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else he could find ground for the candid imputation, I cannot guess.

Yet this man has the hardihood to cant about charity, till charity herself be disgusted to see her holy name connected with such disregard of her influence; and to talk about " purer principle again prevailing, and kindlier feelings recovering the ascendency." And this consummation he perhaps conceives may be best effected by a Pamphlet, a great portion of which is addressed to the worst passions of our nature, and fitted only to excite jealousy, irritation, and enmity-by telling the people of Edinburgh that they are greatly deficient both in religion and civilization,—that the Bible Society is well rid of them, that they cannot form an opinion of their own upon the subject, but are merely led by Dr THOMSON, in the charitable hope, no doubt, that, stung by this taunt, some of them may be induced, in order to avoid the imputation of being led by that gentleman to renounce their own opinions, just because they have found in him an able advocate, and may give their names to the Corresponding Board, where they may escape the danger of being tainted with the overbearing talents of their leaders. If this be the English of the oft repeated sneer, it. conveys a poor compliment to the Board.

I close my comment upon a text in which I find "neither the sprightliness of HALL, nor the dignity of HENRY,” by desiring ANGLICANUS to take back his own motto:

"Thou hast ill spoken, Sir, and like a man
Regardless whom he wrongs;

[blocks in formation]

*Whose bite hath pinch'd and pain'd me to the proof."

I enter not upon the merits of the general question, nor is there any occasion why I should. The subject is in better hands. ANGLICANUS has thoughtlessly plunged himself into those mighty waters where only Leviathan can play, while he is not even a minnow of sufficient weight to bait the troller's hook. He would be the eagle that soars majestically aloft amidst the storm, bearing through the elemental war, the bolts

of Jupiter in his talons; but he would find a more appropri ate emblem in the wren, sconcing itself under the shelter of a leaf, from the drenching of a summer shower. He complains of Dr THOMSON's violence; but it is not for the man who awakens the tempest to complain of its howling. All who defend the Doctor, "claim for him an exemption from the law of God." I am not his defender, he can well defend himself, nor will I claim for him any such exemption. But, after all, what is the Doctor's inexpiable offence? Just that in pressing forward to an important object, he has not trimmed his expressions, so as to make them come, with the least possible violence, into collision with the prejudices of his opponents, nor stopped to calculate with much nicety the sensibilities of every worm that he may have trodden on by the way. The world, however, is yet wicked enough to forgive the torrent's violence, if it bring along with it aught of the torrent's force. ANGLICANUS, too, would play the torrent if he could. He comes down turbid and noisy as a torrent well may be, but when we approach it, we find, like the Spectator's poor Indian, that it is the mere ghost of a torrent. It threatens to sweep all before it, and to clear the land of flocks and herds, and habitations of men; but when fairly met, it is found that even the poor snail may venture through it, without either throwing his house from his back, or abating, by a single hair's breadth, the towering majesty of his horns.

He condescends at times to be witty too. But it will not do. It is swimming with leaden fins. ANGLICANUS should know that a very angry man—a man pinched and pained"-may



be very eloquent, if he will; but wit is out of the question. Fancy's beam plays not amidst the storm of passion. ruffled surface can reflect only a broken and shattered image. Imagination is a moral, aye, a holy power. She holds no commerce, and keeps no company with the wicked. Every unhallowed passion must be charmed down, and all must be calm and tranquil within, before she will pour over the mind the illumination of her mild yet piercing beam, or lap it in the Elysian spell of her enchanting power. The rags and shells, and bits of coloured glass with which his mental ka

leidoscope is stored, may, I doubt not, at every turn of thought, arrange themselves into some new variety of fantastic beauty; but, viewed through the distorting medium of a glass bedimmed with passion's fumes, their vivid hues, and fairy forms, are lost. Let ANGLICANUS then be angry if he will; I blame not, nor reprove him. But let him not at the same time waste good wit, and spoil good jokes, but keep them for a calmer hour, when, brought out in proper form and season, they may tend to dissipate the melancholy of some of his Majesty's poor lieges, and light up a temporary gleam even in a haggard eye like mine.

"Oh! world, thy turns are slippery." When I was but a boy, I was a regular Church-goer, but a careless listener. It was in vain that the preacher dwelt upon all the truths most important for man to know. My unbridled fancy was all the while busied in weaving its own fantastic dreams, and no trace of all their instructions remained on my memory. But there was one preacher, and one alone, whom I had frequently the privilege of hearing, and whose appearance in the pulpit instantly repressed my fancy's wanderings, and chained me down in delighted attention to the words of wisdom and of holiness which flowed from his lips. Some of the texts on which he preached, and some of the remarks he made, I well remember still. He aroused my youthful ardour, and when I turned my attention to Theological studies, my highest ambition, my devoutest aspirations were, that I might be like him. Never, excepting once, have I enjoyed the privilege of personal intercourse with him, but long and deeply has his image been cherished in my very "heart of heart." In moments when inclined to yield to weariness, and to become remiss, I have thought of him, and the recollection has operated as a stimulus to redoubled exertion. That man is the Rev. HENRY GREY. And is it possible that this is the very man whose reproach, alike ungenerous and unjust, has stung even my feeble powers into all the energy of self-defence? I cannot, will not, do not believe it. I would almost rebel against the evidence of my senses, rather than admit so harsh, so hateful a fact. But if it should be true, and if this long-loved, and deeply-cherished

image must away from my heart, unused as I am to the melting mood, I must wash it away with tears.

But I must have done. Be ANGLICANUS who he may, let him be thankful that he has escaped so easily. The labours to which my poverty dooms me, have left me no leisure seriously to call him to the bar of Christian principle, where he would have been doomed to a rebuke of graver severity than I have thought it necessary to administer. I have only assailed him with missiles, which are light, and somewhat rusted withal; for, in the life of a man like me, the weapons laid up in fancy's magazine are rarely called into use. But, feeble and defenceless as he no doubt expected to find me, let him know, that I am not altogether unfurnished with weapons of deadlier weight, and keener edge. Fire may be struck even from stones. Besides a little rhyme, I can occasionally muster up a little reason also,-besides a tongue, I have also ! some teeth, whose bite, should he provoke it, he may cha Let him therefore beware

to rue.

"For though I am not splenetic or rash,
Yet have I in me something dangerous,
Which let his wisdom fear."



Pamphlets on the Apocrypha Controversy, published by WILLIAM WHYTE and Co. George Street, Edinburgh. ar

Second Edition. In 8vo. Price 2s. 6d.

REVIEW OF THE CONDUCT OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY, Relative to the Apocrypha, and to their administration on the Continent, with an Answer to the Rev. C. SIMEON, and Observations on the Cambridge Remarks. By ROBERT HALDANE, Esq.

SECOND STATEMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE EDINburgh Bible Society, relative to the Circulation of the Apocrypha by the Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society..


In 8vo. Price 1s. 6d.

THIRD STATEMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE EDINburgh Bible Society, being a Statement respecting the conference on April 4, 1826, with a Deputation from the Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society, relative to the circulation of the Apocrypha.

In 8vo. Price 6d.

REVIEW OF THE EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE AND CHRIStian Guardian, for May 1826, on the Apocrypha Controversy.

In 8vo. Price 9d.

REVIEW OF THE LETTERS BY AMICUS, in defence of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and of the Eclectic Review, and Congregational Magazine for April 1826, on the same subject.

In 8vo. Price 6d.

REVIEW OF "APOCRYPHA"-PERTHSHIRE BIBLE SOCIEty, containing Strictures on the Resolutions of the Perthshire Bible Committee; the London Committee's proceedings in the cases of the Wallachian Scriptures, and the grant of Books to Dr Van Ess. The conduct of Mr R. Steven as a member of the London Committee; and the attack made by the Rev. Messrs Esdaile and Young of Perth, on the Edinburgh Committee; containing also a copy of the Resolutions of the Glasgow Bible Committee, dated March 16, 1826, &c. &c.

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