Cap. How canft thou try them fo? Serv. Marry, Sir, 'tis an ill cook that cannot lick his own fingers; therefore he that cannot lick his fingers, goes not with me. Cap. Go, be gone. We shall be much unfurnished for this time. -What, is my daughter gone to Friar Lawrence? Nurfe. Ay, forfooth. Cap. Well, he may chance to do fome good on her: A peevish felf-will'd harlotry it is. Enter Juliet. Nurfe. See, where she comes from Shrift with merry Look. Cap. How now, my head-ftrong? where have you been gadding? Jul. Where I have learnt me to repent the fin Of difobedient oppofition [She kneels. To you and your Behifts; and am enjoin'd Cap. Send for the County, go, tell him of this; Cap. Why, I am glad on't, this is well, ftand up; Now, afore God, this reverend holy Friar, As you think fit to furnish me to-morrow? VOL. VIII. H La. La. Cap. No, not 'till Thursday, there is time enough. Cap. Go, nurse, go with her. We'll to Church to[Exeunt Juliet and Nurse. morrow. La. Cap. We fhall be fhort in our provision; 'Tis now near night. Cap. Tufh, I will stir about, And all things fhall be well, I warrant thee, wife. Againit to-morrow. My heart's wondrous light, Jul. [Exeunt Capulet and lady Capulet. SCENE III. Changes to Juliet's Chamber. Enter Juliet and Nurse. Y, thofe attires are beft. But, gentle nurse, 7 For I have need of many Orifons To move the heav'ns to fmile upon my State, Which, well thou know'ft, is cross, and full of Sin. Enter Lady Capulet. La. Cap. What, are you bufy? doyou need my help? Jul. No, Madam, we have cull'd fuch neceffaries As are behoveful for our ftate to-morrow. So please you, let me now be left alone, 6 We fall be fort-] That is, We fhall be defective. 7 For I have need, &c.] Juliet plays most of her pranks un der the appearance of religion: perhaps Shakespeare meant to punifh her hypocrify. For, For, I am fure, you have your hands full all, La. Cap. Good-night, Get thee to bed and reft, for thou haft need. [Exeunt. I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins, I'll call them back again to comfort me. My dismal scene I needs must act alone: Come, phial-what if this mixture do not work at all? Shall I of force be married to the Count? Lie thou there [Laying down a dagger I fear, it is; and yet, methinks, it should not, -How, if, when I am laid into the tomb, I wake before the time that Romeo Comes to redeem me? there's a fearful point! To whose foul mouth no healthfom air breathes in, Or, if I live, is it not very like, The horrible conceit of death and night, As in a vault, an antient receptacle, Where, for these many hundred years, the bones H 2 Alas, 8 Alas, alas! is it not like, that I So early waking, what with loathfom smells, [She throws herself on the bed. La. Cap. H OLD, take these keys and fetch more fpices, nurfe. Nurfe. They call for dates and quinces in the pastry. Enter Capulet. Cap. Come, ftir, ftir, ftir, the fecond cock hath The curfeu bell hath rung, 'tis three o'clock: 8- is it not like, that I.] This fpeech is confufed and inconfequential, according to the diforder of Juliet's mind. The curfeu bell-] I know not that the morning bell is called the curfcu in any other place. Nurfe. Nurfe. Go, go, you cot-quean, go. Get you to bed; 'faith, you'll be fick to morrow, Cap. No, not a whit: what, I have watch'd ere now All night for a less cause, and ne'er been fick. La. Cap. Ay, you have been a mouse-hunt in your time, But I will watch you, from fuch watching, now. Enter three or four with fpits, and logs, and baskets. Serv. Things for the cook, Sir, but I know not what. Cap. Make hafte, make hafte. Sirrah, fetch drier logs, Call Peter, he will fhew thee where they are. Serv. I have a head, Sir, that will find out logs, And never trouble Peter for the matter. Cap. 'Mafs, and well faid, a merry whorefon, ha! Thou shalt be logger-head.-Good faith, 'tis day. The County will be here with mufick ftraight, [Play mufick. For fo, he said, he would. I hear him near. Nurfe,-wife,-what, ho! what nurse, I say? Enter Nurfe. Go, waken Juliet, go and trim her up, [Exeunt Capulet and Nurfe, feverally. |