i i Thy dowerless daughter, king, thrown to my chance, Lear. Thou hast her, France; let her be thine, for we Have no such daughter; nor shall ever fee That face of her's again; therefore be gone Without our grace, four love, our benizon. [Flourish. Exeunt Lear and France. Bid farewel to your sisters. Cordelia leaves you; I know h you what you are, So farewel to you both. The qu's read thy for my. So the qu's; all the rest read of for in. d So the qu's; all the rest read can for fhall. Here and where are converted into nouns in this place. f J. inferts without again before our love. So the qu's, fo's, and R.'s octavo; all the rest read ye for the. h All before R.'s duodecimo have you, all the rest omit it, except Steevens: So all before P. who alters profeffed to profeffing, followed by all the reft. Be to content your lord, who hath receiv'd you At fortune's alms; you have obedience scanted, And well are worth them want that you have wanted. Cor. Time shall unfold what plaited cunning hides, Gon. Sister, it is not a little I have to fay Of what most nearly appertains to us both. * The qu's give this speech to Gonerill, and the next to Regan. 1 So the qu's; all the rest read duty. m The qu's read worth for want. H. reads And well are worthy te want, &c. W. alters this to vaunted, and gives the following note; And well are worth the want that you have vaunted. i. e. that disherifon, which you so much glory in, you deferve. W. But did she not rather glory in her modesty and fincerity, which occafioned that disherifon? The old reading is not elegant indeed, but it is intelligible: it is a kind of Hebraifm, like feeding feed, Gen. i. 29. • The qu's read pleated; the fo's, R. and P.'s q. plighted; all the rest plaited. PH. reads cover'd; all other editions covers. * So the qu's; all the rest read with shame for shame them. The qu's omit my. • P. alters I have to I've; followed by the rest. * R. and all after read will go hence. Reg Reg. That's " most certain, and with you; next month with us. Gon. You see how full of changes his age is, the observation we have made of it hath not been little; he always lov'd our sister most, and with what poor judgment he hath now cast her off, appears too y grofly. Reg. 'Tis the infirmity of his age; yet he hath ever but Menderly known himself. Gon. The best and foundest of his time hath been but rash; then must we look, z from his age to receive not alone the • imperfections of long ingrafted condition, but therewithal the unruly waywardness, that infirm and choleric years bring with them. Reg. Such unconstant c starts are we like to have from him, as this of Kent's banissiment. Gon. There is further compliment of leave-taking between d France and him. Pray you, let us hit together. If our father carry authority, with such & dispositions as he bears, this last surrender of his will but offend us. Reg. We shall further think hon't. Gon. We must do something, and i'th' heat. [Exeunt. u In all the editions till P. who, with all after him, omits most. The fo's and R. omit not. * The 2d, 3d, and 4th fo's, and R. read appears too too grossy. The qu's read groffe. * The qu's read to receive from his age. • The qu's read imperfection. b The qu's omit the. • The ad q. reads stars. d Hanmer reads Burgundy for France. • The qu's read pray let's hit, &c. f Fo's, R. P. and H. read fit for bit. So the qu's; all the rest disposition. So the qu's; all the rest of it for on't. B3 SCENE i A castle belonging to the earl of Gloucester. Enter Bastard with a letter. Baft. Thou, Nature, art my goddess; to thy law My services are bound; wherefore should I For that I am some twelve or fourteen moonshines My mind as generous, and my shape as true, Why brand they us with base, base bastardy? • Than doth within a dull, stale tired bed i The feene is not described in either qu's, fo's, or R. This is called scena fecunda in fo's. * W. remarks, that to stand in the plague of custom, is an abfurd exprefsion. We should read plage, i. e. the place, the country, the boundary of custom. Why should I, when I profess to follow the freedom of nature, be confined within the narrow limits of custom? Plage is a word in common use amongst the old English writers. So Chaucer, The plagis of the north by land and fea. From plaga. W. 1 The qu's, fo's, and R. curiosity; P. nicety; T. and the rest courtesy. m H. reads and why bastard? base? n So the qu's; all the rest with base, with baseness, bastardy, base, base; but then they make why brand they us, a part of the foregoing line. But in this reading there seems to be too much repetition. • R.'s oct. that. The qu's, a ftale, dull, lyed (2d q. lied) bed. Go Go to 9 the creating of a whole tribe of fops, 1 To him enter Glo'ster. Glo. Kent banish'd thus! and France in choler parted! And the king gone to-night! * subscrib'd his power ! Confin'd to exhibition! y all this done Upon the gad!--Edmund, how now? what news? The fo's and R. read th'; all the rest omit the. So the qu's; the rest omit of. • The ad q. omits a. H. adds after then, good brother, to fill up the measure; the qu's read the for then. u The qu's omit fine word legitimate! The qu's read tooth'; the fo's, R. and P.'s q. to'th'; H. toe th'; which he interprets, being upon even ground with him, as the treading on another's heels signifies the being not far behind him: but if toe be read, J. would have it signify, to kick out, or supplant. P.'s duodecimo reads be 'th; followed by T. W. and J. But perhaps Shakespear wrote top th' legitimate. i. e. get above him; the corruption of this, by writing an o instead of a p, was very easy. If a conjecture be made without any regard to the traces of the letters, out, or rout, are better than be. * The fo's and R. read prefcrib'd. ▼ So the qu's, ist f. and J. the three last fo's and R. read all this gone, which P. alters all is gone. |