Imatges de pàgina




The Folio's, and Modern Editions.

* There appears to have been no Edition of this Play Older than the firft Folie,



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The fo's and R. spell this name Cafka.

CH. calls him Decimus Brutus; Plutarch Δέκιος Βρῶτος, which in H. Stephens's

Latin and in Dacier's French tranflation is render'd Decius Brutus.

d The fo's, R. P. and C. call this name Marellus; which T. first alter'd to Marullus, upon the authority of Plutarch.

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Pindarus, Servant to Caffius, A& IV. Sc. 2.

A& V. Sc. 3.

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Sc. I.


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OME. A street. Enter Flav. Mar. a Carpenter, a Cobler, and certain other Commoners. Flav. and Mar. enquire of the Commoners, why they are got together in their best apparel, and without the figns of their trades, which they ought not, unless on a holiday. They answer, that they make holiday to fee Cafar, and to rejoice in his triumph. Flav. and Mar. persuade them to disperse, and go home. Exeunt Commoners. Flav. and Mar. agree to disrobe the images they shall find decked with trophies on Cafar's account. Exeunt.

Sc. II. Enter Cafar, Ant. for the Course, Calph. Por. Cafc. a Soothsayer; after Caf. bids Ant. touch Calph.

Dec. Cic. Bru. Caf.
them Mar. and Flav.

in the Course; it being an opinion that the barren,

so touched, would become fruitful. The Sooth


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