Name the parts of speech in the following sentences, describing more particularly the Nouns, Adjectives, Pronouns, and Verbs. EXERCISES. The lake reflects the sky. Cook sailed round the globe. Novelty is not the only source of zeal. The subtle philo The sopher appeared in the new character of an historian. Addison contributed several papers to the Tatler. The Athenians had lost all concern for their honour. island of Borneo is traversed by the equator. The rocky masses present on every side a steep acclivity. The brief revival of elegant literature in the twelfth century was a premature spring. Mount Hermon is always capped with snow. They would not listen to advice. The nephew of the physician rose to nearly equal celebrity. European mariners dread the rocky islets in the Chinese Sea. The young prince devoted a considerable portion of his time to the study of theology. 6. OF THE PREPOSITION, ADVERB, CONJUNCTION, and INTERJECTION. [Text-Book, pt. 1. ch. 7.] an QUESTIONS. What is a Preposition? How would you distinguish between a Verb and a Preposition? Give a sentence containing a Preposition. What is an Adverb? Give an example of an Adverb modifying an Adjective;· a Verb; Adverb. What is meant by modifying? To what kind of phrase is every Adverb equivalent? What Preposition phrase is equivalent to when? now ? slowly? What common termination have many Adverbs? What is a Conjunction? Give a sentence containing a Conjunction. What is an Interjection? Mention some of the principal Interjections. How do some Verbs, Adjectives, &c. assume the character of Interjections? Distinguish, with particular description, all the parts of speech in the following sentences. EXERCISES. Great Britain has very few islands on its eastern coast. Sinai is not a particular summit, but a group of extremely barren and rugged cliffs, tumbled about in great disorder, and affording prospects of the wildest grandeur. Too daring prince, ah! whither dost thou run? How pathetically were the deaths of Saul and Jonathan lamented by David, although he was the anointed successor to the throne of Israel. Hail! awful scenes that calm the troubled breast. The rest of the ground, excepting a farm-house, is entirely open, and lies between two ridges. The arrangement, indeed, is already completed, if he has obtained the sanction of James or William. Will you accompany me to town? O, yes, I will gladly go with you, for I am quite disposed for a walk. The mountains of Seir command an extensive prospect over dreary heights, amongst which, however, are some fertile valleys. The French troops were equally vigilant at the gates, yet made no objections to our passing through the town. False wizard, avaunt! 7. THE ACCIDENCE OF NOUNS. [Text-Book, pt. 1. ch. 8, 9, & 10.] QUESTIONS. What are the three accidents of Nouns? Define them. How many Numbers are there? When is a Noun said to be of the Singular Number?—the Plural? Give the general rule for the formation of the Plural of Nouns. Distinguish when S, and when es, should be added. Give examples of each. How do nouns in y form the Plural? What Nouns ending in y merely add s. Spell the Plurals of Money, Chimney, Journey. How do nouns in fe commonly form the Plural? Mention exceptions. Mention some Nouns in ƒ that take ves in the Plural. How do Nouns in o generally form the Plural? What exceptions are there? Give the Plurals of Ox, Child, Woman, Penny, Brother, Pea, Die. Give examples of the syllabic diphthong oo being changed into ee for the Plural. What are the Plurals of Louse and Mouse? Give examples of Nouns having one form for both Numbers. What are the Plurals of Court-martial, Brother-in-law, Handful, Mouse-trap? of Magus, Radius, Formula, Larva, Animalculum, Datum, Effluvium, Erratum, Memorandum, Stratum, Automaton, Phenomenon, Analysis, Axis, Ellipsis, Parenthesis, Appendix, Index, Genus, Apparatus, Species, Minutiæ, Cherub, Genius, Isthmus? How many Genders are there? Name and distinguish them. Give examples of Nouns made Masculine or Feminine, that are properly Neuter. What is the principal termination denoting the distinction of Gender? Give examples. Give instances of Gender distinguished by different words; of Gender denoted by the addition of a word. Is the noun Man always Masculine? - Explain. When is the Gender of a Noun said to be Indefinite, and when is it said to be Common? How many Cases are there? Name and distinguish them. Give a sentence containing the Nominative Singular of the Noun dog; one containing its Possessive; — its Objective. How is the Possessive Singular formed?- the Possessive Plural? How is the Objective formed? When is an apostrophe, without s, used as the Possessive sign? To what phrase is the Possessive generally equivalent? Decline the Noun boy; woman; - city. In parsing the subjoined Exercises, tell the Gender, Number, and Case of each Noun. EXERCISES. One of the noblest Christian virtues is to love our enemies. The ass dressed himself in a lion's skin. The mountains are crowned with enormous masses of ice. Your friend is a genius of no ordinary kind. The matter can be settled without any strife. Wisdom uttereth her voice in the streets. The Princess Anne's accession to the throne excited general satisfaction. The clergy are the chief supporters of the scheme. Saunderson, professor of mathematics at Cambridge, was blind, and yet gave excellent lectures on light and colours. Each boy got a handful of nuts. The king and parliament make I have several fine cameos the laws and impose taxes. in this cabinet. The hireling shepherd fled when he saw the wolf coming. Half of the population are employed in trade and manufactures. The pea puts forth tendrils. All the ships' guns were thrown overboard. The TextBook of Arithmetic contains five appendixes. Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. That apparatus is quite useless. The stag's horns were entangled in the branches. Time halts not in his fleet career. The fleet consisted of twenty sail. Three Avons are enumerated among the rivers of England. highest summits of Ararat attain the height of 17,260 English feet. At Greenwich is the celebrated Royal Hospital for disabled seamen. A division of the ships of war were at anchor off Dungeness. Many suffered persecution for righteousness' sake. The word larva originally signifies a mask. Count the number of wes in that paragraph. No charm in the female sex can compensate the want of virtue. Southey was poet-laureate. The Misses Thornton subscribed very liberally. "Athens, among her graceful sons, The Found equal lovers for the princely maid."-Akenside. 8. THE ACCIDENCE OF ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS. [Text-Book, pt. 1. ch. 11 & 12.] QUESTIONS. What is the only kind of Accidence belonging generally to English Adjectives? Can you mention the only Adjectives that have the distinction of Singular and Plural forms? What is the use of Comparison? How many degrees of Comparison are there? Name and distinguish them. Give a sentence containing an Adjective of the Positive degree; — of the Comparative; of the Superlative. How are the Comparative and Superlative formed? Compare small, large, early. Spell earliest. What is the special rule for Adjectives ending in y? What syllabic change do the Comparative and Superlative forms make upon the Positive? Is this in any instance inconvenient? By what general rule is the inconvenience avoided? Give examples. What Adverbs, besides more and most, may be called Adverbs of degree? How are certain Adjectives prevented from taking Comparison? Give examples. Mention the three degrees of near, better, latest, old, bad, much, many, farther, less. What kind of Comparison are these Adjectives said to have? Why? Compare also the Adjectives inner, outer, low, uppermost, hindmost, former. What peculiarity is in the Comparison of these? Why should you expect Pronouns to have the accidents of Gender, Number, and Case? What is the Gender of I?-of thou? What is the masculine pronoun of the third person? — the feminine?-the neuter? Does who represent masculine, feminine, or neuter nouns? - does which? - does that? Decline the first personal Pronoun; - the second; the third. Decline the relative who; -which-that. What are the possessive cases of the personal Pronouns sometimes called? Mention the possessive Pronouns that occur only as nominatives or objectives. Give examples. What is the objective singular of thou? of she?- of I?-of he?—of it?-of who? What is the possessive plural of thou, &c.? What are the compound |