Imatges de pàgina

Duke of Venice,

Brabantia, a noble Venetian,

Appears Act 1. Se. 7,8,9

Act I. Sc. 2, 3, 6, 8, 9.

Gratiano, Brother to Brabantio, A. Sc. 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10%


Lodovico, Kinsinan to Braban- & A& IV. Sc. 6, 7, 13. Aft V. Sc. 3, 4 tio and Gratiano,

Othello, the Moor,

Caffio, his Lieutenant - General,

Iago, Standard - bearer to

Roderigo, a foolish Gentleman, in love with Defde


• Montano, the Moor's Predecessor in the Govern

ment of Cyprus,

5, 10.

A& I. Sc. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9. A& II. Sc. 6, 10, 13. Act III. Sc. 2, 4, 5, 6, 8,

9, 10, 13. Act V.

Sc. 2, 6, 7, 8, 9,

[blocks in formation]

1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13.

Act IV. Sc. 2, 3

4. A& V. Sc. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10.

Act I. Sc. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11. Act II. Sc. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Act III. Sc. 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, A& IV. Sc. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 70 11, 12: Act V. Sc. 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10.


At I. Sc. 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 6, 10. Act II.
5, 6, 7, 12, 16. Α& IV. Sc. 12. Act
V. Sc. 1, 2, 3.

A& II. Sc. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13. AR
V. Sc. 8, io.

Clown, Servant to the Moor, A& III. Sc. 1, 9.


Act II, Se. g.

So the qu's and C; the rest, Rodorige.

• The qu's, Montanio.



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For the first Act in Venice; during the rest of the Play,

in Cyprus.



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Sc. I.



Street in Venice. Enter Rod, and lago. Iago's hatred to the Moor and Caffio. They alarm

Sc. II. Bra. appears above at a window. They inform him that the Moor is run away with his daughter Def. Exit lago.

Sc. III. Enter Bra. and servants. Rod. goes with them in search of Oth. and Def.

Sc. IV. Another street before the Sagittary, Enter Oth. Iago and attendants with torches. Talk of Oth.'s fituation with Bra, on account of stealing his daughter.

Sc. V. Enter Caf. and officers with torches, Cas. informs Oth. that the Duke and Senate fend for him on

business of state.

Sc. VII. Enter Bra. Rod. and others. Bra. tasks Oth. about his deluding his daughter; accuses him of having used spells for that purpose; and infifts upon his

being carried to prifon: which Oth. evades by telling him he is sent for by the Duke on business. Exeunt.

Sc. VII. The fenate-house. Duke and Senators at a table, with lights and attendants. News have arrived that a Turkish fleet is failing against Cyprus.

Sc. VIII. To them, enter Bra. Oth. Caf. Rod. and officers. Duke tells Oth. he must go against the Turks. Bra. complains to the Duke of Oth.'s having stolen his daughter, and corrupted her by spells and medicines. Oth. defends himself, that he had used no unlawful arts in gaining her; but that, in telling the story of his life and adventures, he had gotten her affections.

Sc. IX. Def. (being fent for) enters, and confirms the truth of Oth.'s affertion. The Duke endeavours to reconcile Bra. to the step his daughter has taken in marrying Oth. but tells Oth. he must immediately depart from Cyprus; which Oth. agrees to; and Def. prevails that she may follow him. Ex


Sc. X. Manent Rod. and Iago. Iago encourages Rod. in pursuing Def. (with whom that Rod. is in love was hinted in the 1st, 2d, and 3d scenes) although married to Oth. and advises him to raise money, and follow her to Cyprus. Exit Rod.

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Sc. XI. Manet lago, who in the soliloquy discovers his de fign of fleecing Rod. and his jealousy of the Moor and Caf. with his wife Amil. and lays a plot to make Oth. jealous of Def. with Caf.



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Sc. I. The capital city of Cyprus. Enter Montano the Governor, and two gentlemen. A violent storm;

Sc. II. Which, a 3d gentlemen brings news, hath ruined the Turkish fleet, but that Caf. in a Venetian ship is safe arrived, and that Oth. is on the fea.

Sc. III. Enter Caf. His concern for Othello's safety.
Sc. IV. News of lago's arrival with Def.

Sc. V. Enter Def. Iago, Rod. and Emil. After mutual faJutations, Iago's abusive fatire against the women. Sc. VI. Enter Oth. and attendants. He expresses his joy in meeting Des. which lago maliciously resolves to spoil. Exeunt.

Sc. VII. Manent Iago and Rod. Iago perfuades Rod. that Def. is of a loose, inconftant character, is in love with Caf. and therefore may be brought to love him (Roderigo); lays a plot that Rod. shall provoke Caf. to strike him, which may cause a mutiny, and be the occafion of Caf's lofing his place: and tells him this will make his way easier to Def. Exit


Sc. VIII. Manet Iago. Soliloquy; that he is jealous of the Moor and Caf. with Emil. his wife; and resolves to be revenged of them both. Exit.

Sc. IX. The street. Enter herald, and proclaims a triumph, feaft, and merry-making, on account of the destruction of the Turkish fleet. Exit.

Sc. X. The castle. Enter Oth. Def. Caf. and attendants. Oth. charges Caf. to look to the guard; Caf. informs him he hath deputed lago for that purpose, but nevertheless,

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