vertheless will himself overlook the watch. Exit Oth. and Def. Enter Iago. Talk of Def. lag prevails with Caf. to drink with him and some gallants. Exit Caf. Iage's soliloquy, the likelihood that Caf. will be drunk and commit some action that will give offence, and be to his disgrace. Sc. XI. To lago, enter Caf. Mon. and gentlemen. Iago fings, and encourages Caf. to drink, till he is intoxicated. Exit Caf. Sc. XII. Iago represents Caf. to Mon. as a man given to drink. Enter Caf. pursuing Rod. Mon. stays him, and tells him he is drunk. They fight. lago bids Rod. go out, and cry a mutiny. Exit Rod. Bell rings. 1 Sc. XIII. Enter Oth. and attendants. Mon. is wounded. Oth. enquires into the cause of the quarrel; and Caf. appearing to be the guilty person, is degraded from being Oth.'s lieutenant. Enter Def. attended, with whom exit Oth. and attendants. Sc. XIV. Manent logo and Caf. Cas.'s indignation at himfelf for being drunk. Iago encourages him, that all may be well again; and advises him to make intereft with Def. for a reconcilement with Othe Exit Caf. Sc. XV. Iago's foliloquy-that the above advice has the face of honesty, fincerity and probability; but is given to answer his villainous design of making Oth. jealous; for while Caf. is plying Def. to plead to Caf.'s cause, lage will be abusing Oth.'s ear by hinting fomething that may be a foundation for his jealousy'; fo that the more she strives to serve Caf. the more Oth. will be exafperated against them both. : Sc. XVI. Sc. XVI. To lago enter Rod. who complains that his money is almost spent, and he never the nearer his wishes, Iaga preaches patience to him, that things are in a profperous way, and likely to issue to his defire, Exit. lago concludes with himself that two things are to be done by him; viz. to employ Emil. to folicit Def. in behalf of Caf.- and to draw Oth. where he should find Caf. foliciting Des. Exit. ACT III. Sc. I. Before Oth.'s palace. Enter Caf. and musicians. Music plays, and enter Clown, who humorously brings the message that Oth. forbids the music to play. Enter lago, who tells Caf. that he will draw Oth. out of the way, that Caf. may have the more free access to Des. Exit lago. Enter Emil. who encourages Caf. with the hopes that he may be again reconciled to Oth. Exeunt. Sc. II. Enter Oth. lago, and gentlemen. Letters sent to the senate, &c. Exeunt. Sc. III. An apartment in the palace. Enter Def. Caf. and Emil. Def. promises her afsistance to Caf. in making the matter up between him and her husband. Sc. IV. Enter Oth. and lago at a distance, upon which exit Caf. Def. entreats Oth. in behalf of Caf. Oth. tells her he will deny her nothing. Exeunt. Sc. V. Manent Oth. and Iago. Iago artfully endeavours to work up Oth. to a jealousy of his wife with Caf. and fucceeds. Exit Jago. Sc. VI. Sc. VI. Manent Oth. Soliloquy that lago is a very honeft man-that if Def. prove disloyal, he will tear her from his heart. Enter Def. and Emil. to call him to dinner. Oth. complains of a pain in his forehead. Def. offers her handkerchief to bind it, he refuses it as too little. Def. accidentally drops it. Exeunt. Sc. VII. Manet Æmil. who picks it up, and says it was the . first present Oth. made to Def. and that her husband Iago had moved her to steal it. Enter lago, who takes the handkerchief from her. Exit Emil. lago's foliloquy-that with this handkerchief he will compleat Oth.'s jealoufy. Sc. VIII. Enter Oth. who in a rough manner infifts on lago's giving him ocular proof of Def's disloyalty this Jago artfully evades; but promises him fuch proof as the nature of the thing will allow; and raises Oth.'s jealousy to the highest pitch, by telling him he had seen the handkerchief in Caf.'s hand, &c. &c. Oth, vows the deftruction of Des. and Caf. and lago vows to affift him. Exeunt. Sc. IX. Another apartment in the palace. Enter Def. Æmil. and Clown. Des. sends the Clown to feek for Caf. Sc. X. Enter Oth. asks Def. for the handkerchief, which she not being able to produce (and at the fame time speaking in behalf of Caf.) Exit Oth, in a rage. : Sc. XI. Manent Def. and Æmil, Emil. thinks Oth. is jea- : 5 ran prays the caufe may not be jealoufy. Exeunt De f. and Emil. Sc. XIII. To Caf. enter Bianca. Caf. gives Des.'s handkerchief (which he says he found in his chamber) to Bianca, to copy out the work. Exeunt. : ACT IV.. Sc. I. A court before the palace. Enter Oth. and lago. Iago works up Oth.'s jealousy till he falls in a fit, Sc. II. Enter Caf. whom Iago tells that Oth. is in an epllepsy. Exit Caf. Oth. recovers from his fit. lago tells him he expects Caf. to return presently, and perfuades him to conceal himself; while he makes Caf. tell him (lago) the story of his (Caf.'s) amours with Def. (which lago had pretended in A&. IV. Sc. 1. he had heard from Caf. before.) Oth. withdraws. ? Sc. III. To them enter Caf. Iago induces him to talk of Bianca. Oth. observes Caf.'s gestures and laughter, and supposes his talk and mirth to be about Def. Sc, IV. To them enter Bianca. She returns Caf. the handkerchief, which Oth. fees, and knows it to be Def's. Sc. V. Manent Oth, and Iago. Oth. resolves on murdering Def. and Caf. lago undertakes to murder Caf. and advises Oth. to smother Des. in her bed. ? Sc, VI. To them enter Rod. Des. and attendants from the palace. After falutations, Oth. behaves rudely to Def, Excunt Def, and Oth. Sc, VII. Sc. VII. Manent Lod. and lago. Lod. is surprized at Oth.'s behaviour to Def. Exeunt. Sc. VIII. An apartment in the palace. Enter Oth. and (Amil Oth. founds her about Def's behaviour, which she vindicates. Oth. sends her for Def. Exit Amil. Sc. IX. Re-enter Emil. with Def. Oth. bids Æmil. retire. Exit Emil. Oth. discovers his jealousy to Def. abuses her, and calls her strumpet. Calls Emil. .Sc. X. Enter Emil. Exit Oth. Def. deplores her lofs of 8. Oth's love, orders Emil. to put her wedding-sheets on her bed, and to call lago to her. Exit Amil. Sc. XI. Re-enter Emil. with Iago. Def. opens her grief to him. lago pretends to condole with her, but imputes Oth's behaviour to state-affairs. Exeunt. Sc. XII. Manent lago... To him enter Rod. who complains .... that lago has ruined him, by extorting presents for Def. lago fooths him, and proposes his undertaking the murder of Caf. Exeunt. Sc. XIII. Enter Oth. Lod. Des. Emil. and attendants. Rod. takes leave. Oth. charges Def. to go to bed instantly, and disiniss Emil. and tells her, he will return forthwith. Exit with Lod. Def. fings the : .....fong of Willow, &c. and dismisses Emil, Sc. I. Enter lago and Rod, waiting to murder Cas. Enter Caf.. Rod. runs at him and wounds him. Fight. Jago cuts Caf. behind in the leg, and exit, Rod. and Caf. fall. Caf cries Murther! Sc. II. |