स्तर्यात्, नीयात् नेषीष्ट, दद्यात्, दासीष्ट, घाक्षीष्ट, गाहिषीष्ट घेयात्, प्रायात्, तीर्यात् पूर्यात्, उद्यात्, वक्षीष्ट, मोदिषीष्ट, धुक्षीष्ट, दुयात्

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b. Give the Benedictive forms of the following roots :—

ह, लृ, वपू, यज्, सह, नह, रुह्, लिहू, बन्धू, ग्लै, हा, भिद्, भू, वृत्, रुच्, दु, लू, सो, स्तु, रु, शास्.


In addition to the rules given in the First Book and in some lessons of this, the student should commit to memory the following :-

1. य added to roots in the conjugational tenses is weak.

2. Arts. 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11, in the above, hold good in the case of this, i. e. in conjugational tenses.

3. The roots enumerated in Art. 7 in the above, change their final vowel to before 4.

4. The passive forms of the first and second Future, fourth Aorist, and Benedictive, of roots ending in a vowel, and of हन्,

ग्रह्, and EET are optionally made up by changing the vowel to its Vriddhi,* and appending the Atmanepada terminations of those tenses and moods with prefixed to them. is added to roots यू ending in in these optional forms. As to the ह् of हन् see 22 p. 149.

Explain the following:

स्तर्यते, स्तीर्यते, तीर्ये, पूर्ये, उद्यते, अवसीयते, भाविष्यते, घानिष्यते, भविष्यते, दर्शिष्यते, द्रक्ष्यते, हरिष्यते, नायिष्यते, नेष्यते, स्थास्यते, हरिष्यते, स्थायिष्यते, अश्राविषाताम्, अहषत, अश्रोषत.

Write down the passive forms of the second Future and Aorist of roots given in question b. in the above, and of the Present and Imperfect of the following:

शू, वप्, यज्, दृ, वृ, लृ, सृ, स्मृ, व्यच् ·

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m. dice used in gambling. fær n. name of a town. n. the secret of manag-øg m. n. f. (ão n. family, ing dice.

m. n. f. not deserving.

and from, produced) born ज

in a family, of the race of.

a m. n. f. innocent, notwith f, to injure, to wrong. guilty. ind. for, on account of. अश्वहृदय n. the secret of manag- गण्डकी f. name of a river. ing horses.

- m. perfume, smell. असूयय to wish ill to, to bear | चित्रवन n. name of a forest.

malice to.

[blocks in formation]

n. fraud.

m. a forest conflagration, a forest.

दंष्ट्रिन् m. an animal having sharp teeth, a snake.

m. n. f. celestial, beautiful. gun. skill.

नैषध m. king of a country named Nishadha, Nala.

* This does not apply to which takes Guna only. † This is a nominal verb, formed from ing, as in the 10th Conjugation.

by dropping the final vowel and add

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