Imatges de pàgina
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4. The VERB is the word by which we can assert; as, "The children weep; "The boy ran; "He speaks

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respectfully;" "I satisfied him."

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The Participle (is a peculiar kind of Adjective which) partakes of the form and meaning of the Verb; as, "Weeping children;""The boy was running ;" "These words were spoken; "I am satisfied."

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5. The PREPOSITION expresses (without asserting) the relation of one notion to another; as, "I went from London; "I went with James;" "He resides at Richmond;" “We are partners in trade.”

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6. The ADVERB modifies the meaning of a Verb, an Adjective, or another Adverb; as, "I was truly happy ; ' "You often told me;" "I thought otherwise;" "He did it very quickly."

7. The CONJUNCTION joins one notion or thought to another (in order to express, but not to assert, choice, combination, and other ideas); as, “I walked, and William rode;"" Give me a pen or a pencil; ""You told me, but I forgot;' ""I respect him, because he is honest."

8. The INTERJECTION is an abrupt expression (of thought or emotion); as, "O, I have forgotten my book; ""Alas! I was deceived!"" Hark! it thunders;" "Hush! you will disturb him."



[Text-Book, pt. 1. ch. 1 & 2.]

QUESTIONS. Into what two classes are the letters of the alphabet usually divided? What is a vowel?

a consonant?

-a diphthong?

- a letter?-a syllable? -a monosyllable, &c.?· - a triphthong? What species of letter must every syllable contain? Give the syllabic names and divisions of the words in the following Exercises, and point out each syllabic vowel; (thus, Pride is a monosyllable, its syllabic vowel being i; Goeth is a dissyllable, the syllabic vowels being o in go, and e in eth.) What is meant by a word? Into what classes, or parts of speech, may English words be divided? Define the Adverb,―the Adjective, the Verb, &c.

Name as parts of speech the words of the following Exercises, and quote the definitions. Afterwards, point out the nouns alone in the order of their occurrence,· the verbs alone, — the conjunctions alone, &c.


Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. I heard an amusing story about Alfred the king. Jane met her brother as she was going towards the park. Hark! some person sings beautifully in the garden. Your kind advice was soon communicated to Henry, and he readily adopted it. He is now with his worthy friends at Brighton; but, alas! they entertain little hope of his recovery.


[Text-Book, pt. 1. ch. 3.]

QUESTIONS. What is a Noun ?—A Proper Noun ?—A Common Noun ?-A Collective Noun ? - An Abstract Noun ? Give a sentence containing a Proper Name along with some Common Name of a class to which it may relate. Give a sentence containing a Proper Noun converted into a Common Noun. Why do you regard that Noun as Common? Give a sentence containing a Collective Noun. A sentence containing an Abstract Noun.

Name, as parts of speech, the words in the following sentences, giving a particular description of the Nouns.


Put away

the evil of your doings.

William came over

from Normandy, and fought against Harold in the famous battle of Hastings. Egypt was a settled kingdom ruled by a Pharaoh, at the time of Abram. Idleness is the parent of Want and Pain. The Romans invaded the country of the Britons. Freedom found a home in the mountains. Give me the mind of a Kepler, a Newton, or a Leibnitz. Piety and virtue are the noblest accomplishments. Several Johnsons are among the subscribers. "Child of the Sun, refulgent Summer comes, He comes attended by the sultry Hours."


[Text-Book, pt. 1. ch. 4.]


QUESTIONS. What is an Adjective? Why is the Adjective so called? What name does the Noun sometimes get, to dis

tinguish it from the Adjective? Show that Substantive is an appropriate name? What are those Adjectives called, which refer merely to the position or extent of the object denoted by a Noun? Mention some Definitives. Give examples of those Definitives that are called Numeral Adjectives; - of those that are called Demonstrative ;- of those that are called Distributive. Is the Noun to which an Adjective relates always expressed? If you do not supply the Noun, what is the Adjective equivalent to? Which of the Definitives are commonly called Articles? What distinguishing names have these Articles? What are the distinct uses of an and a?

Name, as parts of speech, the words in the subjoined sentences, giving particular description of the Nouns and Adjectives.


The result of this

Borneo is an island of vast extent. plot was very disastrous. Hume is an historian of great celebrity. He was an intrepid and at the same time a skilful soldier. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick. Mary of Scotland enjoyed few of the usual advantages of exalted station and sovereign power. Some nations of Africa are distinguished for native mildness and hospitality; but many are treacherous and cruel. A wheat garland was the ancient decoration of Ceres, the goddess of husbandry. I found him in a humour suitable for such an enterprise. Elizabeth was a powerful and a steady friend to Henry the Fourth, the first monarch of the house of Bourbon. I told you what book I wanted; the typography of that is too small.


[Text-Book, pt. 1. ch. 5.]

QUESTIONS. What is a Pronoun? What are the three principal species of Pronouns? What are Personal Pronouns ?

Relatives? - Interrogatives? Mention some of the Personal Pronouns. Give a sentence containing a Relative Pronoun. A sentence containing an Interrogative Pronoun. Distinguish the three orders of Personal Pronouns. When may the words this and that be properly called Demonstrative Pronouns ? What Definitives may, in like circumstances, be named Distributive Pronouns ?

Distinguish the parts of speech in the following sentences, and describe specially the Nouns, Adjectives, and Pronouns.


She and her sister live with their brother, who is a merchant. He is very kind to them; and they love and respect him for his many virtues. You bestowed that favour on a man that gratefully remembers your goodness, and that well deserved it. Who accomplished this result, and what were the mighty instruments which he employed? We looked upon the Dead Sea, and our hearts thrilled with awe; for its dark waters cover the sites of those ancient towns whose iniquity brought upon them a swift destruction.


[Text-Book, pt. 1. ch. 6.]

QUESTIONS. What is a Verb? Why is it so called? How may a Verb be compared with a syllabic vowel? What may we call those parts of a Verb by which no assertion is made? How are the assertive parts of a Verb known? Give examples of assertion by means of the Verb write. Give sentences containing unassertive forms of the same Verb. What are the three principal kinds of Verbs? Define them, and give examples. Into what two kinds are Active Verbs divided? Define these, and give examples.

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