Who are they, that complain unto the king, Cannot a plain man live, and think no harm, Grey. To whom in all this presence speaks your grace? Glo. To thee, that hast nor honesty, nor grace. or thee? When have I injur'd thee? when done thee wrong?- Whom God preserve better than you would wish! But you must trouble him with lewd complaints. 9 Q. Eliz. Brother of Gloster, you mistake the matter: The king, of his own royal disposition, And not provok'd by any suitor else; Glo. I cannot tell; - The world is grown so bad, 8 speak fair, Smile in men's faces, smooth, deceive, and cog, Duck with French nods and apish courtesy,] An importation of artificial manners seems to have afforded our ancient poets a neverfailing topick of invective. 9 with lewd complaints.] Lewd, in the present instance, sig. nifies rude, ignorant; from the Anglo-Saxon, laewede, a laick. Chaucer often uses the word lewd, both for a laick and an ignorant person. 1 Since every Jack became a gentleman, 1 Q. Eliz. Come, come, we know your meaning, brother You envy my advancement, and my friends; God grant, we never may have need of you! Glo. Meantime, God grants that we have need of you: Our brother is imprison'd by your means, Myself disgrac❜d, and the nobility Held in contempt; while great promotions + That scarce, some two days since, were worth a noble. I never did incense his majesty Against the duke of Clarence, but have been An earnest advocate to plead for him. My lord, you do me shameful injury, Falsely to draw me in these vile suspects. Glo. You may deny that you were not the cause Of my lord Hastings' late imprisonment. Riv. She may, my lord; for Glo. She may, lord Rivers?-why, who knows not so? She may do more, sir, than denying that: She may help you to many fair preferments; What may she not? She may,—ay, marry, may she, Riv. What, marry, may she? Glo. What, marry, may she? marry with a king, A bachelor, a handsome stripling too : I wis, your grandam had a worser match. Q. Eliz. My lord of Gloster, I have too long borne 1 Since every Jack became a gentleman,] This proverbial expression at once demonstrates the origin of the term Jack so often used by Shakspeare. It means one of the very lowest class of people, among whom this name is of the most common and familiar kind. +"while many fair promotions" — MALONE. - Your blunt upbraidings, and your bitter scoffs: Enter Queen MARGARET, behind. Q. Mar. And lessen'd be that small, God, I beseech thee! Thy honour, state, and seat, is due to me. Glo. What? threat you me with telling of the king? I dare adventure to be sent to the Tower. Glo. Ere you were queen, ay, or your husband king, I was a pack-horse in his great affairs; A weeder-out of his proud adversaries, A liberal rewarder of his friends; 3 To royalize his blood, I spilt mine own. Q. Mar. Ay, and much better blood than his, or thine. Glo. In all which time, you and your husband Grey, Were factious for the house of Lancaster: And, Rivers, so were you: 4 In Margaret's battle at Saint Albans' slain? +"To be thus taunted, scorn'd, and baited at:". - MALONE. 2 3 my pains] My labours, my toils. royalize —] i. e. to make royal. "Yea," MALONE. Margaret's battle-] Is Margaret's army. What you have been ere now, and what you are; Q. Mar. A murd'rous villain, and so still thou art. Glo. To fight on Edward's party, for the crown; I am too childish-foolish for this world. Q. Mar. Hie thee to hell for shame, and leave this world, Thou cacodæmon! there thy kingdon is. Riv. My lord of Gloster, in those busy days, Q. Eliz. As little joy, my lord, as you suppose That I enjoy, being the queen thereof. Q. Mar. A little joy enjoys the queen thereof; For I am she, and altogether joyless. I can no longer hold me patient. [Advancing. Hear me, you wrangling pirates, that fall out which you have pill'd from me ;] To pill is to pillage. • Ah, gentle villain,] Gentle appears to be taken in its common acceptation, but to be used ironically. Glo. Foul wrinkled witch, what mak'st thou in my sight? 7 Q. Mar. But repetition of what thou hast marr'd; That will I make, before I let thee go. Glo. Wert thou not banished, on pain of death? Q. Mar. I was; but I do find more pain in banishment, Than death can yield me here by my abode. A husband, and a son, thou ow'st to me, Glo. The curse my noble father laid on thee, Riv. Tyrants themselves wept when it was reported. Dor. No man but prophecy'd revenge for it. Buck. Northumberland, then present, wept to see it. Q. Mar. What! were you snarling all, before I came, Ready to catch each other by the throat, And turn you all your hatred now on me? Did York's dread curse prevail so much with heaven, Their kingdom's loss, my woful banishment, 7-- what mak'st thou in my sight?] An obsolete expression for what dost thou in my sight. hath plagu❜d thy bloody deed.] To plague, in ancient language, is to punish. |