The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text of the corrected copies left by G. Steevens and E. Malone, with a selection of notes from the most eminent commentors by A. Chalmers, Volum 6 |
Des de l'interior del llibre
Pàgina 264
... AJAX , ULYSSES , Grecian Commanders . NESTOR , DIOMEDES , PATROCLUS , THERSITES , a deformed and scurrilous Grecian . ALEXANDER , Servant to Cressida . Servant to Troilus ; Servant to Paris ; Servant to Dio- medes . HELEN , Wife to ...
... AJAX , ULYSSES , Grecian Commanders . NESTOR , DIOMEDES , PATROCLUS , THERSITES , a deformed and scurrilous Grecian . ALEXANDER , Servant to Cressida . Servant to Troilus ; Servant to Paris ; Servant to Dio- medes . HELEN , Wife to ...
Pàgina 269
... ; They call him , Ajax . Cres . Good ; And what of him ? husbandry in war , ] Husbandry means economical prudence . Troilus alludes to Hector's early rising . Alex . They say he is a very man per SCENE II . TROILUS AND CRESSIDA . 269.
... ; They call him , Ajax . Cres . Good ; And what of him ? husbandry in war , ] Husbandry means economical prudence . Troilus alludes to Hector's early rising . Alex . They say he is a very man per SCENE II . TROILUS AND CRESSIDA . 269.
Pàgina 285
... Ajax is grown self - will'd ; and bears his head unsquar'd , ] i . e . unadapted to their subject , as stones are unfitted to the purposes of architecture , while they are yet un- squar'd . 3- as near as the extremest ends Of parallels ...
... Ajax is grown self - will'd ; and bears his head unsquar'd , ] i . e . unadapted to their subject , as stones are unfitted to the purposes of architecture , while they are yet un- squar'd . 3- as near as the extremest ends Of parallels ...
Pàgina 288
... Ajax coped Hector yesterday in the battle . Here we have another proof of Shakspeare's falling into inconsistencies , by sometimes adhering to , and sometimes deserting , his original . Is rusty grown ; he bade me take a trumpet 288 ACT ...
... Ajax coped Hector yesterday in the battle . Here we have another proof of Shakspeare's falling into inconsistencies , by sometimes adhering to , and sometimes deserting , his original . Is rusty grown ; he bade me take a trumpet 288 ACT ...
Pàgina 292
... Ajax come safe off , We'll dress him up in voices : If he fail , Yet go we under our opinion1 still - That we have better men . But , hit or miss , Our project's life this shape of sense assumes , Ajax , employ'd , plucks down Achilles ...
... Ajax come safe off , We'll dress him up in voices : If he fail , Yet go we under our opinion1 still - That we have better men . But , hit or miss , Our project's life this shape of sense assumes , Ajax , employ'd , plucks down Achilles ...
Frases i termes més freqüents
Achilles Agam Agamemnon Ajax Alcib Alcibiades Anne Apem Apemantus Aufidius bear beseech blood brother Buck Buckingham Calchas cardinal CATESBY Cham Clarence Cominius Coriolanus Cres Cressida curse death Diomed dost doth Duch duke Eliz Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair Farewell fear Flav fool friends Gent gentle give Gloster gods grace hath hear heart heaven Hect Hector honour i'the JOHNSON Kath king lady live look lord Lord Chamberlain madam MALONE Marcius means Menelaus Menenius mother Murd ne'er never noble o'the Pandarus Patroclus peace pr'ythee pray Priam prince queen Rich Richard Rome SCENE Senators Serv Servant Shakspeare Sir THOMAS LOVELL soul speak sweet sword tell thee Ther there's Thersites thine thing thou art thou hast Timon tongue Troilus Troilus and Cressida Trojan Troy Ulyss unto word
Passatges populars
Pàgina 127 - Give me another horse! bind up my wounds! Have mercy, Jesu! Soft! I did but dream. O! coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me. The lights burn blue. It is now dead midnight. Cold fearful drops stand on my trembling flesh. What! do I fear myself? there's none else by Richard loves Richard; that is, I am I.
Pàgina 214 - Farewell, a long farewell, to all my greatness ! This is the state of man ; to-day he puts forth The tender leaves of hope, to-morrow blossoms, And bears his blushing honours thick upon him : The third day comes a frost, a killing frost ; And,— when he thinks, good easy man, full surely His greatness is a ripening, — nips his root, And then he falls, as I do.
Pàgina 217 - Love thyself last: cherish those hearts that hate thee ; Corruption wins not more than honesty. Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace, To silence envious tongues. Be just, and fear not : Let all the ends thou aim'st at, be thy country's, Thy God's, and truth's ; then if thou fall'st, O Cromwell, Thou fall'st a blessed martyr.
Pàgina 330 - Time hath, my lord, a wallet at his back, Wherein he puts alms for oblivion, A great-sized monster of ingratitudes: Those scraps are good deeds past; which are devour'd As fast as they are made, forgot as soon As done: perseverance, dear my lord, Keeps honour bright: to have done is to hang Quite out of fashion, like a rusty mail In monumental mockery.
Pàgina 214 - Like little wanton boys that swim on bladders, This many summers in a sea of glory ; But far beyond my depth : my high-blown pride At length broke under me ; and now has left me, Weary and old with service, to the mercy Of a rude stream, that must forever hide me. Vain pomp and glory of this world, I hate ye : I feel my heart new opened. O, how wretched Is that poor man that hangs on princes
Pàgina 209 - The letter, as I live, with all the business I writ to his holiness. Nay then, farewell ! I have touch'd the highest point of all my greatness : And, from that full meridian of my glory, I haste now to my setting. I shall fall Like a bright exhalation in the evening, And no man see me more.
Pàgina 217 - Cromwell, I did not think to shed a tear In all my miseries ; but thou hast forc'd me Out of thy honest truth to play the woman. Let's dry our eyes : and thus far hear me, Cromwell ; And, — when I am forgotten, as I shall be ; And sleep in dull cold marble, where no mention Of me more must be heard of, — say, I taught thee...
Pàgina 6 - But I, that am not shap'd for sportive tricks, Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass; I, that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty, To strut before a wanton ambling nymph; I, that am curtail'd of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling Nature, Deform'd, unfinish'd, sent before my time Into this breathing world scarce half made up, And that so lamely and unfashionable That dogs bark at me as I halt by them...
Pàgina 127 - For hateful deeds committed by myself! 1 am a villain : yet I lie, I am not. Fool, of thyself speak well : fool, do not flatter. My conscience hath a thousand several tongues, And every tongue brings in a several tale, And every tale condemns me for a villain. Perjury, perjury, in the highest degree ; Murder, stern murder, in the dir'st degree ; All several sins, all used in each degree, Throng to the bar, crying all, Guilty ! guilty ! I shall despair.
Pàgina 140 - I COME no more to make you laugh : things now, That bear a weighty and a serious brow, Sad, high, and working, full of state and woe, Such noble scenes as draw the eye to flow, We now present.