Imatges de pàgina

31. God's Glory fhall for ever laft,

With his own Joy his Works are grac'd: 32. The Earth ftands trembling at thy Stroke, And at thy Touch the Mountains fmoke.

33. Thy Praifes fhall my Breath employ,
Till it expire in endless Joy.
34. My Meditations will prove sweet,
If they thy kind Acceptance meet.

35. Then fhall confuming Sinners fade
To Duft, from whence they firft were made,
But I fhall to my Lord and King
Eternal Hallelujahs fing.



AD not the Lord (may Ifrael fay)
Been pleas'd to interpofe;

2. Had he not then efpous'd our Cause,
When Men against us rofe;

3,4,5. Their Wrath had fwallow'd us alive,
And rag'd without Controul;
Their Spite and Pride's united Floods
Had quite o'erwhelm'd our Soul.

6. But prais'd be our eternal Lord,
Who refcu'd us that Day,
Nor to their favage Jaws gave up
Our threaten'd Lives a Prey.

7. Our Soul is like a Bird efcap'd
From out the Fowler's Net.

The Snare is broke, their Hopes are croft,
And we at Freedom fet.

8. Secure is his Almighty Name,

Our Confidence remains,

Who as he made both Heav'n and Earth,

Of both fole Monarch reigns.

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ORD, thou my Ways haft fearcht and known,
My Rifing up, my Sitting down;

3. To Thee are my Conceptions brought,
E'er they are form'd into a Thought.

4. My idle Words thou doft condemn
Before my Lips have fafhion'd them:
5. On ev'ry Part thy Hand's impos'd;
Behind, before, has me inclos'd.

6. Such Knowledge is for me too high;
7. From thee, O whither fhall I fly?
8. If up to Heav'n, Thou there doft dwell i
And if my Bed I lay in Hell,

1 fhould not 'scape thy piercing Eye. 9. If on the Morning's Wings I fly,

Or th' Ocean's untrac'd Paths Thou'd tread, 10. With thy right Hand I fhou'd be led.

11. If I my Head in Night involve,

Thy Light the Darkness wou'd diffolve; 12. Ev'n Day and Night are but one Name, For both to Thee appear the fame.

13. Nor Reins, nor Heart cou'd Thee efcape, Thou in the Womb my Form didit fhape; 14. So marvellously I was made,

Ev'n of my felf I ftand afraid.

For this, my Soul, which knows fo well Thy wondrous Works, thy Praise shall tell. 15. My Substance was by Thee furvey'd, When it was firft in fecret made.

16. Thy Hand did free, with curious Art,
From Imperfection every Part;
And ev'ry Member, which had yet
No Being, in thy Book was writ.


At laft, to fhew whofe Hand it was, GOD ftampt HIS Image on the Mafs, 17. O how thy Thoughts my Soul delight! The Sum of them is infinite.

When I to number them wou'd try, I find they all Accompts outvy; 18. I fooner might the Sands explore, That lie upon the Ocean's Shore:

Yet they my early Thoughts employ. 19. Lord, thou the Wicked wilt deftroy ; 20. Such as blafpheme, and thirst for Blood, And thofe whofe Counfels thine withstood.

21. I hated to the last Degree

22. All thofe, O God, who hated Thee.
23. Search all my Thoughts, and if they ftray
24. From Thee, be thou their Guide and Way.


By the fame.

Lord, my God, my Songs to Thee
Shall, like thy felf, immortal be!

2. For ever I'll thy Praife exprefs,
And ev'ry Day thy Name will bless.

3. Great is the Lord, 'his Praise no Bounds
Confine, no Line his Greatnefs founds.
4. That Generation which fucceeds,

Shall learn from this thy mighty Deeds.

5. The Honour of thy Majefty
6. I'll fing, how wonderful! how high!
7. The Measures of thy Grace who know?
8. Thy Mercy's fwift, thy Anger flow.

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9. O'er all, God's guardian Mercy stands, His Bounty falls from equal Hands : 10. His wondrous Pow'r his Works proclaim, For which the Saints fhall blefs his Name.


11. GOD's Majefty, his Pow'r, the State
12. Of his Dominion, Saints relate ;
So large, fo lafting, fo renown'd,

13. As neither Place nor Time shall bound.

14. Thy Hand fupports the drooping Head;
Has rais'd the Low, the Hungry fed.
15. The whole Creation, Men and Beasts,
16. Attending Thee, thy Bounty feasts.

17. Juftice and Truth thy Ways fecure,
And, like thy felf, thy Works are pure.
18. To them that pray, the Lord is near;
To all who pray, and are fincere.

19. Their Suits he grants, their Wants fupplies,
And faves them when he hears their Cries.
20. All this the righteous Man enjoys,
But the Ungodly, God deftroys.

21. My Lips his Praifes fhall proclaim,
And all who live fhall blefs his Name.


Paraphras'd by an unknown Hand.

TO God, in one united Sound,

Infpir'd, let ev'ry Being rife, Beyond Creation's utmoft Bound, Above the Concave of the Skies.

Begin, ye facred Thrones above,

Ye Seraphs ftrike your golden Lyres & Ye Sons of Harmony and Love

Blefs and exalt him in your Choirs.

Far as thou dart'ft a quickning Ray,
Divulge, O Sun, his endless Fame;
He fill'd thy flaming Orb with Day,
His Acts in Gratitude proclaim.

Thou Moon, howe'er unfix'd thy Courfe,
To him thy conftant Tribute bring:
He to thy Glories gave the Source;
To him with pious Duty fing.

Ye gay Attendants of the Night,
From Sphere to Sphere the Accents roll
Ye Planetary Globes of Light,

Refound his Deeds from Pole to Pole

Ye fplendid Heavens, ye Vaults on high,
With Rapture fieze the darling Theme;
Ye Floods that glide above the Sky,
Bear down his Praise in ev'ry Stream.

Let the bright Realms of lafting Blifs,
Extol him through the vaft Expanfe:
By him from Chaos' dark Abyss,
The various Elements advance.

He fpoke, Confufion heard the Word,
In her capacious Gulphs obfcure;
Strait fprang up Worlds in fweet Accord,
Fix'd, and commanded to endure.

Let Clouds in Rain their Part disclose,
Let Winds with all their Blafts adore ;
Ye Meteors blaze, drop down ye Snows,
Ye Lightnings play, and Thunders roar.
Next, let the Choirifters of Air,

The propagated Hymn affume;
His Hands protect 'em with his Care,
To him they owe the various Plume.

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