Expert Network Time Protocol: An Experience in Time with NTP

Apress, 22 de nov. 2006 - 153 pàgines

Have you ever tried to figure out why your computer clock is off, or why your emails somehow have the wrong timestamp? Most likely, it’s due to an incorrect network time synchronization, which can be reset using the Network Time Protocol. Until now, most network administrators have been too paranoid to work with this, afraid that they would make the problem even worse. However, Expert Network Time Protocol: An Experience in Time with NTP takes the mystery out of time, and shows the network administrator how to regain the upper hand.

This book is a fascinating look into NTP, and the stories behind the science. Written by Peter Rybaczyk, one of the foremost experts on NTP, this book will show the network administrator how to become more comfortable working with time.

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Network Administration and IT Trends
Network Administration and IT Trends
Ancient Greece
The Middle Dark Ages
The Story Behind
NTP Architecture
NTP Design Configuration and Troubleshooting
NTP Deployment on Networks with and without Internet Access
A Journey in Time

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Sobre l'autor (2006)

Peter Rybaczyk is an Internet working consultant, a technical author, an IT seminar conductor, and a business owner. He began his IT career as an application programmer, database administrator, and network administrator for Summit University Press during the 1980s. After staring his first consulting business in 1990, he consulted and worked with telecom equipment vendors (Nortel Networks, Ericsson, Cisco Systems), local and regional ISPs, voiceover IP providers, law firms, health care providers, auto dealerships, and banks. Rybaczyk has designed, installed, and managed numerous LANs and WANs in diverse multi-protocol environments. And he has delivered over 120 IT seminars worldwide. Earlier in the decade, he was involved for two years in the design, deployment, configuration, and management of a nation-wide VoIP network in the U.S. During his training career, Rybaczyk has conducted seminars on voiceover IP, routing protocols (OSPF and BGP), TCP/IP protocol suite, Cisco routers and switches, network management, WAN switches, and data networks design and optimization. He has developed custom training courses on Cisco WAN management products, OSPF, rapid development tools, and voiceover IP that he delivered to audiences in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia and Asia. He is a former Cisco Certified System Instructor (CCSI) for Cisco Products Solutions Essentials and Networking Fundamentals. Rybaczyk was the Master of Ceremonies at VoIP Congress 2003 in Singapore and VoIP Congress 2004 in Kuala Lumpur. Rybaczyk holds a bachelor's degree in physics from the University of Missouri, Saint Louis. He also holds several industry certifications including CNE, CCNA, and CCNP. Peter's IT consulting firm, Convergent Netcom Services, is located in Tucson, Arizona.

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