Imatges de pàgina

colour of the solution presents the same characteristics
as in the case of ethylamine.
Palladium, protochloride.-No precipitate from a
somewhat dilute solution, but the deep red liquid is
instantly decolorised.

Platinum, protochloride.-No precipitate from a moderately concentrated solution. Hydrochlorate of diethylamine dissolves in protochloride of platinum to a clear solution, so that if a diethylamine base analogous to Magnus' green base, exists, it must be very soluble. Platinum, bichloride.-No precipitate unless both solutions are very concentrated.

Molybdenum, protochloride.-Red brown, insoluble in excess of precipitant.

Molybdenum, bichloride.-Red-brown, insoluble in excess of precipitant.

Copper, sulphate.-Blue precipitate, very sparingly soluble in excess of the precipitant.

Silver, nitrate.-Brown, easily soluble in excess of the precipitant.

Zinc, sulphate.-White, insoluble in excess of the precipitant.

Cadmium, sulphate.-Same reaction.

Nickel, sulphate.-Pale green, insoluble in excess of the precipitant.

Cobalt, protochloride.-Blue, insoluble in excess of the precipitant.

Aluminium, alum.-White, soluble in excess.
Chromium, chrome alum.-Bluish gray, insoluble in


Lead, acetate.-A small quantity produces no precipitate; a large quantity a white precipitate, insoluble in


Lead, nitrate.—An immediate precipitate, insoluble in


Mercury, protochloride.-White, insoluble in excess.
Tin, protochloride.-Same reaction.

Tin, bichloride.-White, soluble in excess.
Glucina, sulphate.-White, insoluble in excess.

ammonia; while in diethylamine this property almost disappears, a faint blue colour indicates the solution of a mere trace. Unless the aqueous solution of diethylamine is strong, not even a trace of copper is taken up by it.

The action of diethylamine on terchloride of gold was further examined to ascertain if the resulting compound had any properties corresponding with those of fulminating gold. The clear yellow solution obtained from solution of terchloride of gold by treatment with diethylamine, dried up to a somewhat crystalline, deliquescent mass, which, when heated, decomposed without the slightest explosion.

It is evident from the above that the relations which exist between ethylamine and diethylamine are much closer than those between ethylamine and ammonia. In fact, in all the above reactions, they differ in their behaviour to palladium and zinc salts only. Protochloride of palladium is precipitated by ethylamine and not by diethylamine; zinc precipitates are re-dissolved by ammonia and ethylamine, but not by diethylamine. In view of this remarkable analogy, all clearly distinctive reactions acquire an interest, and the following which I have observed is very well marked.

If protochloride of mercury be precipitated with a very large excess of ammonia, the precipitate readily dissolves on the addition of a little acetic acid, the liquid remaining very strongly alkaline. Ethylamine behaves in the same way, but the precipitate caused by diethylamine does not re-dissolve under the same circumstances. Acetic acid may be added, in fact, until the liquid acquires a decidedly acid reaction without causing a solution.

Diethylamine shares the property of ethylamine and ammonia of reddening alcoholic solution of dinitronaphthaline.

The analysis of the platinum salts of the ethyl bases requires great circumspection in the application of heat, as they decompose at a far lower temperature than the chloroplatinate of ammonium. The diethylamine salt

Manganese, protosulphate.-Pale brown, insoluble in blackens at a temperature at which the upper part of


Magnesia, sulphate.-White, insoluble in excess. Iron, sesquioxide, ammonia alum.-Brick red, insoluble in excess.

Antimony, chloride.-Brick red, insoluble in excess. Antimony, tartar emetic.-At the first moment no precipitate, then a cloudiness, and finally a heavy precipitate.

Bismuth, nitrate.-White, insoluble in excess of precipitant.

Uranium, nitrate.-Yellow, insoluble in excess. Some of these reactions are highly interesting. It has been already shown, under the head of Ethylamine, that, in addition to the differences already known to exist between its reactions and those of ammonia, its behaviour towards solutions of gold and ruthenium is highly characteristic. We now see that diethylamine not only resembles ethylamine in these properties, but shares with it its remarkable capability of re-dissolving precipitates of alumina. Ethylamine and diethylamine, moreover, resemble each other and differ from ammonia in their reactions with cadmium, nickel, cobalt, and bichloride of tin. They both act like ammonia towards solutions of glucina, zirconia, protoxide and protoperoxide of cerium, peroxide of uranium, protoxide and deutoxide of molybdenum, and many other metals. The only oxides which all three are capable of re-dissolving are those of silver and copper. Silver dissolves abundantly in all three; copper much more sparingly in ethylamine than in

the porcelain crucible remains cool enough for it to be lifted by the fingers.

Action of Iodine on Ethylamine and Diethylamine. When aqueous diethylamine is poured over iodine in powder, it becomes milky and there collects at the bottom of the vessel a black substance in thick oily drops. These, when heated in a platinum spoon, give off first violet vapours of iodine, then thick white clouds, and finally leave a carbonaceous residue. If this black substance be boiled a few minutes with a large excess of caustic soda, it emits an odour not unlike that produced by the combustion of phosphuretted hydrogen, diminishes in volume, and becomes thicker, so much so as to solidify on cooling. It then, when heated, gives off no violet vapours, but only thick white clouds, swells up, and leaves an enor mously bulky residue of carbon. Ethylamine exhibits a nearly similar reaction. In neither case has the resulting substance the slightest explosive properties, as might be expected from the reaction of ammonia under similar circumstances.

The compound formed in the case of ethylamine has been examined by Wurtz and found to have the formula CHIN. By this result, the rescarches of Gladstone into the constitution of the so-called iodide of nitrogen, reliable in themselves, are supported. The latter chemist found for the explosive substance formed by the action of iodine on ammonia the (constitution HIN. The action of iodine is, consequently, in both cases, exactly

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Isomorphism of Ammonias.

A few experiments made in this direction gave the following results :

Ethylamine alum.-Octahedra of sulphate of ethylamine and alumina were obtained.

Tartrate of diethylamine and soda.-In order to determine whether diethylamine was capable of replacing ammonia in the magnificent crystalline forms of the double tartrates, this salt was formed, but whether crystallised from water or from weak alcohol, only needles could be obtained.

Sulphate of diethylamine and zinc.-In order to determine if diethylamine was capable of replacing ammonia in Mitscherlich's group of double sulphates, RO,SO2+ MO SO3+6HO, with the characteristic crystal form, the double sulphate of zinc and diethylamine was formed. A deliquescent solution was obtained, which, in vacuo over sulphuric acid, afforded a crystalline mass, from which no conclusion as to isomorphism could be drawn. -American Journal of Science.

On Perchromic Acid, and the Action of Peroxide of Hydrogen on the Higher Oxides, by M. H. ASCHOFF. Ir is known that when dilute solutions of bichromate of potash and peroxide of hydrogen, containing a certain amount of acid, are mixed together, a blue liquid is obtained which becomes decolorised more or less rapidly with disengagement of oxygen (Barreswil). When there is sufficient peroxide of hydrogen there finally remains only a chromic salt, the oxy-water and the chromic acid having both lost part of their oxygen.

M. Aschoff having endeavoured to ascertain the quantity of oxygen disengaged in this reaction, found that for one atom of bichromate of potash employed there were always collected more than six atoms of

1 Jahresbericht der Chemie, 1858, p. 340.


oxygen; but that this relation was not constant. M. Wöhler found that one molecule of peroxide of manganese decomposed exactly one molecule of oxy-water. According to this fact, and also to the opinions of M. Schönbein, it ought to be supposed that one atom of bichromate of potash should decompose three molecules of oxy-water, setting at liberty six atoms of oxygen. It will be seen that this is not the case.

M. Aschoff first satisfied himself that the decomposition of oxy-water by permanganic acid took place between one molecule of the acid and five molecules of peroxide of hydrogen. He commenced by estimating the peroxide of hydrogen in a dilute solution by means of a standard solution of ammoniacal sulphate of protoxide of iron, and a similarly standardised solution of permanganate of potash: the estimation was made very readily. On directly treating oxy-water with permanganate of potash, he found that the same volume of solution of permanganate is necessary to decompose the oxy-water, and to peroxidise the amount of ammoniacal sulphate of iron, which on its part can remove from the same volume of peroxide of hydrogen its second atom of readily decomposes five molecules of oxy-water, and oxygen. One molecule of permanganic acid therefore may thus be used advantageously for the estimation of peroxide of hydrogen. When the solution of oxy-water takes place immediately, and the manganese passes to is very acid, the reduction of the permanganic acid the state of a salt of the protoxide. When, on the contrary, there is only a small quantity of the free acid in the liquid, as, for instance, when the oxy-water is poured drop by drop into the neutral permanganate of potash, there separates at first a manganese compound which is probably the hydrated peroxide; but upon the addition of a larger quantity of oxy-water, this hydrate re-dissolves, and the final result is the same as before; that is to say, that ultimately for one atom of oxygen which the permanganic acid gives up, the oxy-water likewise disengages one atom of oxygen, or one molecule of permanganic acid decomposes five molecules of oxy-water, becoming reduced to the state of manganous acid.

Having at his disposal a means of standardizing solutions of oxy-water, the author caused hydrated peroxide of manganese and peroxide of lead to react upon an excess of oxy-water. On estimating the undecomposed peroxide of hydrogen, he found that these bodies act upon oxy-water atom for atom.

On working in a similar manner with bichromate of potash, he, as in his first experiments, obtained variable results, according to which from 3°2 to 42 molecules of oxy-water are decomposed by one molecule of bichromate of potash; this may be explained by admitting with M. Barreswil, that perchromic acid is formed at first, but that at the same time a portion of the chromic acid is immediately reduced by the oxy-water before being peroxidised by it.

M. Aschoff has found a still more conclusive proof of the existence of perchromic acid. M. Barreswil had observed that on carefully mixing very dilute solutions of bichromate of potash and peroxide of hydrogen, the disengagement of oxygen docs not take place immcdiately; that the ether perfectly removes from the water the combination which communicates to it the blue colour; that the ethercal solution, much more stable than the aqueous solution, leaves, when evaporated at a low temperature, chromic acid without a trace of oxide; and

1 Annala de Chemie und Pharmacie, xci. 128. 2 Repertoire de Chimie pure, i. 205.

that this same solution, shaken with an excess of alkali, without influence on the result of the experiment. becomes converted into chromate with disengagement of oxygen.

On shaking a known volume of the blue ethereal solution with an acid standard solution of a ferrous salt, there is an immediate decoloration, and the liquid then only contains oxide of chromium, peroxide of iron, and an excess of protoxide of iron, which can be estimated in the usual way. If the blue liquid is previously treated with potash, and then mixed with ferrous sulphate, it is found that the amount of protoxide of iron changed into peroxide is not the same as in the preceding experiment, and that the quantities of oxygen yielded are in the proportion of 4 to 3, as would be the case on the supposition that the blue liquid contains perchromic acid, and that the effect of the potash is to change this acid into chromic acid.—Journal für Praktische Chemie, lxxxi. 401.

[blocks in formation]

a crystalline base formed by the condensation of three molecules of aniline, reunited by carbon substituted for hydrogen.

The production of this body is accompanied by that of a magnificent crimson colouring matter.

It may, perhaps, be useful to reproduce the passage which treats of the colouring matter:

"On submitting a mixture of bichloride of carbon and three parts of aniline, both in the anhydrous state, for nearly thirty hours, to a temperature of 170° to 180°, the liquid becomes transformed into a black mass, either soft and viscid, or hard and brittle, according to the length of time and the temperature.

"This black mass adhering persistently to the tubes in which the reaction takes place, is a mixture of several bodies. On exhausting with water a portion is dissolved, another remaining insoluble in the form of a more or less solid resin.

"The aqueous solution yields with potash an oily precipitate, containing a considerable proportion of unchanged aniline. On boiling this precipitate in a retort with dilute potash, the aniline distils over, whilst there remains a viscid oil gradually solidifying with a crystalline structure. Washing with cold alcohol and one or two crystallisations from boiling alcohol, render the body perfectly white and pure, a very soluble substance of a magnificent crimson remaining in solution.

"That portion of the black mass which remained insoluble in water, dissolves very easily in hydrochloric acid; it is again precipitated from this solution by alkalies in the form of a amorphous powder of a dingy red colour, soluble in alcohol, which it colours a rich crimson. The greater portion of this substance is the same colouring matter which accompanies the crystalline body."

The action of tetra-chloride of carbon on aniline only furnishes a comparatively small quantity of the red matter; moreover, the temperature to which the mixture is exposed, and the relative proportions of the wo substances which react on one another, are not

Carbo-triphenyl-triamine and the base, which takes a crimson tint on dissolving in alcohol, are not the only products of the reaction. Other bases are formed, for the most part amorphous, and accessible only in the form of platinum salts, which on account of the similarity of their chemical characters hinder the purification of the new compound. In spite of many attempts, I could not succeed in obtaining the colouring matter in a fit state for analysis, and I temporarily abandoned the investigation.

However, commerce has not failed to discover new and more advantageous methods for the production of aniline red. Certain metallic chlorides (tetra chloride of tin) and nitrates (mercurous nitrate) as well as a large number of oxidising agents, are capable of converting aniline into this crimson body. M. Verguin was the first to prepare the colour on the large scale by the action of tetra-chloride of tin on aniline. Since that time the production of aniline red has become an important branch of manufacture, which, in the hands of MM. Renard Brothers, in France, and Messrs. Simpson, Maule, and Nicholson, in England, has rapidly attained colossal proportions. The interest attached to this subject is evident on glancing at contemporary periodicals. The journals of applied chemistry especially furnish numerous descriptions and processes for the formation of the colouring matter which it has been proposed to call Fuchsine, Magenta, or other fantastic terms. The action even of tetra-chloride of carbon on aniline, which, at first sight, does not appear to possess ány importance, has been utilised on the large scale, and interesting observations on the commercial production of the colour by means of chloride of carbon have been published by M. Charles Dolfus Galline, by MM. Monnet and Dury, and finally by M. Louth3, and have proved that aniline red thus prepared on a large scale can be applied to dyeing, and furnishes exactly the same results as the colouring matter produced by other methods. This is not the place to give the details of the development of this new branch of industry, which has, moreover, been admirably traced by M. E. Kopp in a series of interesting articles. I have, however, thought it proper to quote the above authorities, so as to show that the basic colouring matter which I observed in 1858, when studying the action of tetra-chloride of carbon on aniline, is identical with the aniline red now manufactured by several processes on so large a scale.

A substance possessing such remarkable properties as aniline red, and which can also be procured as a commercial product, merits the attention of men of science.

The subject has been successively examined by M. Guignet, M. Béchamps, M. Wilm, MM. Persoz, De Luynes, and Salvétat, M. Schneiders, and more recently by M. Emile Kopp and by M. Bolley10. The results obtained by these experiments are far from being concordant. I attribute this divergence of the results on the part of such skilful observers, to the obstacles which they met with in procuring the colouring matter in the 1 Repertoire de Chimie Appliquée, 1861, p. 11. 2 Ibid, p. 12.

3 Ibid.

[blocks in formation]


March 8, 1862.

On the Action of Chlorine on Metallic Oxides.

state of purity, and to the facility with which the smallest quantity of foreign matter is capable of masking the properties of this remarkable compound.

The red colouring matter of aniline and its saline compounds appear to have been obtained for the first time in a state of purity by my friend and former pupil, Mr. Edward Chambers Nicholson, a manufacturer as much distinguished by his scientific erudition as by the skill and persistent energy which has several times enabled him to render the results of purely scientific researches available for commercial purposes.

With great liberality, Mr. Nicholson has placed at my disposal, not only a very complete series of the magnificent compounds which he prepares, but also the numerous and precise observations which he has accumulated on this subject during his lengthened researches. It is, therefore, owing to the kindness of Mr. Nicholson, that I have myself been enabled to study these remarkable compounds.

Mr. Nicholson calls the pure base of the colouring matter by the name of roseine, which appears very appropriate, since this substance, which yields solution of so beautiful a rose colour, is, when in the solid state, perfectly white. However, as this body appears to be the prototype of an entire series of similar compounds, which can be obtained by the application of similar methods to the homologues and probably to the analogues of aniline, it will be useful to recall the origin of this substance by its name. I therefore propose the name of rosaniline for the new base.

(To be continued.)

On the Action of Chlorine on Metallic Oxides, by M. R. WEBER.

HAVING attempted to prepare oxychloride of arsenic by the action of dry chlorine on arsenious acid, M. Weber obtained, instead of the body sought for, chloride of arsenic; a portion of the arsenious acid being at the same time changed into arsenic acid, which was itself converted into chloride of arsenic at a higher temperature. Antimonious acid behaved in an analogous manner. Stannic acid and peroxide of iron were decomposed by chlorine at a high temperature.

Having continued the study of the action of chlorine on the other metallic oxides, the author found that alumina, and even silica, were partially transformed, at a red-white heat, into chlorides of aluminium and silicium, without the action of the chlorine being assisted by the presence of carbon. This action is much weaker on silica than on alumina.

It is already known, by the experiments of Davy and those of Gay-Lussac and Thénard, that baryta and lime are changed into chlorides with ignition when the commencement of the reaction is assisted by heating the substance to near redness.

Strontia behaves in the same way. Magnesia requires to be raised to a much higher temperature for its decomposition to take place.

Carbonate of protoxide of manganese becomes brown in a current of chlorine, and the residue contains chloride of manganese and a higher oxide of this metal. Upon heating the residue higher in a current of chlorine, the whole is changed into chloride of manganese. Peroxide of iron gives at a red heat perchloride, which sublimes in small crystalline flakes. This reaction is slow, and requires a high temperature.

Carbonates of nickel and cobalt, and the oxides of


zinc, cadmium, copper, and lead, easily yield the corresponding chlorides.

Protoxide of tin burns in chlorine with the production of bichloride and stannic acid. At a red heat the stannic acid itself is changed into bichloride.

Molybdic acid volatilises in the state of oxychloride. Tungstic acid acts in the same way; there is, however, noticed at the same time the formation of a few crystalline needles of chloride of tungsten.

Unignited sesquioxide of chromium, treated with chlorine at a temperature below that at which the incandescence of this oxide is produced, gives red vapours of oxychloride of chromium. At a red heat the same vapours are also obtained, together with violet chloride of chromium.

M. Rose has already shown the action of chlorine on tellurous acid and on oxide of bismuth. It is also known, through the experiments of Gay-Lussac and Thénard, that chlorine decomposes aqueous vapour at a red heat."

To sum up, the affinity of chlorine at high temperatures appears to surpass that of oxygen for the metallic radicals.-Poggendorff's Annalen, cxii. 619.


On the Behaviour of Essential Oils to Iodine and
Bromine, by JOHN M. MAISCH.

(Continued from page 119.)

Oleum Calami.-Thickish, pale yellow. Iodine dissolves in the heaviest oil, without vapours, a tough extractive mass; oil of medium specific gravity evolves a few vapours; the lightest oil shows a higher temperature and more green and yellow vapours; the residue of the last two was softer. Z.

It dissolves slowly to a thick, nearly black liquid, some of the iodine adhering firmly to the glass. Ether sol. iodine mixes quickly to an iodine-coloured liquid, with a darker sediment.

Ether sol. bromine works from the centre towards the

circumference, one-half of the mixture being of a yolk yellow colour, the other half of a reddish brown; the first passes through various shades into a brownish green supernatant liquid; the last changes to a rose colour, and passing through reddish brown to a deep black brown, constitutes the sedimentary fluid.

Oleum Carui.-Thin, colourless. Iodine dissolves without commotion or vapours in the heaviest oil (specific gravity '96); by the oil of 91 and 92 prepared from recently dried seed, few gray and violet vapours are evolved; oil ten years old of '939 specific gravity produces a lively disengagement of violet vapours and some heat; oil of 947 specific gravity, distilled from old seed, is fulminating with violent evolution of vapours. The reddish brown residue of all the various oils shows little thickening and have but little of a caraway odour, but a peculiar acidulous balsamic smell. Iodine appears to be not a reliable test for oil of caraway. Z.

It dissolves with a radiating motion and little heat to a yellowish red transparent liquid, which is readily miscible with the darker and thicker sediment.

Ether sol. iodine.-Brisk effervescence by the first drop, the second and third drops mix quietly with the

1 Poggendorf's Annalen, xxi. 443.
Recherches Physico-Chimiques, ii. 144.

oil to a thin homogeneous fluid of iodine colour, with scarcely any precipitate.

Ether sol. bromine shows little reaction; a circular yellowish brown colour is produced; the supernatant liquid nearly colourless and perfectly transparent, afterwards light brown and cloudy.

Oleum Carui.-Yellow, old, thick, oily. Iodine.-There was some reaction, but no perceptible heat and no vapours; the residue was a yellowish brown liquid and a dark brown extractive mass, which were readily miscible. Odour balsamic, acidulous.

Ether sol. iodine.-Some irregular motion towards the circumference; the homogeneous thick liquid has a concentrated iodine colour, a small quantity of a lighter liquid separates, which afterwards re-unites to a uniform thick balsamic mass.

Bromine produces a hissing noise on coming in contact with the oil, and evolves some gray vapours; the mixture consists now of a deep reddish brown sediment and a light yellow coloured oil, which are readily miscible to a yellow oil with but a faintly brown tint.

Odour little modified.

Ether sol, bromine appears not to readily mix at first, but is for some time retained in a semicircle of yellowish brown, afterwards red brown; the supernatant oil is light brown and slightly turbid.

Oleum Caryophylli.-Fresh specimen, pale, yellowish


Iodine dissolved slowly and quietly to a greenish yellow brown mass of honey consistence and unaltered odour; the India oil dissolves it still slower to a clear, viscid, yellowish red liquid. Z.

Slow solution, at first yellow, afterwards reddish, thick odour unaltered.

Ether sol. iodine mixes uniformly to a yellowish red, iodine coloured liquid.

Ether sol. bromine.-The yellow colour of the mixture quickly disappears, by changing to greenish, greyish green; an aqueous liquid (from the ether) collects on the surface and is nearly colourless; the oily heavy stratum alters its colour to a pale greyish black, then brownish


Oleum Cinnamomi Chinensis.-Fresh specimen,
brownish yellow.

Iodine dissolves quickly in the oil of Ceylon cinnamon, with little radiating motion and much heat, to a tenacious, greenish yellow brown mass of cinnamon odour. In the oil of Chinese cinnamon, iodine dissolves slowly without any visible motion or reaction, and, with little heat, to a yellowish red brown mass of the consistence of soft extracts, and of cinnamon odour. Z.

It dissolves quietly to an iodine coloured liquid; it then turns yellowish brown, blackish brown, and thickens considerably.

Ether sol. iodine.-No spreading; the colour changes from iodine to a peculiar yellowish brown black; the liquid is of a uniform thick consistence and in thin layers transparent; in six hours it is of a darker colour

and the consistence of a soft extract.

Ether sol. bromine mixes readily to a lemon yellow liquid, which gradually turns brown to umber brown, and is less thick than the product of the reaction of iodine.

Oleum Chenopodii Sem.-Thin, reddish yellow,
Baltimore oil.

Iodine. Rather slow reaction, without the evolution cf vapours; the residue consists of a yellowish brown

liquid and a dark brown resinous iodine compound, readily miscible to a brown or yellowish brown oil.

Ether sol. iodine causes a slight effervescence and forms two strata, the upper one of which is yellow, the lower one of a thick iodine colour; afterwards spreading takes place, and in a few hours nothing has been left in the vessel.

Bromine.-Hissing fulmination, with red and white vapours; the residue is a reddish brown resinous mass, and a light brown liquid, which after a while are miscible to a deep yellowish brown oil. Odour altered, somewhat


Ether sol. bromine.-The reaction proceeds slowly ; the heavier liquid is reddish, tinged with brown; the supernatant fluid is light brown, almost clear.

Oleum Erigeronis.

The commercial article of this oil, which has a yellowish brown colour, and has been recommended by eclectic practitioners, was used for the following experiments. As Mr. F. L. John, of Philadelphia, obtained but an exceedingly small quantity from Erigeron Philadelphicum, the examined oil must be gained from Erigeron Canadense; but I have no means of ascertaining its purity.

Iodine dissolves with radiating motion, but without explosion; the solution is iodine-coloured, and has a thick blackish sediment.

Ether sol. iodine mixes to a solution and sediment of the same properties.

Ether sol. bromine is miscible, then separates to a brownish green yellow thin liquid, a brownish black sediment, and a few violet-coloured spots.

Oleum Faniculi-Almost colourless, agreeable and pure fennel odour.

Iodine.-Oils, rich in stearopten, show radiating motion, evolve some reddish vapours, and thicken to a syrupy or soft extractive mass; oils with much stearopten, produce almost instantly a solid brittle mass, which prevents the further reaction of iodine. Iodine seems, therefore, applicable as a test for the proportion of stearopten in oil or fennel; but stearopten altered by age does not congeal to such a brittle mass, and the specific gravity must then decide whether the oil is in its fresh state, or old and resinified. Z.

Iodine dissolves with radiating motion, and some vapours, to a yellow, afterwards red liquid; the dark sediment is with some difficulty miscible, and forms an extractive mass.

Ether sol. iodine mixes uniformly to a bright red iodine-coloured solution, which, on standing six hours, is reddish brown, viscid.

Ether sol. bromine produces a mixture which is at first white and milky, and gradually shows some brown streaks; afterwards the supernatant fluid is milk white, tinged with greenish brown; the sediment has a purely brown colour.

Oleum Gaultheria.-Brownish yellow, thin, oily. Iodine dissolves quickly and completely with brisk reaction and some white vapours; the liquid is not thickened, and has a yellow iodine colour.

Ether sol. iodine. Some spreading; miscible to a yellowish red solution; after six hours the thin liquid is of a deep reddish yellow, without a trace of sediment.

Ether sol. bromine.-Many white fumes are given off, reminding somewhat of the odour of fresh parsley-root; the whole watch crystal is covered with a coating of a soft, resinous white substance, leaving some unaltered oil behind.

(To be continued.)

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