But come, my lord, and, with a heavy heart, [Exeunt Prince, YORK, HASTINGS, Cardinal, Buck. Think you, my lord, this little prating York Was not incensed 5 by his subtle mother, To taunt and scorn you thus opprobriously? Glo. No doubt, no doubt: O, 'tis a parlous boy; 1 Come hither, gentle Catesby +, thou art sworn In the seat royal of this famous isle? the way; Cate. He for his father's sake so loves the prince, That he will not be won to aught against him. Buck. What think'st thou then of Stanley? will not he? Cate. He will do all in all as Hastings doth. Buck. Well then, no more but this: Go, gentle Catesby, And, as it were far off, sound thou lord Hastings, And summon him to-morrow to the Tower, If thou dost find him tractable to us, 5 Was not incensed -] i. e. incited or suggested. 6— capable;] here, as in many other places in these plays, means intelligent, quick of apprehension. + Mr. Malone omits "gentle." Be thou so too; and so break off the talk, Glo. Commend me to lord William: tell him, Catesby, His ancient knot of dangerous adversaries To-morrow are let blood at Pomfret-castle; And bid my friend, for joy of this good news, Give mistress Shore one gentle kiss the more. Buck. Good Catesby, go, effect this business soundly. Cate. My good lords both, with all the heed I can. Glo. Shall we hear from you, Catesby, ere we sleep? Cate. You shall, my lord. Glo. At Crosby-place, there shall you find us both. [Exit CATESBY. Buck. Now, my lord, what shall we do, if we perceive Lord Hastings will not yield to our complots? Glo. Chop off his head, man;-somewhat we will do: And, look, when I am king, claim thou of me Buck. I'll claim that promise at your grace's hand. Glo. And look to have it yielded with all kindness. Come, let us sup betimes; that afterwards 7 divided councils,] That is, a private consultation, separate from the known and public council. Mess. One from lord Stanley.† Hast. [within.] What is't o'clock? Mess. Upon the stroke of four." Enter HASTINGS. Hast. Cannot thy master sleep the tedious nights? Mess. So it should seem by that I have to say. First, he commends him to your noble lordship. Hast. And then, Mess. And then he sends you word, he dreamt To-night the boar had rased off his helm:8 Besides, he says, there are two councils held; And that may be determin'd at the one, Which may make you and him to rue at the other. Therefore he sends to know your lordship's pleasure,If, presently, you will take horse with him, And with all speed post with him toward the north, 1. To shun the danger that his soul divines.... Hast. Go, fellow, go, return unto thy lord; Bid him not fear the separated councils: Tell him, his fears are shallow, wanting instance: -the boar had rased off his helm:] By the boar, throughout, this scene, is meant Gloster, who was called the boar, or the hog, from his having a boar for his cognizance, and one of the supporters of his coat of arms. STEEVENS. 9 His honour,] This was the usual address to noblemen in Shakpeare's time. 1 — wanting instance:] That is, wanting some example or act of malevolence, by which they may be justified: or which, perhaps, is nearer to the true meaning, wanting any immediate ground or reason. JOHNSON. To trust the mockery of unquiet slumbers: Where, he shall see, the boar will use us kindly. Enter CATESBY, [Exit. Cate. Many good morrows to my noble lord! Hast. Good morrow, Catesby; you are early stirring: What news, what news, in this our tottering state? Cate. It is a reeling world, indeed, my lord; And, I believe, will never stand upright, Till Richard wear the garland of the realm. Hast. How! wear the garland? dost thou mean the crown? Cate. Ay, my good lord. Hast. I'll have this crown of mine cut from my shoulders, Before I'll see the crown so foul misplac❜d. But canst thou guess that he doth aim at it? Cate. Ay, on my life; and hopes to find you forward Upon his party, for the gain thereof: And, thereupon, he sends you this good news,- God knows, I will not do it, to the death. Cate. God keep your lordship in that gracious mind! Hast. But I shall laugh at this a twelvemonth hence,That they, who brought me in my master's hate, I live to look upon their tragedy. VOL. VI. F Well, Catesby, ere a fortnight make me older, Hast. O monstrous, monstrous! and so falls it out Cate. The princes both make high account of you, For they account his head upon the bridge. [Aside. Hast. I know, they do; and I have well deserv'd it, Enter STANLEY. Come on, come on, where is your boar-spear man? Stan. My lord, good morrow; and good morrow,† You may jest on, but, by the holy rood,1 I do not like these several councils, I. Hast. My lord, I hold my life as dear as yours; ‡ And never, in my life, I do protest, Was it more precious to me than 'tis now: Think you, but that I know our state secure, I would be so triumphant as I am? Stan. The lords at Pomfret, when they rode from Were jocund, and suppos'd their states were sure, |