Serv. Oh, I am flain -My lord, y yet have you one eye left, [Dies. To fee fome mischief on him. Oh Corn. Left it fee more, prevent it. Out z vilde gelly: Where is thy luftre now? [Treads out the other eye. Glo. All dark and comfortlefs-Where's my fon Edmund? Edmund, enkindle all the fparks of nature To quit this horrid act. Reg. Out! treacherous villain, Thou call'ft on him that hates thee; it was he That made the overture of thy treafons to us, Who is too good to pity thee. Glo. O my follies! Then Edgar was abus'd. Kind Gods, forgive Me that, and profper him! Reg. Go thruft him out At gates, and let him fmell his way to Dover. [Ex. with d How is't, my lord? how do you? Glo. Corn. I have receiv'd a hurt. Turn out that eyelefs villain. Follow me, lady- y So the qu's; the rest read you have, &c. omitting yet. z So all editions before P. who alters it to vile; followed by the rest: but vilde was a method of fpelling the word in Shakespeare's time, as may be feen by the contemporary writers. The editors of Spencer have been exa&t in preferving the words as he fpelt them; why should not the fame exactnefs be obferved in treating Shakespeare? a The qu's read unbridle for enkindle. The qu's omit treacherous. • H. reads at th' gates. d All the editions read lock for do: but he could never afk how he look'd; the faw that. Upon Upon the dunghill.-Regan, I bleed apace. Untimely comes this hurt. Give me your arm. [Exit Cornwall led by Regan. * ist Serv. I'll never care what wickedness I do, If this man come to good. 2d Serv. If she live long, And in the end meet the old course of death, Women will all turn monsters. Ist Serv. Let's follow the old earl, and get the bedlam To lead him where he would; his & roguish madness Allows itself to any thing. 2d Serv. Go thou; I'll fetch fome flax and whites of eggs T'apply to's bleeding face. Now, heaven help him. [Exeunt severally. • What follows in italic is only in the qu's, T. W. and J. ACT VET better thus, and known to be contemn'd, Than still contemn'd and flatter'd. To be worst, Welcome then, Thou unfubftantial air, that I embrace! Owes nothing to thy blasts. Enter Glo'ster led by an old man. • But who comes here? My father f poorly led? World, world, O world! a So all before P. who omits and; followed by the rest. b The 2d, 3d, and 4th fo's, and R. read deject for dejecteds • The qu's read experience for esperance. d What is in italic is omitted in the qu's. e The qu's read who's here, &c. f The ist q. reads parti, eyd for poorly led. 8 The sense of this passage is, These changes make us fick of life; else we should be loth to die; to resign life to the weight of years. All copies read hate but T. who has altered it to wait. 1 Old Man. O my good lord, I have been your tenant, and your father's tenant, Glo. Away, get thee away. Good friend, be gone; Thee they may hurt. Old Man. i Alack, fir, you cannot fee your way. I stumbled when I faw. Full oft 'tis seen, Might I but live to fee thee in my touch, I'd say I had eyes again! Old Man. How now? who's there? Edg. [afide.] O Gods! who is't can fay, I am at the worst? I am worse than e'er I was. Old Man. 'Tis poor mad Tom. Edg. [afide.] And worse I may be yet; the worst is not, ■ So long as we can fay, this is the worst. Old Man. Fellow, where go'st? Glo. Is it a beggar-man? The qu's omit gears, and put a dash after fourscore. i All but the qu's omit alack, fir. So all before P. If this reading be right, by means may perhaps be understood, mean things, (using the adjective substantively) i. e. adverfa res. H. reads meanness for our means; P. and the rest, our mean fecures us; which W. interprets, moderate, mediocre condition. F. proposes two readings, our means feduce us, i. e. our powers of body or fortune draw us into evils: or, our maims fecure us, i. e. that hurt or deprivation which makes us defenceless, proves our fafety. So the qu's; the rest oh. Old Old Man. Madman, and beggar too. I'th' last night storm I such a fellow faw; Which made me think a man, a worm. My fon Was then scarce friends with him. I have heard more fince. They kill us for their sport. Edg. How should this be? Bad is the trade that must play the fool to forrow, • Ang'ring itself and others. [afide] - Bless thee, master. Glo. Is that the naked fellow ? Old Man. Ay, my lord. Glo. Then pr'ythee get thee gone. If, for my fake, Thou wilt o'ertake us " hence a mile or twain I'th way w toward Dover, do it for ancient love; And bring fome covering for this naked foul, * Whom I'll entreat to lead me. Old Man. Alack, fir, he is mad. Glo. 'Tis the time's plague, when madmen lead the blind. Do as I bid thee, or rather do thy pleasure; Above the rest, be gone. Before to the qu's read are. • The qu's, 3d and 4th fo's, and R. read the before wanton. P The qu's read bit for kill. q The 2d f. read their for this. So all before P. who omits that; followed by the rest. • H. and W. read anguishing for ang'ring. t So the qu's; all the rest get thee away. If, &c. u The qu's read here for hence. w The 2d q. reads to for toward. * The qu's read who; the fo's and R. which. So all before P. who omits thee; followed by the reft. old |