Publications, Volum 10 |
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actor adoe againe Armin artificiall askt bagpipe beard boote to bid Camber cardinall Christ's Hospital cinnicke Citty cobler cooke court cryed dinner Dmee drinck Earle eate Edinborough enuie euery fat foole fauour feare fellow fire folly footeman gaue gentleman giue graue groat Harry haue head heare heauen heere Henry Henry VIII himselfe indeede Jack Miller Jack Oates jester John Kemp king's knaue knew knight Lady laugh leane leaue Leonard Lincolnshire line 23 liues looke lookt Lord loued maister meate mended merry minstrels mirth misprint morrally motley neuer pease pottage play players poore printed pyes quince quoth hee ROBERT ARMIN saies sallet sayes hee sayes Jack sayes Jemy sayes the king sent serued Shakespeare shee shew Sir William sodaine Sommers spide stood strange sweat Tarlton tell thee themselues thou thought tract uncle World yeeres
Passatges populars
Pàgina 58 - When icicles hang by the wall And Dick the shepherd blows his nail And Tom bears logs into the hall And milk comes frozen home in pail, When blood is nipp'd and ways be foul, Then nightly sings the staring owl, Tu-whit; Tu-who, a merry note, While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.
Pàgina 16 - And a pearle spoone he still wore in his cap, To eate his meate he lov'd, and got by hap A pretty little foote, but a big hand, On which he ever wore rings rich and good : Backward well made as any in that land, Though thicke, and he did come of gentle bloud ; But of his wisdome ye shall quickly heare, How this Fat Foole was made on every where." And some capital jokes are recorded of him in this same
Pàgina 35 - ... nigit was a foole, Shapt in meane of all, And of order fit to rule Anger in her loudest brawl. Fat and thicke, neate and cleane, And delights in pleasure, Saue a nasty ugly straine Of an other measure From his nostrils rumatick. Griefe it was to see Such a simple neatnesse spring From imbisillitie. Creatures of the better sort, For the foole was cleane, Gaue him loue with good report, Had not this ill beene. But let slip it was no fault, Men as slougish be, Since the wisest jump as short In all...
Pàgina 19 - Jemy, desirous of salhits, calles her to him . Lasse, sayes he, what shall I giue thee for a good sallet ? Faire sire, sayes the wench (for shee knew him for the kings foole, and she could not please him better then to call him faire sir) you giue me an atchison. Now he, hauing nothing but sixe French crownes about him, Canst thou change mee a crowne ? sayes he. Yea, sire, sayes shee. He gives her a crowne, and shee gives him a sallet for it, and shee went her way. Jemy thinks it was much to give...
Pàgina 25 - See how things chanced; he spake truer than he was aware. For the chain berlaine, going home without him, tolde the king his auswere. Jemmy rose, made him ready, takes his horse, and rides to the churchyard in the high towne, where he found the sexton (as the custom is there) making nine graves — three for men, three for women, and three for children ; and whoso dyes next, first comes, first served. "Lend mee thy spade...
Pàgina xviii - Matthew Roiden, or Roydon, must have been reduced to extreme want : he was relieved by Alleyn in 1618 by the gift of eightpence, and in 1622 he made another appeal to his charity, and obtained sixpence. (See "Memoirs of Alleyn," p. 155.) In the same year that " The Italian Taylor and his Boy" came out, Armin printed a dramatic piece, with the title of " The History of the Two Maids of More Clacke, with the Life and simple manners of John in the Hospital." It purports to have been acted by the Children...
Pàgina 27 - Curled locks on idiot's heads, Yeallow as the amber, Playes on thoughts, as girls with beads. When their masse they stamber. Thicke of hearing, yet thin ear'd, Long of neck and visage, Hookie nosde and thicke of beard, • Sullen in his usage. Clutterfisted, long of arme, Bodie straight and slender'd, Boistrous hipt motly warm'd, Ever went leane Leonard.
Pàgina 30 - ... in the stocks. The fellow knowing himselfe faulty, put up his wrongs, quickly departed, and went to work betimes that morning with a flea in his eare.
Pàgina 5 - TANNIKIN. A name for a Dutch woman. Out she would, tucks up her trinkets, like a Dutch tannikin sliding to market on the ise, and away she flings.
Pàgina 7 - His necke was short, inclin'd to sport Was this our dapper Jacke. Of nature curst, yet not the worst, Was nastie, given to sweare ; Toylesome ever, his endeavour Was delight in beere. Goutie great, of conceit Apt, and full of favour ; Curst, yet kinde, and inclinde To spare the wise man's labour. Knowne to many, loude of any, Cause his trust was truth ! Seene in toyes, apt to joyes, To please with tricks of youth. Writh'd i' th' knees, yet who sees Faults that hidden be ? Calf great, in whose conceit...