Sc. I. An apartment in the palace. Enter Bang. He fufpects that Macb. has played foully for the crown which he has gained. Trumpets found. Enter Macb. as king, lady Macbeth, Len. Roffe, lords and attendants. Machb. invites Bang. to a folemn supper to be held at night. Bang. promises (after a ride he and Fle. are to take for the afternoon) to return to the supper. Exit Banq. Exeunt lady Macb. and lords, &c. Sc. II. Manent Macb. and a servant. Mach. bids the fervant call two men that are waiting without. Exit fervant. A foliloquy of Mach. He fears Banq. on account of his wisdom and valour. Enter two Murtherers, whom Macb. employs to murther Banq. and Fleance as they return from their ride. Exeunt murtherers. Exit Macb. Sc. III. Another apartment in the palace. Enter lady Macb. and a fervant, whom she sends to call Macb. Enter Mach. Talk of their dangerous fituation while Bang. and Fle. live, &c. Exeunt. Sc. IV. A park, the castle at a distance. Enter three murtherers, as waiting for Banq. and Fie. Enter Banq and Fle. Banq. is murthered, but Fle. makes his escape. Exeunt murtherers. Sc. V. A room of state in the castle. A banquet prepared. Enter Mach. lady Macb. Roffe, Len. lords and attendants. Macb. and his lady welcome the guests. Enter ist murtherer, acquaints Mach. with the death death of Banq, and escape of Fle. Exit murtherer. The ghoft of Banq. rises and fits in Macb.'s place, which he had left to speak with the murtherer. Macb. starts, and falls into a fit of terror, which his lady excuses to the guests as a disorder he is troubled with. The ghoft vanishes. Macb. drinks to the health of his guests, and of the absent Banq. wishing him present. The ghost rises again. Mach. falls into another fit of terror. Exeunt all but Macb. and lady. Macb. having stept so far in blood, determines to continue his course. Ex eunt. Sc. VI. The heath. Thunder. Enter three witches, meeting Hecate. Hecate is angry with them, that they did not confult with her in their charms on Macb.'s account. She appoints them to meet her in the morning at the pit of Acheron, whither she says Mach. will come to know his destiny. Exeunt. Sc. VII. A chamber. Enter Len. and another lord. Len. ironically infinuates that Macb. is the author of the late murthers, and is informed by this lord that Macd. is gone to England to solicit assistance of king Edward against the tyrant Macb. Ex cunt. ACT IV. Sc. I. A dark cave. In the middle, a great cauldron boiling. Thunder. Enter the three Witches. They march round the cauldron, and throw in the several ingredients as for the preparation of their charm. Enter Enter Hecate and three other Witches. Music and a fong. Sc. II. To them enter Mach. He conjures them to answer fome questions which he shall afk: They conjure up an apparition of an armed head, which bids him beware of Macduff. A fecond apparition of a bloody child tells him that None of woman born shall harm Macbeth. A third apparition of a child crowned, with a tree in his hand, tells him, he shall never be vanquished till Birnham wood shall come to Dunfinane hill against him. Macb. conjures the Witches farther to tell him, whether Bang.'s issue shall ever reign in Scotland. As an answer to this question they cause eight kings (fuppofed Banq.'s iffue) to appear and pass by in order; and Banq. after them, with a glass in his hand, wherein appear many more. Mufic. The Witches dance, and vanish. Enter Len. who tells Macb. that Macd. is fled to England. Mach. determines to seize upon the caftle of Macd. and to murder his wife and family. Exeunt. Sc. III. Macd. castle at Fife. Enter lady Macd. her fon, and Roffe. Lady Macd. complains of her husband's flying to England: Roffe endeavours to comfort her. Exit Roffe. Talk between lady Macd. and her fon. Enter Messenger, who being apprehenfive of danger to her and hers, advises their flight. Exit Messenger. Soon after enter Murtherers, who kill the son. Exit lady Macd. crying Murther! and the Murtherers pursuing her. Sc. IV. The king of England's palace. Enter Mal. and Macd. They bewail the kingdom of Scotland, as deprived deprived of its lawful king, and oppreft by an ufurper. Malc. fufpecting treachery in Macd. pretends to relinquish all thoughts of recovering his birth-right, viz. the crown of Scotland, and urges his own (feigned) vicious dispositions as the reafon: but at length, discovering Macd.'s fidelity by his ingenuous behaviour, he acknowledges that he has unjustly accused himself, and accepts the proffered affistance of his friends to fet him on the throne. Sc. V. To them enter a Doctor, who gives them notice that king Edward is coming forth from his palace, and that a number of persons afflicted by the Evil are waiting for his touch. Exit Doctor. Sc. VI. Enter Roffe, who brings news that Macd.'s caftle is furprized, and his wife and children flaughtered. 'Macd.'s grief thereon, and determination to be revenged on the tyrant. Exeunt. ACT V. Sc. I. An anti-chamber in Macb.'s castle. Enter a Doctor of physic and a waiting Gentlewoman. Discourse of lady Mach. who walks and talks in her fleер. Enter lady Macb. in her fleep with her taper in her hand, discovers her guilty confcience by her talk. Exeunt. Sc. II. A field with a wood at a distance. Drum and colours. Enter Ment. Cath. Ang. Len. and foldiers. From this scene we are informed that an army of the English led by Malc. Seyw. and Macd. is mov i ing towards Dunfinane, where Macb. is fortifying himself. Exeunt. Sc. III. The caftle of Dunfinane. Enter Mach. Doctor and attendants. A Servant informs Macb. that an army of ten thousand English are approaching. Enter Seyton, who confirms the news. Talk between Mach. and the Doctor about lady Macb.'s illness. Exeunt. Sc. IV. Birnam wood. Drum and colours. Enter Malc. Seyw. Macd. Seyw.'s son, Ment. Cath. Ang. and foldiers marching. Malc. orders every foldier to hew down a bough and carry it before him to conceal the number of the army as they advance towards Dunfinane. Exeunt marching. Sc. V. The castle of Dunfinane. Enter Mach. Seyton, and foldiers, with drums and colours. A cry within of women; the cause whereof Macb. enquiring, is informed lady Macb. is dead. Enter a Messenger; who tells Macb. that as he looked towards Birnam, the wood feemed to move. Macb. orders the alarum-bell to be rung. Exeunt. Sc. VI. Before Dunfinane. Drum and colours. Enter Malc. Seyw. Macd. and their army with boughs. Malc. bids them throw down their boughs. Alarum. Excunt. Enter Macb. and foon after young Seyw. They fight, and the latter is flain. Exit Macb. Alarums. Enter Macd. seeking Mach. to engage with him. Exit. Enter Malc. and Seyw. Seyw. tells Malc. that the castle is rendered up, and the battle almost won. Exeunt. Alarum. Enter Macb. and, after him, Macd. They fight. Mach. boasts his security, for that he bears a charmed life which must B |