The stars of midnight shall be dear And vital feelings of delight Here in this happy dell." Thus Nature spake-The work was doneHow soon my Lucy's race was run! She died, and left to me This heath, this calm, and quiet scene; The memory of what has been, Smith. ODE. Ormond's glory, Marlborough's arms, The British youths for thee submit to fear, * George Prince of Denmark, husband to the Queen. Scott. THE LAST MINSTREL. : THE way was long, the wind was cold, The Minstrel was infirm and old; His withered cheek, and tresses gray, Seemed to have known a better day; The harp, his sole remaining joy, Was carried by an orphan boy; The last of all the Bards was he, Who sung of Border chivalry. For, well-a-day! their date was filed, His tuneful brethren all were dead; And he, neglected and oppressed, Wished to be with them, and at rest. No more on prancing palfrey borne, He carolled, light as lark at morn; No longer courted and caressed, High placed in hall, a welcome guest, He poured, to lord and lady gay, The unpremeditated lay: |