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NOTE.-A note is prefixed to each Class showing whether or no the Orders therein listed have been put on sale under the Rules Publication Act.

Class 1.-Roads, Bridges, Ferries, Subways, and


[The Orders under this Class have not been put on Sale except
those under (i) A (1) and (2) B.]

(i.) Motor Cars.

(1.) ORDER of the Local Government Board, Jan. 17, 1908 (47), assigning Index Mark to the County Borough of Merthyr Tydfil.

(2.) REGULATIONS of the Local Government Board, under s. 8 (or where marked † s. 9 (1)) of the Motor Car Act, 1903 :

[NOTE. The following are Counties, if not otherwise stated.]

+Bromley Borough Feb. 27, 1908 (186).

+Carnarvon; June 15, 1908 (488). +Denbigh: May 18, 1908 (416).

+East Suffolk, Dec. 29, 1908 (1339).

East Sussex: Nov. 27, 1908 (1158).

†Hertford; March 25, 1908 (266); †Aug. 31, 1908 (694); †Sept. 17, 1908 (723).

Kendal Borough; June 3, 1908 (453). Middlesex; April 25, 1908 (355); Dec. 10, 1908 (1263).

+Kesteven: March 25, 1908 (284).

Surrey; March 23, 1908 (267).
West Sussex; Aug. 14, 1908 (662).


REGULATIONS of the Secretary for Scotland, under s. 9 (1) of the Motor

Car Act, 1903, as to :

[NOTE. The following are Counties, if not otherwise stated.]

Argyll (District of Ardnamurchan; June 19,
1908 (483): (District of the Island of Mull);
July 25, 1908 (588).

Banchory, Burgh; June 30, 1908 (497).
Berwick; May 25, 1908 (412).

Bronghty Ferry, Burgh; Sept. 26, 1908 (744).
Coldstream, Burgh; Oct. 22, 1908 (845).
Cowdenbeath, Burgh; Sept. 5, 1908 (691).
Crieff, Burgh; Sept. 24, 1908 (743).
Dalkeith, Burgh; July 13, 1908 (536).
Dunbarton; July 31, 1908 (614).
Dunbar, Burgh; July 13, 1908 (537).
Dysart, Burgh: June 17, 1908 (482).

Hamilton, Burgh: May 28, 1908 (431).
Helensburgh, Burgh; Aug. 20, 1908 (658).
Kinghorn, Burgh: May 25, 1908 (413).
Kinross, Burgh; July 17, 1908 (570).
Musselburgh, Burgh; July 13, 1908 (538).
Nairn July 13, 1908 (539).

North Berwick, Burgh; July 13, 1908 (540).
Peebles, Burgh; May 25, 1908 (414).
Renfrew: May 28, 1908 (432).
Stirling, Burgh: July 16. 1908 (569).
Sutherland; Nov. 25, 1908 (999).
Tain, Burgh; Dec. 2, 1908 (1139).
Troon, Burgh; June 4, 1908 (450).


REGULATION of the Local Government Board for Ireland, under s. 8 of the Motor Car Act, 1903, for the County of Dublin; June 19, 1908 (489).

Class 2.-Railways, Tramroads, and Tramways. [All Orders of this Class have been put on Sale.]

(i.) Use of Mechanical Power on Tramways and Light Railways. EGULATIONS made by the Board of Trade under the provisions of certain Tramways Acts and Orders and certain Railway Acts as to the use of Mechanical and Electrical Power on the following undertakings:


(a.) Tramways.


Note. In the following lists the following abbreviations are used :rp.-Corporation. U.D.C.-Urban District Council. The Regulations marked with an "O" relate to the use of electrical wer on the Overhead Trolley System :-The other Regulations are made der the provisions of specified sections of the Acts or Orders authorising

the principal undertakings, and are directed to regulating the use of electrical power, to preventing fusion or injurious electrolytic action of or on gas or water pipes or other metallic pipes, structures, or substances, and to minimising injurious interference with the wires and apparatus of parties other than the undertakers.

Accrington Corp.; Feb. 3, 1908 ● (78). Birkenhead Corp.; Oct. 28, 1908 (902); 0 (906).

Birmingham Corp.; Feb. 24, 1908 O (166).
Bournemouth Corp.; "Aug. 20, 1908 ✪ (671).
Bristol: April 14, 1908 ● (327); *Nov. 20,
1908 O (1038).

Croydon and D.; July 8, 1908 O (543).
Derby Corp.; March 6, 1908 O (195).
Dudley, Stourbridge and D.; May 9, 1908
(391); O (392).

East Ham Corp.; Nov. 16. 1908 (1036); O (1037).

Halifax Corp.; Sept. 28, 1908 ● (769). Haslingden Corp.; April 24, 1908 (345); Nov. 20, 1908 O (1039).

Leeds Corp. Oct. 26, 1908 (882); * O (883). London County Council, July 6, 1908 (586). London County Council (Northern System); *March 31, 1908 (281): May 28, 1908! (464); Oct. 1, 1908 || (790); *Oct. 7, 1908 | (811); *Oct. 20, 1908 O (853).

London County Council (Southern System); *Feb. 17, 1908 (142); June 22, 1908 O (531); *July 9, 1908 (587); Oct. 2, 1908 ● (789). London United; "Nov. 16, 1908 ● (1040).

(b.) Light

Glamorgan County Council; Nov. 2, 1908 (914); O (915).

Hertford, County of; *June 4, 1908 O (465). London United; Nov. 16, 1908 ✪ (1040). Llandudno and Colwyn Bay; Jan. 2, 1908 (10); O (11); Aug. 20, 1908 O (672). Llanelly and D.; March 7, 1908 (194). Maidstone; Feb. 10, 1908 (132) ; © (133). Mansfield; June 19, 1908 ● (533).

Luton Corp.; April 24, 1908 O (347). Manchester Corp. and D.: April 24, 1908 0 (348); July 22, 1908 O (625); Nov. 20, 1908 (1035); Dec. 7, 1908 O (1236). Mexborough and Swinton; Jan. 7, 1908 (14).

Newcastle-upon-Tyne Corp.: August 12, 1908 O (659).

Pontypridd U.D.C.; April 27, 1908 (351); *O (352).

Portsmouth Corp.; Jan. 14, 1908 (21); Feb. 17, 1908 (141).

Rawtenstall Corp.; Feb. 24, 1908 (165).
Reading Corp.; Oct. 6, 1908 (788); O (787).
Rhondda U.D.C.; Oct. 28, 1908 (903).
Rochester Corp.; July 7, 1908 O (535);
*Sept. 9, 1908 ● (763).

St. Helens Corp.; Jan. 2, 1908 O (9).
Salford Corp. and D.; May 4, 1908 O (387).
Sheffield Corp. ; Sept. 8, 1908 (745); O (746).
South Staffordshire; *Feb. 24, 1908 O (167).
Torquay; Feb. 11, 1908 (136); July 6, 1908

Walsall Corp.; Jan. 20, 1908 (46),

West Ham Corp. ; *Sept. 28, 1908 ● (770).


Middlesex. County of: Feb. 11, 1908 0. (134) Feb. 14, 1908 ● (135); June 17, 1808 O (532).

St. George and Hanham; April 7, 1908 (328): O (329).

Southend-on-Sea; Oct. 28, 1908 (904); O


Trafford Park; Jan. 20, 1908 (44) ; © (45).



Dumbarton Burgh and County Tramways; Nov. 30, 1908 (1183).

Dundee Corp.: Feb. 21, 1968 (146); © (147) ; *Dec. 21, 1908 ● (1311).

Edinburgh Corp.; §Jan. 2, 1908 (8); June 15, 1908 (495); Sept. 29, 1908 (771). Glasgow Corp. and D.; April 24, 1908 (344) *O (346).

Lanarkshire; *Oct. 28, 1908 ● (907).


Belfast Harbour Commissioners; March 7, 1908 (193); Oct. 2, 1908 ● (788).

Class 4.-Harbours, Docks, Ports, Piers, Quays, Lighthouses, and Customs Regulations. [This Order has been put on sale.

A.-England and Wales.

Lighthouses-Light Dues.

ORDER in Council, Dec. 21, 1908 (1320) fixing Dues to be levied on Vessels entering Looe Harbour, in respect of the Looe Pier Head Light.

Denotes Additional Regulations.

These Regulations relate to the use of Steam Power.

These Regulations relate to the use of Electrical Power on the Dolter Surface Contact System.

$ These Regulations relate to the use of Cable Traction.

The Regulations relate to the use of Electrical Power on the Conduit System.

Class 5.-Local Government, Poor Law, and Public


[None of the English Orders of this class listed under "A" have been put on sale under the Rules Publication Act, except those under (i.) (Burial), (iii.) Explosive Substance, (viii.) Judicial Matters. Of the Irish Orders listed under "C" only (i.) (Burial) have been so put on sale.]

A.-England and Wales.
(i.) BURIAL.

(a.) Discontinuance or Regulation of Burials.

ORDERS in Council directing that Burial Grounds in the following parishes or places shall be closed or regulated, or as to Burials in Churches, or varying or postponing such Orders, or directing the removal of human remains :

Ashton-under-Lyne: Sept. 26, 1908 (782).

Aulkborough, parts of Lindsey; Nov. 21, 1908 (1145).

Braithwell; Nov. 21, 1908 (1145).

Coulsdon; June 4, 1908 (480).

Monmouth, Dec. 21, 1908 (1321).
Morley Aug. 1, 1908 (637).
Sedgefield; Feb. 29, 1908 (209).
Stoke Ferry; Feb. 29, 1908 (210).


ORDERS of the Local Government Board altering the number of County Councillors or number and boundaries of Electoral Divisions in the following Counties:

Note.-The Order marked † alter the Number of County Councillors.

Brecon; Nov. 3, 1908 (922).

Chester; Oct. 23, 1908 (855).

Monmouth; Dec. 8, 1908 (1193).
†Pembroke; April 11, 1908 (333).


ORDER of the Secretary of State, dated Aug. 25, 1908 (690), making Byelaws as to the conveyance of Explosives within the City of Cardiff.

(iv.) FINANCE.

(a.) Sinking Fund Returns.

ORDERS of the Local Government Board (all dated July 20, 1908), prescribing the Form of Returns as to Sinking Funds and Instalments to be transmitted under certain Local Acts, Provisional Orders, and Light Railway Orders, by the Councils or Boards of the following Boroughs, or Districts ::

Note.-Except where otherwise stated below, the specified districts are Urban Districts, those to which an * is prefixed being boroughs. The Order marked thus relates to Returns under a Light Railway Order.

[blocks in formation]

the principal undertakings, and are directed to regulating the use of electrical power, to preventing fusion or injurious electrolytic action of or on gas or water pipes or other metallic pipes, structures, or substances, and to minimising injurious interference with the wires and apparatus of parties other than the undertakers.

Accrington Corp.; Feb. 3, 1908 ● (78).

Birkenhead Corp.; Oct. 28, 1908 (902); O (906).

Birmingham Corp.; Feb. 24, 1908 ● (166).
Bournemouth Corp.; Aug. 20, 1908 ● (671).
Bristol; April 14, 1908 O (327); Nov. 20,
1908 (1038).

Croydon and D.; July 8, 1908 ● (543).
Derby Corp.; *March 6, 1908 O (195).
Dudley, Stourbridge and D.; May 9, 1908
(391); O (392).

East Ham Corp.; Nov. 16. 1908 (1036); 0 (1037).

Halifax Corp.; Sept. 28, 1908 O (769). Haslingden Corp.; April 24, 1908 (345) ; Nov. 20, 1908 O (1039).

Leeds Corp.; Oct. 26, 1908 (882); * O (883). London County Council, July 6, 1908 (586). London County Council (Northern System); *March 31, 1908 (281); May 28, 1908 | (464); Oct. 1, 1908|| (790); Oct. 7, 1908 | (811); *Oct. 20, 1908 ● (853).

London County Council (Southern System); *Feb. 17, 1908|| (142); *June 22, 1908 O (531); *July 9, 1908|| (587); Oct. 2, 1908 O (789). London United; *Nov. 16, 1908 O (1040).

(b.) Light

Glamorgan County Council; Nov. 2, 1908 (914); O (915).

Hertford, County of; June 4, 1908 O (465). London United; Nov. 16, 1908 O (1040). Llandudno and Colwyn Bay; Jan. 2, 1908 (10); O (11); Aug. 20, 1908 O (672). Llanelly and D.; March 7, 1908 (194). Maidstone; Feb. 10, 1908 (132) ; © (133). Mansfield; *June 19, 1908 ● (533).

Luton Corp.; April 24, 1908 ● (347). Manchester Corp. and D.: April 24, 1908 O (348); July 22, 1908 O (625); Nov. 20, 1908 (1035); Dec. 7, 1908 O (1236). Mexborough and Swinton; Jan. 7, 1908 (14).

Newcastle-upon-Tyne Corp.; August 12, 1908 O (659).

Pontypridd U.D.C.; April 27, 1908 (351): * O (352).

Portsmouth Corp.; Jan. 14, 1908 (21); Feb. 17, 1908 (141).

Rawtenstall Corp.; Feb. 24, 1908 (165). Reading Corp.; Oct. 6, 1908 (786) : 0 (787). Rhondda U.D.C.; Oct. 28, 1908 (903). Rochester Corp.; July 7, 1908 O (535): *Sept. 9, 1908 O (763).

St. Helens Corp.; Jan. 2, 1908 O (9). Salford Corp. and D.; May 4, 1908 ✪ (387). Sheffield Corp. ; Sept. 8, 1908 (745); O (746). South Staffordshire; Feb. 24, 1908 O (167). Torquay; Feb. 11, 1908 (136); July 6, 1908 (542)

Walsall Corp.; Jan. 20, 1908 (46).

West Ham Corp.; Sept. 28, 1908 O (770).

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[blocks in formation]

Belfast Harbour Commissioners; March 7, 1908 (193); Oct. 2, 1908 ✪ (788).

Class 4.-Harbours, Docks, Ports, Piers, Quays, Lighthouses, and Customs Regulations. [This Order has been put on sale.

A.-England and Wales.

Lighthouses-Light Dues.

ORDER in Council, Dec. 21, 1908 (1320) fixing Dues to be levied on Vessels entering Looe Harbour, in respect of the Looe Pier Head Light.

* Denotes Additional Regulations.

†These Regulations relate to the use of Steam Power.

These Regulations relate to the use of Electrical Power on the Dolter Surface Contact System.

These Regulations relate to the use of Cable Traction.

The Regulations relate to the use of Electrical Power on the Conduit System.

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