Imatges de pàgina

Gets the second hit.

fortune out of the

The queen drinks to Ham.'s poifoned cup. Play again.

Laer, wounds Ham. Then in fcuffling they change
rapiers, and Ham. wounds Laer. Queen dies,
faying she is poisoned with the drink. Laer. tells
Ham. that his (Laer.'s) foil was invenomed at
the point, and that both will infallibly die with
the prick.
Ham. ftabs the king. King dies.
Laer. dies. Ham. finding death approaching, takes
his leave of Hor. Hor. takes the poisoned cup to
drink, which Ham. fnatches out of his hand;
begging Hor. that he would live to report his tale,
and do juftice to his memory.

Sc. VI. Enter Ofr. with news that young Fortinbras is come a victor from Poland. Ham. prophefies that the election for king of Denmark will fall on Fortinbras, and gives him his vote. Ham. dies. Enter Fortinbras, and English ambassadors, with the news that Rof. and Guil. are dead, as by order of the king. Hor. gives orders that the dead bodies be placed to view on a ftage, and fays he will relate the causes of this bloody fcene. Bodies are taken up. Exeunt marching: after which a peal of ordnance is shot off.


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Nay answer me. Stand and unfold yourself.

Ber. Long live the king!

Fran. Bernardo ?

Ber. He..

Fran. You come moft carefully upon your hour.

The fcene is not defcribed in the nardo, had the right of infifting upon qu's or fo's.

the watch-word; which we find by Bernardo's answer to be, Long live the king.

d The 3d and 4th fo's read chear

First and second qu's, Whose there? < The emphasis should be laid on the word me; for Francifco is the centinel upon guard; therefore he, and not Ber- fully. A



Ber. 'Tis now ftruck twelve; get thee to bed, Francifco.

Fran. For this relief much thanks. "Tis bitter cold; And I am fick at heart.

Ber. Have you had quiet guard?

Fran. Not a mouse stirring.

Ber. Well, good-night.

If you do meet Horatio and Marcellus,

The f rivals of my watch, bid them make hafte.

Enter Horatio and Marcellus.

Fran. I think I hear them. Stand, ho! Who is there? Hor. Friends to this ground.

Mar. And liege-men to the Dane.

Fran. Give you good night!

Mar. Oh, farewel, honefti foldier! Who hath reliev'd


Fran. Bernardo hath iny place. Give you good night!

Mar, Holla


Ber. Say, what, is Horatio there?

Hor. A piece of him.

[Exit Francifco.

Ber. Welcome, Horatio; welcome, good Marcellus.
'Mar. What, has this thing appear'd again to-night?

e Firat q. twelfe for twelve.

§ Rivals for partners. W.

By rivals of the watch are meant thofe who were to watch on the next adjoining ground. " Rival, in the original fense of the word, were the proprietors of neighbouring lands, parted only by a brook, which belonged equally to both. H.

The rivals of my watch. That is, those who are in competition with me, who shall discharge their duty with most exactness. Heath's Revisat, in loc,

The fo's R. and P. omit ba!

h The fe's and P. read Who's for Who is.

i The qu's read fouldiers.

* But why a piece? He fays this as he gives his hand. Which direction fhould be marked. W.

This is a common humorous expreffion, and intimates no indication of giv ing the hand at the fame time. Heath in loc.

The qu's, &c. give this speech to


Ber. I have seen nothing.

Mar. Horatio fays, 'tis but our phantafy,
And will not let belief take hold of him,
Touching this dreaded " fight, twice feen of us;
• Therefore I have entreated him, along
With us to watch the minutes of this night;
That if again this apparition come,


may approve our eyes, and fpeak to it. Hor. Tufh, tufh, 'twill not appear. Ber. Sit down awhile,

And let us once again affail your ears,

That are fo fortified against our ftory.

› Mar. What we have two nights feenHor. Well, fit we down,

And let us hear Bernardo fpeak of this.

Ber. Laft night of all,

When 1 yon fame ftar, that's weftward from the pole,
Had made his courfe t' illume that part of heav'n

m The 2d and 3d qu's read a for our. n Perhaps Shakespeare wrote fpright. W.

• This paffage I have ventured to point in a different manner from all editions before; as the true fenfe hereby appears more clearly.

plainly as follows. Horatio is incredulous, Bernardo fays, "Sit down, let us "endeavour to convince you, Horatio, "of the truth of this apparition." Upon which Marcellus eagerly fays to Horatio, "What we have two nights seen," and atteft to the truth of, fure you may believe. "Well (fays Horatio, inter"rupting him) I have heard the ftory "of this ghost from you, Marcellus, al

P This line, which all the former editions have made a part of Bernardo's fpeech, H. feems justly to have given to Marcellus; though J. thinks, without ne-ready; let us fit down and hear what ceffity. But can we fuppofe, that when "Bernardo has to affirm about it." It Bernardo is beginning to speak about the must be a very dull understanding that ghost, Horatio would interrupt him, and can perceive no neceffity of H.'s alterafay, Well, fit we dorun and let us bear tion. Bernardo fpeak of this? This behaviour must be very abfurd. The matter is

4. Qu's and ift and zd fo's, yend.
Third q. 'illumine,

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