Imatges de pàgina

falvation hereafter, by their obedience to the law, as a covenant of works. The omiffion of one duty enjoined, or the commiffion of what is forbiden in a single inftance, places the finner beyond the reach of hope as to his perfonal performance or merit. This is the doctrine of the law, and the prophets, and the apoftles. The fcripture hath concluded all under fin; all of every nation whether Gentile or Jew; all of every character, whether more pure, or more profligate; it bath Jhut them up under fin, under fentence of wrath, as the criminal is fhut up in a prifon from which he cannot poffibly cfcape of him felf; where he muft languifh until the hour of execution, unless his offence be freely forgiven him. As eafily might the angels, who were caft down to hell, break off their everlafting chains, and regain their mansions in blifs, as man by his feeble efforts can procure the favor of God, or a title to that glory which he has forfeited. As many as are of the works of the law are under the curfe; For it is written, curfed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. Let all remember, therefore, as they regard their peace in time, and honor and happiness through eternity, that they muft fecure a righteoufnefs more perfect than their own; by any obedience which they have performed, or may perform they cannot be juftified in the fight of a righteous God. The accumulated merit of all the faints on earth; the accumulated merit

of all the faints and angels in glory would be infufficient to expiate the guilt of a fingle finner, much lefs fecure him a title to the kingdom of heaven.

2. LET all be impreffed with their abfolute inability to obtain falvation by their own performances. Whilft thou art refting on thine own righteoufnefs, thou art laboring in vain; thou art fpending thy ftrength for nought and in vain; thou art preparing a garment of fig leaves which cannot cover thy nakednefs, or fecure thine acceptance in the fiery teft of the judgment day." Wouldeft thou enter into life thou must keep the commandments; thou must perfectly fulfil the law in all its demands, upon all occafions.


I folemnly appeal to thy confcience and afk, haft thou come up to thefe high requirements in times paft, or art thou capable of attaining this fpotlefs perfection in the time to come; Haft thou, indeed, loved the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and foul, and frengih, and mind? Haft thou loved thy neighbor as thyfelf, and manifefted this love by fincerely endeavoring to promote his reputation, and intereft? If thy life has been conformed to this unerring ftandard, thou art more (perfect than patriarchs or prophets who freely acknowledged that in many things they all offended; who repented in duft and afhes for their numerous and aggravated failures. But art thou confcious of having failed in a fingle inftance

thy mouth is flopped from this moment; thou art, by thine own confeffion, become guilty before God, and by the deeds of the law canft never be restored to his favor. Behold all ye that kindle a fire, that compafs yourfelves about with fparks; walk in the light of your fire, and in the fparks that ye have kindled; this fhall ye have of my hand j'e fhall lie down in forrow.

that believe.

3. Is there no poffibility of pardon by the covenant of works, let all rejoice that a new, and more glorious method of reconciliation is revealed. The righteoufnefs of God without the law is manifefted, being witneffed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteoufnefs of God which is by faith of Jefus Chrift unto all, and upon all them With what tranfports of gratitude and joy fhould thefe tidings be heard? How cheerfully and thankfully fhould this divinely perfect righteoufnefs be embraced by every finner of the human family? Who that was involved in debt without the leaft profpect of making payment would not accept of relief from the hands of a furety? Who that was convicted of fome capital crime would not rejoice at the meffage of pardon from the lips of his fovereign? But immunities infinitely greater are procured and now tendered by Jehovah in the character of Jefus. He obeyed the precept of that law which you were unable to obey; he endured that penalty which you had incurred, and under which

you must have groaned through eternity; he has blotted out, with his own blood, the hand-writing which food against you, which bound you over to the curfe and has nailed it to his crofs. Are you fenfible of your danger, and longing for relief, then behold by faith the bleeding, dying faviour. Are you without ftrength to per

form the high demands of the law, his name is called the mighty God, becaufe he faves to the uttermost all who apply; Have your iniquities abounded, mercy, through his atoning facrifice, much more abounds; Though your fins be as fcarlet, they fhall be as white as fnow; though they be red like crimson, they fhall be as wool.

Now, beloved hearers, what think you of this glorious freedom? Is it anfwerable to your mife. ries and wants? Is it worthy of your acceptation? Or in oppofition to the dictates of your own confciences, enlightened by the word of truth; in oppofition to the experience of the faithful in all ages; in contempt of threatnings the most awful, of invitations the most endearing will you dare to appear in the "rotten rags" of your own attainments? Remember that by refusing submiffion to the righteoufnefs of Jefus, you defpife your own mercy, you extinguifh the only ray of hope that ever irradiated our benighted world. The Lord God has propofed the challenge, and the collected wifdom of heaven and earth and hell can never answer it, How SHALL YE ESCAPE IF YE


NEGLECT SO GREAT SALVATION? May he convince you of fin, then will you be fatisfied that a faviour is neceffary; may he difcover to you the majefty of his law, then will you welcome that Jefus who is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth, Amen.

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