Whofe proof, nor yells of mothers, maids, nor babes, I'll take the gold thou giv'ft me, not thy counsel. Tim. Doft thou, or doft thou not, heav'n's curfe upon thee! Both. Give us fome gold, good Timon: haft thou more? Tim. Enough to make a whore forfwear her trade, And to make whores abundant, Hold up, you fluts, Your aprons mountant; your not oathable, Although I know you'll fwear, terribly swear Into ftrong fhudders and to heavenly agues Th'immortal Gods that hear you. Spare your oaths: I'll truft to your conditions, be whores ftill. And he whofe pious breath feeks to convert you, Be ftrong in whore, allure him, burn him up : clofe fire predominate his smoak, Let your And be no turn-coats yet may your pains exterior Wear them, betray with them; and whore on ftill. A pox of wrinkles! Beth. Well, more gold what then? Believe that we'll do any thing for gold. Tim. Confumptions fow In hollow bones of man, ftrike their sharp fhins, Nor found his quillets fhrilly. Hoar the Flamen, And not believes himfelf. Down with the nose, Smells from the gen'ral weal. Make curl'd-pate ruffians The war derive fome pain from you. Plague all; That That your activity may defeat and quell The fource of all erection.There's more gold. And ditches grave you all! Both. More counfel with more mony, bounteous Timon. Tim. More whore, more mischief firft; I've given you earnest. Alc. Strike up the drum tow'rds Athens; farewel, Tinion; If I thrive well, I'll vifit thee again. Tim. If I hope well, I'll never see thee more. Alc. I never did thee harm. Tim. Yes, thou fpok'ft well of me. Alc. Call'ft thou that harm? Tim. Men daily find it. Get thee hence away, And take thy beagles with thee. Alc. We but offend him: ftrike. [Exeunt Alcib. Phrynia and Timandra.. SCENE V. Tim. That Nature being fick of man's unkindness Should yet be hungry! Common mother, thou Whose womb unmeafurable, and infinite breaft Teems, and feeds all; oh thou! whofe felf-fame mettle Whereof thy proud child arrogant man is puft, Engenders the black toad and adder blue, The gilded newt, and eyelefs venom'd worm 37 With all th'abhorred births below crifp heav'n Whereon Hyperion's quickning fire doth fhine Yield him, who all thy human fons do's hate, From forth thy plenteous bofom, one poor root! Then fear thy fertile and conceptious womb; Let it no more bring out ingrateful man. Go great with tygers, dragons, wolves and bears, Teem with new monfters whom thy upward face Hath to the marbled manfion all above Never prefented-O, a root-dear thanks! Dry up thy meadows, vineyards, plough-torn leas, Whereof ingrateful man with liqu'rifh draughts, And morfels unctious, greafes his pure mind, That from it all confideration flips SCENE SCENE VI. Enter Apemantus. More man? plague, plague! Apem. I was directed hither. Men report From change of fortune. Why this fpade? this place ? To cure thy o'er-night's furfeit: Call the creatures Of wreakful heav'n, whole bare unhoufed trunks, Answer meer nature; bid them flatter thee; Tim. A fool of thee; depart. Apem. I love thee better now than e'er I did. E 2 Apem. Apem. I flatter not, but fay thou art a caytiff. Tim. Always a villain's office, or a fool's. Apem. Ay. Tim. What a knave thou! Apem. If thou didft put this fowre cold habit on Thou shouldft defire to die, being miferable. Tim. Not by his breath, that is more miferable. Freely command; thou wouldst have plung'd thy felf The fugar'd game before thee. But my felf, The mouths, the tongues, the eyes, the hearts of men Do on the oak; yet with one winter's brush Fall'n from their boughs, have left me open, bare For every ftorm that blows; I to bear this, That never knew but better, is fome burthen.. Hath made thee hard in't. Why fhould't thou hate men? They never flatter'd thee. What haft thou given? -- If thou wilt curfe, thy father that poor rag Were all the wealth I have, fhut up in thee, [Eating a reet, Apem. What wouldst thou have to Atbens? Tim. Thee thither in a whirlwind; if thou wilt Tell them there I have gold; look, "fo I have. Apem. Here is no ufe for gold. Tim. The best and trueft: For here it fleeps, and does no hired harm. Where feed'ft thou a-days, Apemantus ? My ftomach finds meat, rather where I eat it. Tim. To fawce thy dishes. Apem. The middle of humanity thou never knewest, but the extremity of both ends. When thou waft in thy gilt, and thy perfume, they mockt thee, for too much courtesy; in thy rags thou knoweft none, but art despis'd Thus would I eat it. Adem. Here will I mend thy feast. Tim. Fift mend my company, take away thy felf. If not, I would it were.. deem. What wouldst thou, &c. |