A Defcription of the Glory, Magnificence, and Uni- verfality of the MESSIAH'S KINGDOM, with the Pro- Christ fortels the Treachery of Judas. The Priests and Elders confult to kill him by Craft. But fear- ing the People, they hire Judas to betray him 292 The Celebration of the Palover, and the Inftitution of the Lord's Supper, with the References thereto. Ju- das is charged with his intended Treafon. A Strife arifing amongst the Difciples who should be greatest, Our Saviour's Speeches to his Difciples before his Pal-. fion; contained in the 14th, 15, and 16th Chap- CHA P. XIV. Chrift inftructs his Difciples, that as they believe in GOD, fo they should believe and confide in him He comforteth his Difciples with the Hope of Hea- CHAP. XV. The Confolation, and mutual Love be- tween Chrift and his Members, under the Parable of the Vine. A Comfort in the Hatred and Perfe- cution of the World. The Office of the Holy Ghoft, CHAP. XVI. Christ comforteth his Difciples against Tribulation, by the Promife of the Holy Ghoft, and by bis Refurrection and Afcenfion. Peace in Chrift, and in the World Affliction CHAP. XVII. This Chapter contains the folemn might have Eternal Life, confifting in the Knowledge of God, and might be preferved in Unity and Truth; and that they and all other Believers might be glorified with him: Which feems to be the Pattern or Model of his eternal INTERCESSION in the Heavens 311 Chrift foretels his Paffion and Death, Refurrection and Afcenfion, upon feveral Occafions 316 ; The Hiftory of CHRIST'S Paffion and Death wherein the Prophecies relating thereto were in the moft minute Circumftances accomplished, as will appear by the References annexed His Agony in the Garden, and Prayers whilft bis Difciples flept 319 320 By the Treachery of Judas, He is difcovered and taken 322 The Blessedness refulting to Mankind by the Paffion and Death of Chrift Jefus our Redeemer : I. With respect to the Almighty; the Divine Juftice is propitiated. II. With respect to Mankind: 1. Pardon, Mercy, and Grace, is purchased through the infinite Merits of his Sacred Blood; which be offered as a Sacrifice for the Sins of the World. 2. A Deliverance from the Power of Sin and Satan, and all the Allurements of this World, thro' the fanctifying and enlightning Influences of the Holy Spirit. 3. A free Access to the Throne of Grace, thro' the Interceffion of Chrift Jefus. 4. Peace of Confcience, and Joy in the Holy Ghost. 5. A Deliverance from the Terrors of Death. 6. The State of endless Reft, Peace and Joy, in the Kingdom of Celestial Glory. Which are fully delineated in feveral Parts of the i 2 Holy Holy Scripture, as will appear by the References thereto 324 Chrift is brought bound before Caiaphas the High Prieft. Peter's first Denial 326 The Examination of Chrift concerning bis Doctrine and Difciples. The High Prieft adjuring Christ to tell him, whether he was the Chrift, the Son of the living God. Our Saviour avows his DEITY; upon which they pronounce him guilty of Blafphemy. Peter's fecond Denial. Peter's third Denial, and Tears 328 Chrift is mocked, fpit upon, fmitten He is brought into the Judgment-Hall. The Defperation of Judas 331 333 He is accufed before Pontius Pilate of Sedition, and affecting the Kingdom. His excellent Confeffion. Publick Teftimony of Innocence given of him by Pi late He is led unto Herod, and mocked 334 336 Pilate telling the Jews, that having examined Jefus, be found no Fault in him, and therefore be would releafe bim. Whereupon they cry out, Crucify him; and defire Barabbas a Murderer might be released. Chrift being fcourged, is condemned to be crucified 337 He is brought out of the City of Jerufalem to the Place 342 of bis Suffering Chrilt is crucified. Wine mingled with Myrrh is given him to drink 343 ibid. e prays for his Murderers. The Title written on the Crofs. The Divifion of his Garments An Enumeration of the Blafphemies against Chrift crucified. The Converfion of one of the Thieves crucified with him 344 Ile commends the Care of his Mother to John. The Sun is darkned. He complains that he is forfaken of God 345 They They give bim Vinegar, He being atbirft. He faith, All Things are finished; and gives up his Spirit The History of our Saviour's Refurrection. To which is annexed, the Refurrection from the Death of Sin; and of the general Refurrection; as is defcribed in feveral Parts of the Holy Scripture The Teftimony of the Watch concerning Chrift's Re- He appears to the two Difciples going to Emmaus 355 He fhews bimfelf to his Difciples at the Sea of Ti- berias ibid. ibid. Containing their Hiftory for the Space of about Thirty Tears; and is concluded feven Tears before the Deftruction of Jerufalem, and the total Subverfion of the Jewish Commonwealth: St. Peter and St. Paul having fuffered Martyrdom about Three Tears before 371 CHAP. I. CHA P. II. The Apoftles filled with the Holy Ghoft, and fpeaking divers Languages, are admired by fome, and derided by others. Whom Peter dif- proving, and fhewing that the Apostles fpake by the Power of the Holy Ghoft; that Jefus was rifen from the Dead, afcended into Heaven, had poured down the fame Holy Ghoft, and was the Meffiah; a Man * known to them to be approved of God by his Miracles, Wonders, and Signs, and not crucified without bis determinate Counfel and Fore-knowledge. He baptizeth a great Number that were converted, who afterwards devoutly and charitably converfed together: the Apoftles working many Miracles, and God daily increafing his Church. To which is annexed, The Prophecies and Promifes relating to the Effufion of the Holy Ghoft CHA P. III. 374 CHAP. V. CHAP. VI. CHAP. VII. CHAP. VIII. 379 382 384 388 389 393 396 CHAP. IX. CHAP. X. Cornelius, an Officer in the Roman Army, a devout Man, being directed by an Angel, fendeth for Peter: who by a Vifion is taught not to defpife |