Imatges de pàgina


surrounding villages, and the press had reached the last audacity of wickedness, teeming with sedition and blasphemy. It is all very easy to say why were such things permitted? that is not the question-they existed. On the 10th of March 1817, a meeting of the reformers was held in Manchester, and the magistrates, deeming that meeting illegal, ordered the military to surround the hustings, and the constables to seize the orators-no resistance was made, and, therefore, no bloodshed ensued. The thanks of government were given to the magistrates, and their conduct approved of by the whole country. There can be no doubt that such determined conduct at that time prevented a great deal of mischief. We know that in other counties serious disturbances broke out-that many atrocities were committed and that blood had to flow upon the scaffold.

But bad as the popular spirit was in Manchester and the neighbourhood in 1817, in 1819 it was a thousand times worse. The press had urged the reformer to take up arms, and to resist the government. That government was represented, as existing only in a savage, but impotent tyranny-the period was said to be close at hand, when, with its destruction, there would be a freedom from all taxes, and an equalization of property. Even schools, it is well known, had been established, in which all religion was treated as a mere name, and in which was inculcated the defiance of government. The reformers had been long trained to the use of arms-and had been accustomed to march in masses in the open daylight, with banners flying, and with bands of music. Knowing all this, in what other light could the local authorities consider an assemblage of 50,000 such people, but as a multitude met in open rebellion against the state. The banners then raised were not merely the banners of that day-but had long been the insignia of rebellion though, probably, some of the most atrocious character had been framed by the hands of some fair female reformer for that especial occasion, and first consecrated by the spirit of sedition, delivered to the bands that on that day were to shake the government of their tyrants. Had the ringleader of such a fierce democracy been suffered in liberty to see the setting

of that day's sun, there would have been a confession on the part of government by its authorities, that the power of the populace was too formidable to be resisted, and that the laws must be left to their mercy. He was seizedand he was seized in the only way, and by the only power which could have been effectual; entrenched as he was, within a phalanx of his rebellious subjects.

But we must conclude. The danger that threatens the country has at last been acknowledged on all hands and by all parties; and such measures. have been adopted by the wisdom of parliament, as we doubt not will, by suppressing, finally destroy the wicked spirit in which that danger is bred. We shall probably, in our next Number, take these measures into consideration, as by that time they will have undergone the ordeal of public opinion, and their real character made manifest. Meanwhile, before parting with our readers for another month, we wish to say a very few words upon what we conceive to be still the true and native character of Englishmen, and what will soon exhibit itself, when the power of its wicked disturbers and destroyers is no more. The great body of the English people are in their hearts disposed to look up with a natural respect to the gentlemen of the country; and they deserve that respect by their intelligence, their honour, their humanity, and their generous courage. Were the people of England not changed for a time into something abhorrent to their very nature, by wretches who seek to destroy in them those noble qualities which are a reproach to themselves, it would be quite satisfaction enough for them to know, that the administration of their affairs was in the hands of that Body of men. They could wish them in no better-they certainly would not wish them in their own. The fancies that are now abroad upon these subjects are no natural birth of the hearts of Englishmen. They would not, if left to themselves, desire to see the administration of the country's affairs under a responsibility to themselves. They would look up to the higher orders, as their natural guardians, with a frank and merited confidence. The poisoners of the heart of the country may instil into them other feelings but these are their own. Though un

questionably oppressed with ignorance, and fallen in too great a degree of late years from the old integrity of their manners, the English are yet a soberminded, wise, good, contented people. That severity of condition which is annexed to their birth-labour-they bear with a hardy and cheerful spirit. The privations which belong to their life they bear with a strong and unrepining heart. They are willing to accept, and capable of enjoying the happiness which falls within their condition; and least of any men do they wish to disturb the natural order of things, by forcing themselves out of it. Wo to those who would trouble their hearts with that ambition! They like their labour, and wish for themselves no more than a natural welfare, according to the ordinary and possible courses of the world. Under great distress, unknown to those who do not know them, they have exerted, and do still exert, great fortitude and endurance. It is grievous, that in a time of suffering, when their utmost patience and prudence are required for themselves, they should be seduced, by mischievous persuasion, to shew themselves in any character but that most honourable one of their own.

No ruler need wish to govern a nobler people-no man whose own condition of life places him high in society, need wish his lot to be cast among a better. They have hearts open to kindness, and will be bound to those who know how to lay obligations upon them. Nothing can be easier than it is in the higher classes in England to make indissoluble the union of the lower orders of the people to their country. With them lies the strength of the community. They must understand that the mind of the people is by many causes disturbed, and that with them it rests to replace it in its old and settled strength. This is a private duty which every man owes to the public welfare. He must discharge it in privacy and silence around his own home-he must make himself felt by the people to be their friend. This is neither difficult nor troublesome; for they are ready to believe in any affection that is sincere. He must draw their hearts to the state by uniting them to himself-he must restore the stedfast condition of their minds by giving his counsel, and sometimes his exertion and his wealth to

restore the stability of their condition. The charge that is laid upon the government of the country by the state of the times, is beyond imagination arduous, because in a danger which is of undefined extent, they are required to act with promptitude, decision, and certain effect,-and yet in a danger of which the present amount may be far less than the threatened future, they are required to exceed as little as possible the ordinary limits of freedom. They are required to entertain the most watchful apprehension of danger, and yet in no degree to be swayed by fear. But to the general body of those whose rank, or wealth, or instruction, gives them a place of influence in society-the charge which is laid on them by the times, is in no respect arduous. It is to set their own minds, and the language will follow of course, in opposition to what is pregnant with evil in the spirit of the times; and the great labour and duty which they have to perform and to fulfil, is to support and to promulgate the principles and the blessings of legitimate government. What their duty is, when the danger cannot be so met and removed, is sufficiently understood.

It is to be hoped, that to a great part of the country there is little need to say any thing, except what might induce a more considerate and thoughtful temper as to the times. But there are many undoubtedly, who, without the obstinacy of party, have their minds held in subjection by opinions which belong to party. To them there is much to be said. For they hold opinions which are false, by the spirit in which they are conceived. They may have given them ready acceptance through an open kindness of spirit which sees in the most fanciful doctrines of rights only a more indulgent consideration of human happiness. But there is one thing they have not considered, and that is our human condition. To turn their eyes upon this, and to constrain them to draw from this principle their theory of government, would be to derange the whole temper of spirit in which they are used to reason, requiring them to seek their knowledge not on the agreeable surface of life, but in its difficult and painful depths, and in all its mournful necessities. But these are subjects for future speculation.


System of Geography-That rude compilation known under the title, Guthrie's Grammar, was for many years the only English work on geography. Pinkerton, well known as an antiquarian, at the suggestion of some London booksellers, undertook the compilation of a work on geography. He succeeded in constructing a popular and mixed system of geography, far superior in accuracy and extent of information to any hitherto published in the English language. But we want a purely scientific system of geography, freed from all topographical details and extraneous discussions. How. ever great the merits of Pinkerton's work are, still it cannot be considered as a scientific and pure philosophical system of geography. Although we do not pretend to be able to point out a satisfactory plan for such a work, yet we think that attention to the following arrangement may assist in its execution.- A purely scientific geography should contain no political geography; and the absurd natural history geography, so much the fashion on the Continent, particularly in France, must be rejected. The first grand division of the work might be arranged in the following manner :

1. General Physiognomy of the Earth's surface.

2. General Meteorology.

3. General Hydrography.

4. General Geology.

the Ochil Hills.We have just seen a proof impression of Mr Gardiner's view of the Grampians about to be published. The drawing is admirable, and the execution of the engraving masterly. As a whole, it much exceeds in beauty and general effect, the Swiss view from Mount Rigi, so much celebrated on the Continent; and we have no doubt that the details are given with the most scrupulous regard to accuracy.

Dr Barclay's Anatomical Plates-We have seen and examined the first Number of a beautiful series of anatomical plates, published by Dr Barclay, lecturer on anatomy in Edinburgh. The plates of the series, which represent parts of the human frame, are beautifully executed; but the figures which have particularly arrested our attention, are those of objects of comparative anatomy, and these certainly display great mastership both in the painter and the engraver. We cannot, however, help expressing our regret that Dr Barclay, who has devoted so many years to the successful cultivation of comparative anatomy, should have enriched this work with so few observations, and the more particularly, as we know from our studies under this able teacher, the store of original dissections in comparative anatomy which are in his portfolio.

Discovery in Norway of a sealed bottle thrown out by the Discovery Ships. A

5. General Geography of Plants and priest, named Theling, at Ræde, has comAnimals.

6. General geography of Man. The second grand division to be arranged in the following order :

1. Division of the Globe into grand natural districts.

2. Description of these districts in the following order :

a General Panoramic View.

b Developement of the various forms, connexions, &c. of Mountains, Valleys, and Plains.

c Description of Springs, Rivers, and Lakes.

d Geology.

e Climate.

f As connected with Climate, distribution of Animals and Vegetables.

Having premised this general description of the district, we might next déscribe very shortly the individual parts or provinces of the district, without however interfering with strictly topographical details, and without losing sight of the grand plan of the work, which is to communicate a physical representation of the globe and its inhabitants. Lastly, we must be careful so to arrange the details, that they may appear as consistent parts of a grand whole.

Gardiner's View of the Grampians from

municated to the Norwegian government, that a sealed bottle was found, on the 21st of September, near the mouth of a river a little above Ræde. It contained a report from the captain of the ship Hecla, which is on an expedition to the Artic Pole. The report is dated May 22d, 1819, in north latitude 59° 4, west longitude 6° 55': It adds, that the crew are in good health; and the commander requests, whenever the bottle is found, that it may be despatched to the admiralty, which has been done.

The Human Race divided according to their Religious Professions. Estimating the population of the whole earth at a thousand millions, the following is an enumeration of them according to religious profession.

1. Christiansen
2. Jews, (exaggerated).
3. Mahomedans
4. Heathens, &c.

175,000,000 9.000,000 150,000,000 656,000,000


Earthquake at Comrie.. -Comrie, in Perthshire, has been long famous for its earthquakes. Some geologists, from this circumstance, suspect that its mineralogical structure must resemble that of those districts where volcanoes occur. We have examined Comrie and its vicinity, and find the pre

vailing rocks are clay slate; and therefore very different from the trap and porphyry rocks of volcanic districts. An earthquake, we are informed, was felt at Comrie on Sunday the 28th November last. The shock was accompanied with a hollow rumbling noise, resembling the sound of distant thunder, and continued for about 10 seconds, occasioning, while passing, the crashing of the timber in houses, moving of the chairs, and jingling of the fire-irons, glasses, &c. It was felt for several miles around that village, and seemed to commence in the north-west, passing by the village, and its vicinity, in a south-easterly direction, when it ceased.

Menges Tour in Iceland.-Mr Menge, a German mineralogist, has just returned from Iceland, where he has spent several months in investigating its mineralogy. It is said, he has made a more complete and extensive series of observations than any preceding traveller. Already we have seen a very interesting account of the Geyser hot springs, by this naturalist, which has been read before the Natural History Society of Wetteran. An abstract of this account has appeared in the New Monthly Magazine, to which we refer our Readers. Chesnut Wood used in Tanning and Dyeing.-Chesnut wood has recently been successfully applied to the purposes of dyeing and tanning, thus forming a substitute for logwood and oak bark. Leather tanned by it is declared by those who have made the experiments, to be superior to that tanned with oak bark; and in dyeing, its affinity for wool is said to be greater than that of either galls or shumac, and consequently, the dye given more permanent. It also makes admirable ink.

New Musical Contrivance.-Major P. Hawker has invented a moveable apparatus (so small that it may be carried in the pocket), which must preserve a correctly formed hand while passing the thumb on the keys of a piano forte, and by which it is impossible to play the scales of that instrument otherwise than in a mathematical true position.

Mode of Detecting Base Coin.-Base coin may be immediately discovered on looking at the head: if counterfeit, the ear is very imperfect; it is not so much raised or indented as the sterling coin by a great deal. There is a similar difference in the lock of hair represented on the cheekbone. Those conversant with base coin never sound them, a sight of the head is quite sufficient.

Revival of Falconry by Lord Gage. Falconry is about to be revived as a field amusement in several parts of the kingdom. Lord Gage has introduced it at Ferle, in Sussex. His Lordship is attended by a Falconer, whose command over the hawks when in the pursuit of the game, has astonished all who have witnessed it.

In the time of James I. Sir Thomas Monson is said to have given a thousand pounds for a cast of hawks; and in such esteem was that bird in the reign of Edward III., that it was made felony to steal a hawk; to take its eggs, even in a person's own ground, was punishable with imprisonment for a year and a day, together with a fine at the king's will.

Splendid Work on Mammiferous Animals.-A splendid work is now publishing in Paris, entitled The Natural History of Mammiferous Animals; with original figures, painted from living animals. The authors are, M. St Hillaire, professor of zoology in the Museum of Natural History, &c. and M. Cuvier, superintendant of the Royal Menagerie.

Four numbers have appeared in folio, with six plates to each number. No other collection but the museum presents such an assemblage of circumstances favourable to the undertaking.

The text in these numbers is by M. Cuvier. Thirteen of the figures represent animals well known: three belong to species which have been drawn from subjects not living, and eight represent animals that have never been pourtrayed. The descriptions embrace what is known relative to the exterior organs, and the use made of them, with that degree of intelligence which is peculiar to the individual. The females and the young are accurately described; and every circumstance connected with the reproduction of the species is carefully noted. Particulars of this kind are fully detailed with respect to the Moufflon of Corsica, the Macako of Buffon, the Maki with a white forehead, and the Stag of Louisiana.

There is a very curious work now handing about in literary circles, which is said to have been undertaken at the instance of the Portuguese government, by a Nobleman of distinguished eminence in Brazil, in the hope of arousing his countrymen from that state of apathy, with regard to literary subjects, in which they have so long been immersed. It is highly honourable to English literature, that the subject chosen for this purpose should be the production of a genius of our own. Pope's Essay on Man is the basis on which this illustrious translator has erected a fabric of moral and political science, adapted to the wants of the Portuguese, and composed of materials derived from the stores of all nations. notes are voluminous, learned, and interesting, and are interspersed with short pieces translated from other languages. The press, pencil, and graver of England have contributed in all their excellence to the embellishment of this private publication, of which we understand only a few copies will be suffered to circulate in this country.




THE entire works of Aristophanes ; translated by Mr Thomas Mitchell, with numerous illustrative notes. In 3 vols 8vo.

Principles of Political Economy; by Mr Malthus.

Germany and the Revolution; by Professor Goerres, late Editor of the Rhenish Mercury. Memoirs of the Life of the late Richard Lovell Edgeworth; by his daughter Maria Edgeworth. In 2 vols. 8vo.

The first number of a Gazetteer, of the Colonies and Colonial Establishments of Great Britain, will be published in January. To be completed in 12 monthly parts.

Mr Dawson Turner of Yarmouth, is preparing for the press, his Tour through Normandy, illustrated with a variety of etchings; by Mrs T. and his daughters who accompanied him.

Memoirs of the Protector Oliver Cromwell, and his sons Richard and Henry, illustrated by original letters, and other family papers; by Oliver Cromwell, esq. a descendant of the family; ornamented with portraits from original pictures.

Journal of a Tour through part of the snowy range of the Himala mountains; by J. B. Fraser, esq; and twenty views in the Himala mountains, uniform with Daniel's Oriental Scenery, and Salts Views in Abyssinia; by the same.

Travels in various Countries of the East; being a continuation of Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey, &c.; by Robert Walpole, M.A. This volume will contain, among other papers, observations made by the late Mr Browne in parts of the Turkish empire; a Biographical Memoir of him; also, an account of a journey from Suez to Mount Sinai: of another, through part of Persia to the ancient Susa; the Arabic inscriptions discovered by Belzoni in the Pyramid of Cephrenes; travels in Syria, Asia Minor, and Greece, and in the islands of the Archipelago; with remarks on the natural history, antiquities, manners, and customs, of those countries.

The first Quarterly Number of Mr Nash's Views in the city of Paris, will be published in February. The literary department to be conducted by Mr John Scott, author of Travels in France and Italy.

Shortly will be published, Memoirs of the Life of John Wesley, the founder of the English Methodists; by Robert Southey, esq. in two volumes octavo, illustrated by portraits of Wesley and Whitefield.

Miss Burney's Country Neighbours; forming the continuation of her "Tales of Fancy."

Plain and Practical Sermons; by the Rev. George Hughes.

The Annual Biography and Obituary, with silhoutte portraits, for 1819, is in the press, containing: 1. Memoirs of those celebrated Men who have died within the

years 1818-19. 2. Neglected Biography, with biographical notices and anecdotes, and original letters. 3. Analysis of recent Biographical Works. 4. A Biographical List of Persons who have died within the British dominions.

A new edition of the Confessions of Rousseau; translated from the French.

An Essay on Human Motives; by the Rev. John Penrose.

The first number of the Second Tour of Dr Syntax; from the same pen and pencil as produced the First: will appear on the 1st. of January next.

Mr Andrew Horn will publish in January, a work on the insufficiency of Nature and Reason, and the Necessity of Revelation, to demonstrate the Existence and Perfections of the Deity.

A reprint of the two supplementary volumes of Vitruvius Britannicus; by Woolf and Gaudon.

In the press, Christianity no cunninglydevised Fable; being six discourses on the evidences of Christianity; by the Rev. H. C. O'Donnoghue, A.M.

An octavo edition of M'Diarmid's Lives of British Statesmen.

A Synopsis of British Mollusca, being an arrangement of bivalve and univalve shells, with plates; by Dr W. E. Leach.

The last number of Batty's Italian Scenery, will appear on the 1st. of February


A natural arrangement of British Plants, with figures; by S. F. Gray. In 2 volumes. 8vo.

A new edition of Fitzstephen's description of London, with notes; by Dr Pegge.

Le Croix's Algebra; translated from the French.

An Easy and Expeditious Method of Solving the Roots of all Equations; by Mr Holdred.

Memoirs of John Tobin, author of the Honey-moon, &c. &c.; with a selection from his unpublished manuscripts, are preparing by Miss Benger, author of Memoirs of Mr Hugh Hamilton.

Letters on Profane History; by the author of Letters on Sacred History.

A new edition of Crantz's History of Greenland; with additions, notes, &c. The Age of Christian Reason; being a complete refutation of Paine, Volney, &c.

A History of the Crusades for the Recovery and Possession of the Holy Land, is announced by Charles Mills, esq. author of a History of Muhammedanism." In 2 vols. 8vo.


A new edition of Mr Chamber's Arithmetic. The second volume of Sir William Ouseley's Travels in the East, and in Persia, will be ready soon after Christmas.

A volume of Sermons; by the late Rev. James Stillingfleet.

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