Imatges de pàgina

crees is to be handled, and what ule to be made of them, Con. 3. 8. Curious prying intoGod's decrees, forbidden, Cat. 113. Delertion. Wilful defeṛtion, unlawful, Cat. 139. Such as cannot be remedied, by the church or civil magiftrate, is caufe fufficient of diffolving the bond of marriage, Con. 24. 6. Defpair, untul, Cat. 105. Believers always fupported from utter defpair, Con. 18. 4. Cat. 81, Devil, all compacts and confult ing with him, finful, Cat. 105, Dilience, in our calling, a duty, Cat. 141.

Dipping in baptifm, not neceffary, Con. 28.3. Difcontent at the difpenfations of God's providence, finful, Cat. 105, 113. Dilcontentment with our own eftate, finful, at. 148. Divorce, lawful in cafe of adulte

ry after marriage,or of fuch wil ful def ruon as cannot be remedied, Con. 24, 5, 6. A public and orderly courfe of proceed ing is to be observed in it, con,

24. 6.

Dominion. See fovereignty, creatures, fin,



E not to be oppofed upon pre

tence of chriftian liberty, Con. 20. 4. Ecclefiaftical perfons not exempted from obedience to the civil magistrate, Con. 23. 4. Effectual calling, What, Con. 10, 1. Cat. 67. It is of God's free grace, not from any thing foreTeen in man, Con. 10.2. Cat.67. All the elect, and they only, are effectually called,Con. 10.1. 4. Cat. 68. The elect united to Chrift in their effectual calling, Cat. 66.

Doubting of being in Chrift, may confilt with a true interest in him, Con, 17, 3, 18,4. Cat. 81, 182. And therefore thould not hinder from partaking of the Lord's fupper, Cat. 172, Drunkennels forbidden, Cat. 139. Duty to God by the light of na ture; Con. 21. 1, Duties required in the first commandment, Cat. 104. In the fecond Cat. 108. In the third, Cat. 12. In the fourth, Cat. 116. Duties of inferiors to their fuperiors, Con. 23.4. Cat. 127. What is required ofiuperiors, Con 23.2.Cat.129. Duties of equals, Cat. 131. Du; ties of the fixth commandment, Lat. 135. Of the feventh, Cat, 438. Of the eighth, Cat. 141. Of the ninth, Cat. 144. Of the tenth, Cat, 147:

Election out of God's mere free grace, Con. 3. 5. Cat 13. From all eternity in Chrift, ibid. Election not only to eternal life and glory, but also to the means thereof, Con.3.6.Cat.13. All the elect, and they only are effectually called and faved, Con. 3. 6, 10, 1,4. Cat. 68. Tho' others may be outwardly called by the word, and have fome common operations of the fpirit, ibid, elect infants, and other elect perfons who are incapable of be ing called by the word, how faved, Con. 10. 3. What ufe to be made of the doctrine of ele ction, Con, 4. 8. And how men may be affured of their eternal election, ibid. See affurance. Envy, finful, Cat. 128, 136, 142, 145, 148.

Equals, their duties and fins, Cat, 121. 132.

Equivocation, fpeaking the truth in doubtful and equivocal expreffions, to the prejudice of truth or juftice, finful, Cat. 145. Eucharift. See Lord's fupper. Exaltation of Chrift, Con.8.4. Cat. 51. In his refurrection, Cat, 52, In his afcenfion, Cat. 53. In his fitting at the right hand of God, Cat. 54. In his coming to judge the world, Cat &



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FAITH, what, Con. 14. 2. Cat. 72. God requireth nothing of finners that they may be juftified, but faith in Chrift, Con, 11. 1. Cat, 71. Which he requireth as the condition to intereft them in the Mediator of the covenant of grace, Cat. 32, It juftifies a finner in the fight of God only as it is an inftrument by which he receiveth Chrift and his righteousness, Con. 11. 2. Cat. 73. Faith is the gift of God, Con. 11. 1. Cat, 71. It being the work of the Spirit, Con. 14. 1, Cat. 59. 72. It is ordinarily wrought by the miniftry of the word, Con. 14. 1. Increased and ftrengthned by the word, facraments and prayer,ibid. Often weakned but always gets the victory, Con, 14 3, Growing up in many to a full affurance, Con. 14.3. Cat.80. Good works the fruit and evidence of true faith, Con. 16.2. Cat. 52. which is never alone, but always accompanied with all other faving graces, and is no dead faith, but worketh by love, Con, 11, 2. Cat. 73.

Fall of man, the nature and effects of it, Con. 6. Cat 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29. Why permitted, Con.6.1, How all mankind concerned in it, Con. 6. 3. Cat. 22. Falling away. See perleverance. Family-worship daily, required of God, Con. 21.6.

Falting, religious fafting, a duty, Cat. 108, Solemn fafting a part of religious worship, Con. 21, 5. Fellowship, See communion, Foreknowledge, all things come to pals infallible according to the foreknowledge of God, Con. 5. 3,

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24. 5. Fortune. To afcribe any thing to fortune, is finful, Cat, 105.

Free-will. See will.
Frugality, a duty, Cat. 141.

GAMING, waftful gaming for

bidden. Cat. 142.

Glory, the communion in glory with Chrift, which believers enjoy in this life, Cat. 83. Con. 18, 1, 2, 3. Immediately after death, Con. 32. 1. Cat. 86. At the refurrection and day of judgment, Con, 32, 3, 33, 2. Cat 87.90.

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The glory of God, the end of his decrees, Con. 3.3, Cat 12. The glory of his grace the end of election, Con. 3. 5. Cat. 13. The glory of his justice the end of the decree of reprobation, Con. 3.7, Cat, 13. The glory of his eternal power, wifdom and goodness, the end of the creation, Con. 4. 1. The manifeftation of the glory of his wifdom, power, jultice, goodness and mercy, is the end of all God's works of providence, Con. 5. 1. Cat.18.TheendofGod'sappointing the last judgment is the manifeftation of the glory of his mercy and juftice, Con. 32. 10. To glorify God is the chief end of man, Cat. 1, God is glorified by good works, Con. 16. 2. Gluttony, a fin, Cat. 139, God, the light of nature fheweth that there is a God, Con, 21, I. Cat.2. What it declares concerning him, and of our duty to him, Con. I. 1.21, 1. It is not fufficient to give that knowledge of God and of his will, which is neceffary unto falvation, Con.1. 1. Cat. 2, The attributes or perfections of God, Con. 2, 1, 2. Cat.7.101. There is but one onJyGod, Con, 2, 1, Cat.8. There



are threeperfons in theGodhead, diftinguifhedby perfonal properties, Con. 2 3. Cat. 9. 10. The co-equality of the perfons proved, Cat. II. To him is due from all his creatures, whatsoever worthip, fervice or obedience he is pleafed to require, Con. 2. 2. Our duty to God, Cat. 104, 108,112,116. What contrary to it, Cat.ros, 109, 113, 119. Religious worship is to be given to God the Father, Son, and Holy Gholt, and to him alone; and that only in the mediation of Chrift, Con.21.2. Cat. 179.181. God is to be worshipped in that way only which he hath inftituted in the fcriptures, Con. 21. 1. Cat. 109. To glorify God, and fully to enjoy him for ever, is the chief end of man, Cat. I. Good works, See works. Gofpel. How the covenant of grace is adminiftred under the gofpel,Con.7.6. Cat.35. Without the gospel no falvation, Cat. 60. Con 10. 4. In itChrist doth not diffolve, but frengthen the obligation to the obedience of the moral law. Con. 19.5. Believers under the gospel have a greater boldnefs of access to the throne of grace, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of, Con. 20. I. Government, See church, magi. itrate,

The grace of God, Election is of God's mere free grace, Con. 3. 5. Cat. 13. How the grace of God is manifefted in the fecond covenant, Con. 7.3. Cat.32 Effectual calling is of God's free and fpecial grace, Con, 10.2.Cat, 67. Juftification is only of free grace, Con. 11.3.Cat. 70.71. Adoption is an act of free grace, Con.12.Cat.74.Thecommunion in grace which believers have with Chrift, Cat.69. All faving graces are the work of the fpirit, Con. 13, 14, & 15. Cat. 32, 72,75,76,77. And do always ac

company faith. Con.11.2. Ca 73. Perfeverance in grace, Con. 17. Cat. 79. Increase in grace, Con. 13, 1, 3. Cat, 75. 77. Af furance of grace, Con, 18. Cat, 80. 81,


Arden. Why and how finners Hare hardened, Con.5.6. Belie

vers may have their hearts hardned, Con. 17.3.

Head. The elect are infeparably united to Chrift as their head, Con, 25, 1, 26.1. Cat.64.66. He is the only head of the church, Con, 25. 6, Hearing.

What is required of thole that hear the word preached, Con. 21. 5. Cat. 160. Heaven. The ftate of the bleffed,

Con. 32, 1, 33, 2. Cat. 86.90. Hell. The ftate of the damned, Con. 32,1,33,2. Cat. 29,86,89. The meaning of these words in the creed, he defcended into Hell, Cat. 50. Hereticks to be rejected, Cat. 105.

Holinefs. God is moft holy in all his counfels, works and commands,Con.2.2. Man was created holy after the image of God, Con. 4. 2. Cat. 17. But by the fall he became wholly defiled, Con. 6. 2. Believers are, by the fanctifyingfpiritofChrift quickned and ftrengthned to theprac tice of holinels, Con. 13, 1, 3. Cat. 75. And are made perfectly holy in heaven, Con.32. 1. Cat. 86.90. See fanctification. The Holy Ghoft equal with the Father, Con. 2, 3. Cat. 11. He is promised to the elect in the covenant of grace, Con. 7. 3. Cat.3.2. By himthey are united to Chrift, Con. 26. 1. Fer by him the redemption purcha fed by Chrift is applied to them, Con. 8, 8, 11, 4. Cat. 58. 59. By him they are effectually called, Cón, 10. 1, Cat. 67. And have faith wrought in their hearts, Con, 14, 1. Cat. 59.72. He is

36 Who being very God,of one Jubitance, and equal with the Father, Con. 8, 2. Cat. 11, 36. In the fulness of time became man, Con 8, 2. at. 36, 37. The neceffity of his being God and man, at. 38, 39, 40. He was ordained by God from eternity to be mediator, Con 8, 1 He was fanctified and anointed with the holy Spirit, to execute the office of mediator, Con. 8. 3. Cat. 42. Towhich he wascalled by thefather, Con. 8. 3. And willingly undertook and difcharged it,Con. 4.8. by his perfect obedience, and facrafice of himlelf, he purchased reconciliation and eternal life for allthe elect, Con. 8 5. Cat 38. To. whom in all ages the benefits of his mediation are effectuallyapplied, Con. 8, 6, 8, Chrifts, offices of Prophet, Priest, King, Cat. 43, 44, 45, See acceptance accefs, body of Chrift, church, death of hrift, exaltation, expiation, humiliation, imputationinterceffion.judge,merit,miffiah, name of Chrift, perfonal union propitiation,reconciliation redemption, refurrection, righteoufnefs, facrifice. falvatino, fatisfaction, furety. Chriftian liberty. fee liberty. The church is the object of God's fpecial providence, Con, 5. 7; Cat 63. Chrift the only head of it, Con. 8. 1. 25. 6: The Catholick church, invifible, What, Con. 25. 1. Cat. 64. Given to Chrift from all eternity, Con. 8.1. The benefits whichthe members of it enjoy by Chrift, Cat.65. 66. 69.82. 83.86.90. The catholick church visible, What, Con. 25. 2. Cat. 62. Out. of it no ordinary poffibility of Salvation, Con. 25. 2. Cat. 63. particular churches more or lefs pure, Con. 25.4. Thepureftfubject to mixture and error, Con.

25. 5. There fhall always be a church on earth to worship God according to his will, Ibid. Church Centures, fee Cenfures. Church-governmert, appointed by the Lord Jefus in the hand of Church-officers, distinct from the civil magistrate, Con. 30. 1. Cat. 45. 108. But they are not exemptedfrom Obedience to the magiftrate,Con. 23.4. They have the power ofthe kyes com❤ mitted to them, Con. 30 2. What that power is, and its ufe, Con. 30. 2, 3, 4. They are not to be oppofed in the lawful exercife of their powers, upon pretence of christian libery, Con. 20. 4. Seecouncils. There are fome circumftances concerning church government, which are tobe or dered by the light of nature and christian prudence,according to the general rules of the word, Con. 1.6.

Circumcifion, one of the ordinances by which the covenant of grace was adminiftred under the Law, Con. 7. s. Cat. 34. Civil magiftrate, or civil powers, fee magiftrate.

The ten commandments are the fum of the moral law. Con. 16 2. Cat. 98. They are a perfect rule of righteousness, Con. 19 2. rules for understanding them, Cat.99, The preface explained Cat. 101. The firft commandment, Cat. 103, 106. The fecond, Cat. 107, 110. The third, Cat. 11, 114. The fourth, Cat. 115, 121, The fifth, Cat. 123, 123. The fixth Cat, 134, 136. Theseventh, Cat. 137,139. The cight. Cat.140

142. The ninth. Cat. 143.145. The tenth, Cat,146, 148, the fum of the first four commandments, which contain our duty to God, Cat. 102, Thefum of the other fix, which contain our duty to man, Cat. 122. No man is able to keep the com. Min 3 mand

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and, if that be not effectual, by joining one or two more in the admonition, according to the rule of Christ: that in the mouth of two or three witneffes every word may be eftablished.

XIII. And, because it is not given to every one to speak a word in feafon to a wearied or diftreffed confcience it is ex⭑ pedient, that a person (in that cafe finding no ease) after the ufe of all ordinary means, private and public, have their addrefs to their own paftor, or fome experienced chri◄ tian: but if the perfon, troubled in confcience, be of that condition, or of that fex, that difcretion, modefty, or fear of fcandal requireth a godly, grave and fecret friend to be prefent with them in their faid addrefs, it is expedient that fuch a friend be prefent.

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XIV. When perfons of diverse families are brought toge ther by divine providence, being abroad upon their particu lar vocations, or any neceffary occafions; as they would have the Lord their God with them whitherfoever they go, they ought to walk with God, and not neglect the duties of prayer and thanksgiving, but take care that the fame be performed by fuch as the company shall judge fittest. And that they likewife take heed that no corrupt communication pro ceed out of their mouths, but that which is good, to the use of edifying, that it may minifter grace to the hearers.

The drift and scope of all thefe directions is no other, but that upon the one part, the power and practice of godliness amongst all the ministers and members of this kirk, accor ding to their several places and vocations, may be cherished and advanced, and all impiety and mocking of religious exercifes fuppreffed: and, upon the other part, that, under the name and pretext of religious exercifes, no fuch meetings or practices be allowed, as are apt to breed error, fcandal, fchifm, contempt, or mifregard of the public ordinances and minifters, or neglect of the duties of particular callings, or fuch other evils as are the works not of the spirit, but of the flesh, and are contrary to truth and peace:



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