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" When icicles hang by the wall And Dick the shepherd blows his nail And Tom bears logs into the hall And milk comes frozen home in pail, When blood is nipp'd and ways be foul, Then nightly sings the staring owl, Tu-whit; Tu-who, a merry note, While greasy... "
The dramatic works of William Shakspeare, to which are added his ... - Pągina 74
per William Shakespeare - 1821
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Volum 2

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 424 pągines
...cuckoo, — 0 word of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear ! III. Winter. When icicles hang by the wall, And Dick the shepherd blows his nail, And Tom bears...pail, When blood is nipp'd, and ways befoul, Then nighl/il sings the staring owl, To-who ; Tn-vhil , io-who^a merry note. While greasy Joan dot A keel*...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare, Volum 2

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 556 pągines
...cuckoo, — O word of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear ! III. Winter. When icicles hang by the wall, And Dick the shepherd blows his nail, And Tom bears...frozen home in pail, When blood is nipp'd, and ways be foul, Then nightly sings the staring owl, To-who; Tu-whit, to-who, a merry note, While greasy Joan...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare : Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Volum 3

William Shakespeare - 1805 - 452 pągines
...cuckoo,—0 word of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear! III. Winter. When icicles hang by the wall, And Dick the shepherd blows his nail, And Tom bears...merry note, While greasy Joan doth keel" the pot. IV. And birds sit brooding in the snow, When all aloud the wind doth blow, And coughing drowns the parsons...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With Notes of Various Commentators, Edició 3

William Shakespeare - 1806 - 412 pągines
...fear, Unpleasing to a married ear! Winter. When icicles hang by the wall,' And Dick the shepherd Hows his nail, And Tom bears logs into the hall, And milk...Tu-whit, to-who, a merry note, While greasy Joan doth keel the pot6*. IV. When all aloud the wind doth blow, And coughing drowns the parson's saw, And birds...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare: Much ado about nothing ; Midsummer-night's ...

William Shakespeare - 1811 - 436 pągines
...cttkoo, — O word of fear, fjnpleaaing to a married cart HI* Winter. When icicles hang by the wall, And Dick the shepherd blows his nail, And Tom bears...Then nightly sings the staring owl, To-who ; Tu-whit, to who, a merry note, While greasy Joan doth keel* the pot* IV. When all aloud the wind doth blow,...
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Twelfth-night. Measure for measure. Much ado about nothing. Midsummer-night ...

William Shakespeare, Alexander Chalmers - 1811 - 520 pągines
...cuckoo, — O word of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear! HI. Winter. When icicles hang by the wall, And Dick the shepherd blows his nail, And Tom bears...frozen home in pail, When blood is nipp'd, and ways be foul, Then nightly sings the staring owl, To-who; Tu-whit, to-who, a merry note, While greasy Joan...
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New elegant extracts; a selection from the most eminent British ..., Volum 3

New elegant extracts - 1823 - 402 pągines
...word of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear ! SHAKSPEARE. WINTER. a Song. WHEN icicles hang by the wall, And Dick the shepherd blows his nail, And Tom bears...frozen home in pail ; When blood is nipp'd, and ways be foul, Then nightly sings the staring owl, Tu-whoo ! Tu-whit ! tu-whoo ! a merry note, While greasy...
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New Elegant Extracts: A Unique Selection from the Most Eminent ..., Volum 3

Richard Alfred Davenport - 1823 - 472 pągines
...of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear ! SHAKSPEARE. WINTER. "H Song. WHEN icicles hang by the wall, And Dick the shepherd blows his nail, And Tom bears...frozen home in pail ; When blood is nipp'd, and ways be foul, Then nightly sings the staring owl, Tu-whoo ! Tu-whit ! tu-whoo ! a merry note, While greasy...
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New Elegant Extracts: A Unique Selection from the Most Eminent ..., Volum 3

Richard Alfred Davenport - 1823 - 410 pągines
...of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear ! SHAKSPEARE. WINTER. 31 Song. WHEN icicles hang by the wall, And Dick the shepherd blows his nail, And Tom bears...frozen home in pail ; When blood is nipp'd, and ways be foul, Then nightly sings the staring owl, Tu-whoo ! Tu-whit ! tu-whoo ! a merry note, While greasy...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, in Ten Volumes: Midsummer night's ...

William Shakespeare - 1823 - 348 pągines
...cuckoo, — O word of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear ! III. Winter. When icicles hang by the wall,9 And Dick the shepherd blows his nail? And Tom bears...frozen home in pail, When blood is nipp'd, and ways be fowl, Then nightly sings the staring owl, To-who; Tu-whit, to-who, a merry note, While greasy Joan...
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