Imatges de pàgina


March 1, 1862.

Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society.

Mr. SPENCE brought under the notice of the Society a ball of the dried leaves and stems of a plant imported from the West Coast of Africa, in the Kingdom of Dahomey. This plant, which grows spontaneously in great abundance, is used by the natives in dyeing cloth, to which it is said to give a good, but not very permanent, blue colour. The parties who have imported these leaves are Messrs. Burnet and Thwaites, of Manchester, and they state that two years ago the sample had been examined without any result. About two months ago, Mr. Spence gave Dr. E. Schunck, F.R.S., a portion of them, he kindly undertaking to see whether they contained indigo. Circumstances prevented Dr. Schunck, until very lately, from entering upon the investigation, and the importers being anxious as to the matter, Mr. Spence, assisted by Mr. Bottomley, undertook the investigation, and at once found that the plant contained indigo perfectly formed, and which was easily extracted by the usual modes of deoxidisation and solution, the indigo being then precipitated pure and of a beautiful deep coppery shade. The only question now was as to its containing indigo in quantity sufficient to render the importation profitable. The solution of this question being partly one of chemical manufacture, has been undertaken by Mr. R. Rumney, who is to operate on a large quantity so as to get results of commercial value. Mr. Spence was chiefly induced to bring this subject before the Society from the fact that a new source of indigo at the present time would be a matter of great importance to trade, the growth of the article in India being from peculiar causes rather on the decline.

Dr. SCHUNCK Corroborated Mr. Spence's statements so far as that he had found indigo fully formed existing in the specimens submitted to him: he had not had time as yet to ascertain what quantity of that body they contained. Mr. MOSLEY stated that it had been known for some time that the indigo plant grows wild in many parts of the West Coast of Africa; he believed it would be of great importance at present if a new source of indigo could be found, as the Indian manufacture seemed to be declining. He believed the manufacture had been attempted in Africa, but had not succeeded.

A paper was read "On the Causes of Sickness and Mortality in the Manufacturing Towns of the North-West of England," by Dr. C. J. SHEARMAN, of Sheffield, communicated by Dr. R. ANGUS SMITH, F.R.S. Previously to any examination of the disturbing causes of vitality the proportion of age to the whole population should be ascertained for town and country districts; for under all circumstances favourable or otherwise, age of an individual determines to a great extent the kind of sickness and the consequent mortality. In the towns of this part of England there are up to 15 years of age less, from 15 to 55 more, from 55 upwards less than in the adjacent country. Hence one of two evils results-cither that towns kill young people and old fast-or middle age is imported. As to the feeding of town population, an average of 6 per cent. is imported from purely country districts of those under 20 years of age, and of 26 per cent. over 20 years. This constitution of replenishment of towns, associated with what is subsequently shown, large mortality at early ages, leads to the view that considerable dafts from the country from fifteen years upwards are made by towns, and which latter are responsible for their health. With the exception of infantile diseases, those of 15 to 55 years of age are the most fatal, and towns present a large field for the operation of disease at that age. The diseases of infancy and childhood are in a great degree infectious. Hence density of population would be considered a great element of mischief at those periods; but smallpox, scarlet fever, and some others, more infectious than others, present a less increase of mortality than measles over that of the country. The same law will apply to fever, influenza, and others at a later age-density and infection


do not obey the same law of proportionate increase:
neither will Dr. Farr's formula, for mortality increasing
according to a certain root of the density, apply to pro-
vincial towns. Imprudent and early marriage, and
inebriety have a certain value in the production of town
mortality, but only to a slight extent, especially as to the
former; the latter evil is not productive of so great an
increase in the direct disease consequent upon it as
materially to elevate town mortality over that of the
country. Atmospheric causes, those from malarious
mischief, in this Paper are not entered upon to any
extent: they have a variable value, which is balanced to
a great extent by the higher rate of income and con.
sequent improvement of sustenance. The centralising
system of this century is in itself not, therefore, it would
appear, a great bene to the country; and yet towns kill
considerably greater numbers of people than the country.
There is an element of destruction which sanitary move-
ments have overshadowed-viz., "The special influence
of occupation." In this abstract, to simplify as much as
possible, the town population is divided into groups: one-
fifth consists of certain occupations not peculiar to towns,
but common to the present state of society, viz., out-door
heavy occupations. This class is amenable to the worst
influence of town life, and without the advantage of high
wages and consequent choice of abode and addenda to the
necessities of life-its mortality in towns is yet only 17.5
in the 1000, the lowest mortality of the kingdom being 15
in the 1000. The other four-fifths consists mainly of the
skilled operative and commercial and professional classes.
The mortality of this section is caused by the skilled
workers, and mostly so when constrained position is re-
quisite. One main object of the paper is to draw atten-
tion to this special element of town mortality, the altera-
tion in the normal proportion of respiration to circulation
of the blood appearing to be the turning point from health
to disease. This portion of the subject cannot be entered
into without considerable detail, given in the Paper itself.
One point appears to be prominent, viz., that in the
endeavour to ventilate, cleanse, drain, and distribute our
town population, the necessary employment to earn a
livelihood in towns has carried with it the seeds of disease
and death, and escaped to a great extent the notice of
those able and philanthropic people who have devoted
their energies to the best mode of increasing the health
and prosperity of their fellow-labourers.

January 21, 1862.

Professor WILLIAMSON, President of the Section, in the

Mr. William K. Deane was elected a Member of the

A letter was read from Mr. H. A. HURST, late of
Calcutta, making a donation to the Section of his entire
collection of mounted microscopical objects, consisting of
upwards of 400 specimens; they comprise 90 slides of
diatomaceæ; 100 of algæ, mostly marine; about 30 different
kinds of starches, and the remainder an assortment of
Desmidiæ, preparations of insects, bone sections, and a
variety of other objects. Mr. Hurst also presented a
collection of specimens of Asiatic woods, in small blocks,
obtained from the Horti Agricultural Society of India at
Calcutta. They consist of 98 specimens from Arracan;
76 from Upper Assam; 6 from Central India; 8 from the
coast of Tenasserin; and 13 from Chittagong; 201 speci-
mens of woods in all, most of them with the native names.

Captain PENRICE, of the ship Pegasus, from Shanghae, forwarded to the Section a number of soundings taken during his last voyage, amongst which may be noted one each from the mouth of the Yang-tse-Kiang river in China, coast of Borneo, Java; and a portion of mud, rich in foraminifera, from the anchor fluke, at Gaspar Island.

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The SECRETARY laid on the table sixty specimens of soundings, which had been freed from the tallow "arming" in two evenings after business hours, at Mr. Dale's laboratory, by Mr. Dale, Mr, Daneer, and himself, assisted by Mr. Richard Dale. The system adopted is that described in Mr. Mosley's Paper, read to this Section on January 21, 1861, published in the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, vol. i., new series, p. 143, and is found to answer better than any other method yet made known. Professor WILLIAMSON presented fourteen specimens of dredgings, supposed to be from the mouths of the Ganges. A communicatiɔn from Mr, A. G. LATHAM was read, upon the subject named for the evening's discussion, "On the cause of the metallic lustre on the wings of the Lepidoptera, both diurnal and nocturnal." Mr. Latham believes that the metallic lustre may be simply referred to the presence of a pigment in the substance of the wing, in some cases light-absorbing, and in others light-reflecting; all the scales seemed equally adapted for reflecting the prismatic colours, consisting of three distinct membranons films, covered with minute irregularities. Mr. Latham sent to be exhibited a number of slides for illustration.

one hundredth of an inch apart, enclosing progressive numbers, executed by photography. He promised to prepare a number for the use of the members, all to be exactly alike.

Mr. Joy exhibited a nose-piece, made for him nearly two years ago, consisting of a diaphragm plate, under which are screwed four objectives of different powers; the centreing is so true, that he can use the three-inch as a finder for the or even inch power. Several members of the Section have nose-pieces made upon the same principle.

Mr. LINTON and Mr. WATSON exhibited the tuft scales on the upper wing of the Peronea Cristana and others.


Lehrbuch der Organischen Chemie oder der Chemie der
Kohlenstoffverbindungen. Von Dr, AUG. KEKULÉ, Dritte
Lieferung. Erlangen: F. Enke. 1861.

DR. KEKULE'S Text-book of Organic Chemistry was, we A communication was read from Mr. DANCER, in which believe, to have been completed in four parts; but we are he referred to a paper, read by Sir D. Brewster at the last and that the third part lately published completes the first not sorry to find that the original plan has been enlarged, meeting of the British Association, containing the follow-volume of the work, instead of commencing the second. ing remarks by Professor Dove" In every case where a In consequence, each volume will contain three instead of surface appeared lustrous there was always a transparent, two parts. or transparent reflecting stratum of much intensity, through which we see another body; it is, therefore, externally reflected light in combination with internally reflected or dispersed light, whose combined action produced the idea of lustre. This effect we see produced when many watch glasses are placed in a heap, or when a plate of transparent mica or tale, when heated red hat, is separated into multitudes of thin layers, each of which, of inconceivable thinness, is found to be highly transparent, while the entire plate assumes the lustre of a plate of silver."

Mr. DANCER sent for exhibition several pieces of talc, which in places, by the action of the blowpipe, had been heated to redness; the films were thereby separated, and the raised or blistered portion gave a metallic lustre like silver.

Mr. W. C. UNWIN believed that the metallic lustre was due not to pigment but to the reflection of light from internal surfaces of the scales through the transparent outer layer. The light so reflected appeared to be modified in two ways-by the ribs or striæ; it was dispersed by them so that the scales were lustrous at various angles and it was also in some cases coloured by interference caused by them. Iridescence appeared to be also produced in some scales by the thinness of the lamina through which the light was refracted causing interference. Mr. Unwin exhibited a number of specimens to illustrate his arguments.

Mr. DALE referred to beautifully-coloured films which arise upon various chemical solutions, the metallic brilliancy of which may arise from similar causes.

Mr. SIDEBOTHAM Observed that the metallic appearance was not due to any colouring matter in the scales, as chemical agents, which destroy the coloured scales, have no effect whatever on the metallic ones; he also mentioned a curious polarizing effect produced by crossing the metallic scales of Plusia bractea, Mr. Sidebotham exhibited the metallic scales from Plusia orichalcea, Plusia bractea, Plusia festuca, Plusia concha, &c., illustrative of his remarks.

It was ultimately resolved that the discussion should be adjourned, so as to enable the proposer of the subject, and other gentlemen not present, to express their views.

Mr. SIDEBOTHAM also exhibited a new finder for high powers. It consists of squares formed by crossing lines,

1 See CHEMICAL NEWS, vol, iii., p. 95.

We have already noticed and illustrated at some length the chief features of Dr. Kekule's plan in reviewing the first and second instalments of his work. The third instalment is of equal excellence with the preceding parts, and merits the same praise. Its opening pages are occu pied with an account of the compounds formed by the union of the alcohol radicals with certain members of the nitrogen or triatomic group, namely, antimony and bismuth; then the bodies containing alcohol radicals in union with monatomic, biatomic, and tetratomic metals are described! monhydric oxygenated radicals of the fatty acids and their We next find the necessary information concerning the derivatives; and, lastly, the first volume concludes with an intelligible and concise history of the biatomic radicals of the formulæ C, H, and C, H-a O, and of their deri


It is impossible by brief extracts to give an adequate idea of the singular merits of Dr. Kekulé's work we have made considerable quotations from its earlier portions in former notices, and had this not been so, we should have transferred to this Journal a few passages from its to the history of the aldehydes and acetones of the fatty more recent pages. As it is, we will only refer our readers acids as narrated in pp. 606-618.


1114. Gutta-Percha. P. A. GODEFROY, New North Road, Islington. Dated May 3, 1861. (Not proceeded with.) THIS proposition relates to the manufacture of a compound of gutta-percha and resin, which is said to be more durable and better fitted for insulating telegraph wires than guttapercha alone, on account of it being a more perfect nonconductor of electricity. For the preparation of this material, the Inventor adds 5 to 10 per cent. of resin, softened by heat, to the mass of gutta-percha. After it has undergone the masticating process, the mixture is then further kneaded until intimate combination is effected.

1115. Collecting Ammonia from the Waste Gases arising from the Combustion of Coal. J. A. MANNING, Inner Temple, London. Dated May 3, 1861,

THIS invention relates to a mode of collecting the ammonia from what have hitherto been deemed waste gases arising from the combustion of coal in the manufacture of coke,


March 1, 1862.

Correspondence-Chemical Notices,

and from the products given off on burning fuel in furnaces, or in other situations wherein coal is largely consumed. It consists in introducing jets of steam into the chimneystack or main flues leading thereto, which, mixing with the gases as they escape from the furnace, becomes impreg nated with the ammonia and effectually carries down the latter when subsequently condensed by passing through suitable refrigerators. A crude ammoniacal liquor is thus obtained, from which the sulphate or other required salt of this base may be prepared.

1117. Treatment of Copper Ore. W. E. NEWTON, Chancery Lane, London. A Communication. Dated May 3, 1861. (Not proceeded with.)

FOR the treatment of ordinary copper pyrites, whether previously roasted or not, the pulverized ore is to be mixed with sulphur and chloride of lime, employed in proportions which will have to be determined by experiments in each case, and sometimes with the addition of the fluxes generally used in copper smelting. These mixed ingredients are subjected to a high temperature in a furnace with limited draught of air, when a fused regulus of disulphide of copper will be formed, the gangue and metallic impurities of the ore being transferred to the slag. The grey sulphide resulting from this process may be treated by any of the ordinary methods for the extraction of its metal.

Considering that under ordinary circumstances the whole of the sulphur contained in copper pyrites and many other ores of copper is lost to the smelter, the advantage of heaping yet more brimstone on the fire would be deemed a step in the wrong direction, 1131. Enamel. J. V. VIGNON, Brussels. Dated May 6, 1861. (Not proceeded with.) THE inventor describes a combination of materials which on being fused from an enamel white in itself, but capable on being tinted or coloured by association with any suitable pigment. The ingredients employed are the following:-White of egg was dissolved in spirit, plaster of Paris, and chloride of calcium (prepared by acting upon burnt shells with hydrochloric acid.) These are intimately incorporated and applied in the liquid state to the surface of the object about to be ornamented with enamel, using a brush as a convenient means of laying on the composition, Upon this white ground the ordinary coloured enamels may be afterwards applied for the production of artistic effects.

In the absence of facts it would be difficult to assert that the sulphate of lime enters into chemical union with chloride of calcium by fusion, but in the event of such a compound being formed its properties are likely to be consideraby influenced by the nature of the basis upon which it is applied. Under no modification would the ingredients here specified hold out the promise of very satisfactory results.

Grants of Provisional Protection for Six Months, 158. Alfred Joseph Martin, High Street, Bow, Middlesex, "Improvements in the treatment of fusel oil, and for various applications of the same to useful purposes."

163. Louis Martin, Rue Gaillon, Paris, "Improvements in the treatment of mineral oils, and in the apparatus connected therewith."

209. William Orr, Greenock, Renfrewshire, N.B., "Improvements in machinery or apparatus for the manufacture of sugar."

220. Arthur Herbert Church, Great Portland Street, St. Marylebone, London, "Improvements in the means of preserving stone, brick, slate, wood, cement, stucco, plaster, whitewash, and colour wash from the injurious action of atmospheric and other influences, also in the application of colours to the surfaces of stone, brick, slate, wood, cement, stucco, mortar, clay, plaster of Paris,


[blocks in formation]

2456. William Maltby, De Crespigny Park, Camberwell, Surrey, "Improvements in the manufacture of starch and starch gum.'

2477. Charles Husson, Nantes, France, "An improved process for silvering looking glass in piles of several sheets superposed without interruption, which process consists in the use of a chemical powder.'

2489. Ebenezer Partridge, Patent Axle Works, Smethwick, Staffordshire, "Improvements in hardening iron and steel, and a composition or substance to be employed therein."

Helen's, Lancashire, "Improvements in the manufacture 2855. William Henry Balmain and John Kean, St. of flowers of sulphur, and roll, and other forms of sulphur." Petition recorded November 13, 1861.


On the Manufacture of Iodine.

To the Editor of the CHEMICAL NEWS. SIR, I notice in the CHEMICAL NEWS, No. 116, page 111, a method of separating iodine by Dr. Luchs. Perhaps your readers, generally, are not aware that in 1853 I made the discovery of a method of precipitating iodine in a crystalline form by the use of bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid, and in 1855 applied for a patent for the process, having first satisfied myself of its novelty by communication with Professors Brande, Graham, Hofmann, Miller, Kane, Wilson, Redwood, Muspratt, and other eminent chemists throughout the kingdom, who appeared to be unaware of such a method. I subsequently, through the medium of an advertisement in the Times, addressed iodine manufacturers, two of whom sent me a supply of kelp for the purpose of ascertaining by a series of large experiments the profits of working the process, on the completion of which I did not proceed further in the patent, having learnt from Dr. Penny that he had anticipated me in the discovery a few months before. I sent in a detailed account of my process to the Glasgow meeting of the British Association in 1854, suggesting the recovery of the sulphuric acid and the conversion of the chromic salt into pigments for painting and staining pottery ware, which was published in the Chemist and at the Cheltenham Meeting of the British Association in 1856, I exhibited to the members of the Chemical Section a bottle containing about two pounds of iodine, manufactured by me, and have the same in my possession at this moment, so that the process is not new, indeed, since my original application of it some other foreign chemist has proposed the same, and managed to get it introduced into Dr, Muspratt's work. If it be of any interest to you or your readers, I could furnish you with a leaf from my note book setting forth all particulars of the substances I extracted from a ton of I am, &c. kelp with the cost, &c. JOHN HORSLEY, F.C.S. County Analyst's Laboratory, Cheltenham.

Chemical Notices from Foreign Sources.


Prussic Acid.-M. Millon gives a method (Comptes Rendus, t. liii. p. 842) by which, he says, several quarts of

anhydrous prussic acid can be obtained with as little trouble as absolute alcohol. He first submits the dilute acid to fractional distillation, collecting what comes over between 50° and roo° C. After two or three distillations he passes the vapour through two Woolf's bottles containing dry chloride of calcium, and condenses in a receiver placed in a freezing mixture-on this occasion stopping the distillation between 70° and 80°. The anhydrous acid M. Millon found to form a crystalline compound hydrochloric acid gas, and also with bichloride of tin, the latter compound being soluble in an excess of the prussic acid. The anhydrous acid forms other compounds, which are only stable as long as water is excluded. Moisture destroys them, and formiate of ammonia is produced. M. Millon observed that ammonia had a strong influence on the production of paracyanide compounds. A bubble or two of ammoniacal gas produced in two or three days the complete solidification of 200 grammes of the anhydrous acid. Dilution with five or six volumes of water only delayed the same result a few days. Ammonia is the sole cause of the production of these compounds. Acids or acidifiable matter preserves prussic acid either by neutralizing ammonia as soon as it is formed, or by preventing its formation.

Benzulmic Acid.-Benzulmic acid is the name which MM. Schutzenberger and Sengenwald (Comptes Rendus, t. liii. p. 974) give to the brown compound which is formed when oxy-benzoic acid is formed by passing a current of nitrous acid through a solution of benzamic acid. It contains no nitrogen and is a bibasic acid. Its formation from oxy-benzoic acid is thus explained


2(C14H6O6) +2NO3 = 2HO+C28H10O12+2NO2 It forms soluble brown salts with alkalies, which give brown precipitates with metallic salts. It is ir soluble in water, ether, alcohol, and generally all neutral solvents.


Atomic Weights of Chromium, Arsenic and Antimony.—Kesster has continued his experiments to determine the atomic weights of the above bodies. (Poggend. Annalen, Bd. cxiii. s. 134.) The equivalent of chromium he gives as 26'15: that of arsenic at 7515. As regards antimony he has not got to a certain conclusion. The results with this metal varied between 122.16 and

122 37.


Metallic Copper as a Test for Sulphurous Acid. -Reinsch states (Neues Jahrt. für prakt. Ph., Bd. xvi. s 277) that if a bubble or two of sulphurous acid gas be passed into half-an-ounce of strong hydrochloric acid, and then two drops of this acid mixed with 20 cubic centimètres of water and 10 cubic centimètres of strong and pure hydrochloric acid, a small piece of bright copper wire placed in the mixture and boiled, the wire is coloured distinctly brown, and in a short time has the same appearance as in the author's arsenic test. If a larger quantity of sulphurous acid is present, the wire becomes a deep brown black. Air containing SO2 passed through a bulb containing hydrochloric acid and a piece of copper wire acts sensibly on the wire. This test, Reinsch says, wil detect one-millionth part of sulphurous acid.


"I conclude that this Parisian chemist ignores the existence of my mémoire, published at Menaco, in 1837, De mutationibus quæ contingunt in spectro solare fixo." He continues that, having recently made use of a camera with a constant aperture, a fixed position and distance, for a prism of flint glass of sixty degrees, and an immovable plane of projection in order to make sure that the solar spectrum is absolutely fixed, he is thoroughly convinced that in Fraunhofer's spectrum there are both fixed and variable lines. He remarks:-"The movability of the lines proved to me it was an indication of the influence of the medium through which the solar light passes, and of the variations to which bodies in a state of combustion are subject, and this led me naturally to suspect the modifications which arise not only in the solar photosphere, but also in the entire universe, and I at length concluded therefrom that the spectrum is a very perfect photoscope-that it is a faithful mirror which reflects the most delicate images of incandescent bodies, and the changes to which our planetary system is incessantly submitted."

Scientific Ethics.

- Priority of Discovery.—

Most scientific disputes arise from questions of priority. Naturalists are peculiarly liable to anticipation of their labours by others working in the same line of investigation. Hence, all agree that publication alone can entitle an investigator to priority. However hard the rule may be in universally acknowledged. a given case, it is the only safe one, and its force is But what is publication? The answer is equally definite, although not, perhaps, so generally accepted. It is the actual distribution of the results claimed in a printed form to the principal workers in the same department-whether by means of a scientific Journal, a scientific Society which publishes a Journal or Transactions, or in a separate memoir. The latter case alone requires any care on the part of the author to see that copies are placed in proper hands, since the public nature of the other means of publication leaves no excuse for ignorance. Merely printing a memoir, without a reasonably general distribution of it, is not publication, neither is an oral or written communication to some nonpublishing Society publication, since the chief end of publication is not thus gained, the matter does not thus come to the knowledge of others who are engaged in kindred pursuits. Publication, then, is not printing alone, but it is distributing a printed memoir or communication. It is easy in any case of importance to make the date of publication definite by printing it upon the cover, taking care that the date and the actual issue correspond as nearly as Messrs. Silliman and Dana, in the American possible. Journal of Science.


Vol. IV. of the CHEMICAL NEWS, containing a copious Index, is now ready, price 128., by post, 12s. 8d., handsomely bound in cloth, goldlettered. The cases for binding may be obtained at our Office, price 18. 6d. Subscribers may have their copies bound for 2s. 6d. if sent to our Office, or, if accompanied by a cloth case, for 6d. A few copies of Vols. I, II and III. can still be had. Vol. V. commenced on January 4, 1862, and will be complete in 26 numbers.

D. Knight.-The work has not been translated into English. Gases Evolved in Coal Mines.-A Correspondent asks if there is any work treating of this subject.

Manufacture of Ink.-We have received a letter of which the following is an extract:-"Being engaged in the production of a 'Manual on the Art of Practical Ink Making,' I have taken the liberty of asking if you or any of your readers can in any way assist me with any practical suggestions or formulæ in this department of this Chemical Science, George Dutton, 462, Duke Street, Glasgow."

Chemical Society. The next meeting of Society will take place on Thursday, the 6th inst. Fraunhofer's Lines.-Professor Zantedeschi, of Padua, in opposing an assertion of Dumas, to the effect that Fraunhofer's spectrum has not, up to the present time, displayed any appreciable change, and that, consequently, the solar light itself has not undergone any alteration, says

G. F. Ansell.-The subject shall be attended to. A letter addressed to the Publisher at our Office would have met with prompt attention. J. Horsey.-You mistake. We do not desire to hinder the publicain fruitless and uninteresting discussion on personal matters. tion of useful observations, but our space is too valuable to be occupied Books Received -"On the Death of Several Horses from Feeding on Oats affected with Fungi," by Assistant-Professor Varnell, reprinted from the Veterinarian. Employment of Arsenical Pigments," by E. W. Davy. "On the Injurious Effects resulting from the



VOL. V. No. 118.-March 8, 1862.



On the Reactions of Ethylamine and Diethylamine, by M. CAREY LEA, Philadelphia.

THE materials for the following examinations were

prepared by the action of nitrate of ethyl upon ammonia in sealed tubes, in the manner which I have described in a previous number of this Journal. The bases were separated from each other by means of picric acid. Ethylamine.—In order to ascertain the purity of the ethylamine used, and further to test the exactness of the separation by means of picric acid, another platinum determination was made with great care. It gave the following results:—

13911 grms substance gave, platinum, '5457 This corresponds to, per cent. 39°23 Theory requires A result which, taken in connection with analyses already published, seems conclusive.

Reactions of Ethylamine.

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The reactions of ethylamine with metallic solutions have been more studied than those of the other ethyl bases; the following, however, do not seem to have been previously described :

Gold, terchloride.-Reddish precipitate easily soluble in excess of precipitant.

Ruthenium sesquichloride.-No precipitate, either immediate or by standing 48 hours. The action of ethylamine differs from that of ammonia not only in producing no precipitate, but also in this, that the liquid, after treatment by ammonia, acquires a lilac or lilac-brown colour; whereas after treatment with ethylamine it assumes a greenish-brown or olive shade.

Palladium, protochloride.—An immediate highly crystalline precipitate which re-dissolves in part, in excess of the precipitant, forming a colourless solution. Uranium, nitrate.-Yellowish precipitate, insoluble in excess of precipitant.

Cerium, protochloride.-Perfectly pure protochloride of cerium, prepared according to Holtzman's modification of Hermann's method, gave a dirty precipitate, insoluble in excess of the precipitant.

Cerium, nitrate of protoperoxide.-Light brown precipitate, insoluble in excess of the precipitant.

Glucinum, sulphate of glucina.-White, insoluble in


Zirconium, chloride of zirconia.-White, insoluble in


Molybdenum, protochloride.-Reddish brown, insoluble in excess.

Molybdenum, bichloride.-Reddish brown, insoluble in excess.

While the analogies which unite ethylamine to ammonia are extremely well marked, the differences in their reactions are also very well defined. Like ammonia,

ethylamine re-dissolves its precipitates from salts of copper, of zinc, and of silver, but it also re-dissolves precipitates from solutions of gold, ruthenium, and aluminium, which ammonia does not. It is, on the other hand, incapable of re-dissolving the precipitates from solutions of cobalt, nickel, and cadmium. Towards protosalts and salts of protoperoxyde of cerium, glucinum, zirconium, protochloride and bichloride of molybits behaviour is similar to that of ammonia. denum, peroxide of uranium, bismuth, and antimony,

It was a matter of interest to observe whether the solution of terchloride of gold would exhibit any analogy substance produced by the reaction of ethylamine on with that resulting from treatment by ammonia, viz., fulminating gold. The precipitate caused by ethylamine readily dissolved, as above stated, in excess of the precipitant; this, at a gentle heat, dried up to a yellow mass, which, when heated, melted, turned red, emitted dense white fumes, and left a brown spot. No sudden decomposition took place.

The following is a well-marked distinctive reaction between ammonia and ethylamine. If bichloride of tin be treated with ammonia, a precipitate is obtained which scarcely shows any disposition to re-dissolve in even a large excess of the precipitant; but with ethylamine the precipitate re-dissolves easily. In the case of ammonia, the presence of sal-ammoniac renders the precipitate from a starnic solution, according to Rose, altogether insoluble, whereas in the case of ethylamine, a considerable proportion of chlorhydrate of ethylamine may be added without diminishing the solubility of the precipitate.

Ethylamine, like ammonia, has the property of reddening an alcoholic solution of dinitronaphthaline.

Diethylamine.-The action of nitrate of ethyl upon ammonia is particularly well suited for obtaining diethylamine, on account of the relatively large proportion obtained at once. Further experience, since I published that process, has shown me that the product is even larger than I supposed. The quantity of diethylamine produced is fully as great as that of ethylamine.

Diethylamine obtained by that process was purified by solution of its picrate in ether. A specimen of platinum salt analysed gave Pt 35'45 per cent.; theory requires 35'45. Reactions of Diethylamine.

The reactions of diethylamine with metallic solutions have not hitherto been examined. The following were observed:

Cerium, protochloride.-Dirty white precipitate, insoluble in excess of the precipitant.

Cerium, nitrate of protoperoxide.-Light brown precipitate, insoluble in excess of the precipitant.

Zirconium, chloride of zirconia.-White precipitate, insoluble in excess.

Gold, terchloride.-Brownish-red precipitate, easily soluble in excess of precipitant.

Ruthenium, sesquichloride.-No precipitate. Th

« AnteriorContinua »