IN ENGLISH PARSING: PROGRESSIVELY ARRANGED, AND ADAPTED TO THE AUTHOR'S TEXT-BOOK OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. WITH QUESTIONS SUGGESTING A COURSE OF ORAL INSTRUCTION FOR JUNIOR PUPILS, AND AN APPENDIX OF RULES AND OBSERVATIONS ON THE PARAPHRASING OF ENGLISH POETRY, WITH EXAMPLES AND EXERCISES. For the Use of Schools. BY THE REV. JOHN HUNTER, VICE-PRINCIPAL OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY'S TRAINING COLLEGE, BATTERSEA; AUTHOR OF THE "TEXT-BOOK OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR,' 66 TEXT-BOOK AND MANUAL OF ARITHMETIC," 66 EXERCISES IN Arithmetic for artificial tESTS,” ETC. NEW EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS, PATERNOSTER-ROW. ΤΟ THE REVEREND THOMAS JACKSON, M. A. PRINCIPAL OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY'S TRAINING COLLEGE, BATTERSEA, AS A TRIBUTE OF ESTEEM FOR HIS ZEALOUS EXERTIONS IN THE CAUSE OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION, AND IN GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF MANY PERSONAL FAVOURS, THIS LITTLE WORK, AND THE TEXT-BOOK TO WHICH IT IS ADAPTED, ARE, WITH PERMISSION, DEDICATED, BY HIS OBLIGED AND OBEDIENT SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. ENGLISH PARSING. * DEFINITIONS OF THE PARTS OF SPEECH. ** THE parenthetical parts of the following definitions may generally be omitted, for practical convenience, in quotation. The omissions will also leave simple forms to be committed to memory by young pupils, although it will be generally expedient to read and explain each definition fully, before the incomplete form is prescribed. 1. The NOUN is a name (constituting a distinct inde pendent notion); as, "The tree grows; "Our books are new;" "James went away; "A city was built." 2. The ADJECTIVE (can, in general, stand immediately before the Noun, and) qualifies or describes the Noun (without asserting any thing); as, "A happy man ;""A human being; "Several instances; 99 66 Any apples." The Articles (are Adjectives of a peculiar kind, serving to) mark some one, or particular ones, of a class of objects. The Articles are a, an, and the; as, 'Bring a "The park and book; " "We have an excellent house; 66 3. The PRONOUN is a substitute for the Noun (but not of itself expressing the full meaning of the Noun); as, B |