Imatges de pàgina

Bringing the murderous caitiff to the stake;
He that conceals him, death.

Edm. When I dissuaded him from his intent,
And found him pight to do it, with curst speech
I threaten'd to discover him. He replied,
Thou unpoffeffing bastard! dost thou think
If I would stand against thee, P could the reposure
Of any trust, virtue, or worth in thee

Make thy words faith'd? no; * what I should deny
(As this I would, say, though thou didst produce
My very character) I'd turn it all
To thy suggestion, plot, and damned " practice;
And thou must make a dullard of the world,
If they not thought the profits of my death
Were very pregnant and potential * spurs
To make thee feek it.

Glo. * Strong and fasten'd villain!

• So the qu's; the rest coward for caitiff.

[Trumpets within.

P So the qu's; all the rest would for could, except H. who omits it here, and inferts would in the next line but one, would make thy words, &c. 4 So the qu's; all the rest reposal.

The fo's read what should I deny; R. and P. by what I foould deny; H. what I'd deny. W. fays, the sense and grammar requires we should read and point-no, when I should deny; followed by J. but the sense is plain without alteration; what I should deny myself to be guilty of, I would lay to thy charge.

So the qu's; the fo's and R. had left out ay; P. to complete the meafure reads although for ay, though; followed by all the reft.

The three first fo's read I'ld; the 4th I'll; H. read would for I'd. ■ The qu's read pretence for practice.

S. omits very, which is in all the editions befides.

The fo's and R. read spirits for spurs.

* So the qu's; the fo's and R. O strange and fasten'd villain! P. and all after, O strange, fasten'd villain,


Would he deny his letter ? - I never got him.-
Hark, the duke's trumpets! I know not why he comes.-

All ports I'll bar; the villain, shall not 'scape;
The duke must grant me that; besides, his picture
I will fend far and near, that all the kingdom
May have a due note of him. And of my land,
Loyal and natural boy, I'll work the means

To make thee capable.

[blocks in formation]

Enter Cornwall, Regan, and attendants.

Corn. How now, my noble friend? Since I came hither, Which I can call but now, I have heard strange news. Reg. If it be true, all vengeance comes too short, Which can pursue th' offender. How does my lord? Glo. O madam, my old heart is crack'd, it's crack'd. Reg. What, did my father's godson seek your life? He whom my father nam'd? Your Edgar? f Glo. O lady, lady, shame would have it hid. Reg. Was he not companion with the riotous knights,

After letter, faid he? is inferted, and I never got him omitted, by the fo's, R. P. and H.-H. puts hark! at the end of this line to make up the measure, reading bark! twice.

2 For why, the ist f. reads wher; the other fo's where.

* The qu's omit due.

b The fo's and R. read strangeness for strange news.

e The qu's and Ift f. read doft for does.

The qu's omit 0.

• The qu's read is for it's.

f After Edgar H. puts he? to complete the measure.

& For 0 the qu's read I, .e. ay.



That a tend upon my father?

Glo. I know not, madam.

'Tis too bad, too bad.

Edm. Yes, madam, he was of that confort.

Reg. No marvel then, though he were ill-affected;

'Tis they have put him on the old man's death,

To have the waste and spoil of 1 his revenues.

I have this present evening from my fiter

Been well inform'd of them; and with such cautions,

That if they come to sojourn at my house,
I'll not be there.

Corn. Nor I, assure thee, Regan.
Edmund, I hear that you have shewn your father
A child-like office.

Edm. "Twas my duty, fir.

Glo. He did bewray his practice, and receiv'd

This hurt you fee, striving to apprehend him.

Corn. Is he pursued ?

Glo. Ay, my good lord 9.

Corn. If he be taken, he shall never more

Be fear'd of doing harm. Make your own purpose,

The qu's read tends; the fo's, R. and P. tended; H. tended on for tend upon.

i The qu's omit of that confort.

* So the rst q. the ad for the waste and spoil reads thefe and waste; all the reft th' expence and wastc.


1 Before bis the ad q. reads this; the three last fo's, R. P. and H. omit

m T.'s duodecimo reads nor I, I assure thee, &c. which W. and J. follow. The qu's read heard.

• So the qu's, T. W. and J.; the ist and ad fo's it was; the 2d, 3d, and

R. it is; P. and H. it's.

P The qu's read betray,

After lord, H. adds he is.

As for you, Edmund,

How in my strength you please.
Whose virtue and obedience doth in this inftance

So much commend itself, you shall be ours;

Natures of fuch deep trust we shall much need :
You we first seize on.

Edm. I shall ferve you truly,

However else.

Glo. u For him I thank your grace.

Corn. You know not why we came to visit you
Reg. * Thus out of feason threading dark-ey'd night;

Occafions, noble Glo'ster, of fome poife,
Wherein we must have use of your advice.-
Our father he hath writ, so hath our fifter,
Of differences, which I a best thought it fit
To anfwer from our bhome: the sev'ral messengers
From hence attend dispatch. Our good old friend,
Lay comforts to your bofom; and bestow

Your needful counsel to our business,

The qu's and ist f. omit as.

5 This is Heath's conjecture, from W.'s alteration (followed by J.) whofe virtue and obedience in this inftante so much commends, &c. The editions before read-doth this inftant, &c.

t After you, all but the qu's read fir.

u P. and all after omit for him.

wR.'s duodecimo, P. and H. give this first line of Regan's speech to Cornwall; but without neceffity; for Regan may be here supposed officioufly to complete Cornwall's fentence.

* The qu's read threatning; T. conjectures treading.

Y So the rft q. and W.; all the rest prize for poife.

The 2d q. reads defences.

The ift q. reads left for best.

b The 2d q. reads hand for home. c So the qu's; the rest businesses.

[merged small][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Stew. Good even to thee, friend. Art of f the house ?

Kent. Ay.

Stew. Where may we set our horfes?

Kent. I'th' mire.

Stew. Pr'ythee, if thou & lov'st me tell me.

Kent. I love thee not.

Stew. Why then I care not for thee.


Kent. If I had thee in Lipsbury pinfold, I would make

thee care for me.

Stew. Why dost thou use me thus? I know thee not.

Kent. Fellow, I know thee.

Stew. What dost thou know me for?

Kent. A knave, a rascal, an eater of broken meats, a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-fuited, hundred-pound,


filthy, worsted-stocking knave; a lily-liver'd, action-taking


* knave; a whoreson, glafss-gazing,

[merged small][ocr errors]


e So the qu's; P. and T. evening; W. downing; the rest dawning.

f So the qu's; the rest this for the.

& The qu's read love for lov'st.

h Perhaps Ledbury.

1 The qu's read three-shewted.

* The fo's, R. P. and H. omit knave.

The fo's, R. P. and H. omit a.

The qu's omit fuper-ferviceable.


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