Imatges de pàgina





Why should not divers studies, at divers hours, delight, when the
variety is able alone to refresh and repair us ?

BEN JONSON'S Discoveries.



Printed for





C. Baldwin, Printer,

New Bridge-street, London.



ABSTRACTION, inadequacy of, in Art, 446.
Actors, on some of the Old, 174-Bensley,
174-his Iago, and his Malvolio, 175-
Dodd; his Aguecheek, 177-the elder
Palmer, 178-Smith; Kemble, 309.

Adam Blair, review of, 485.

Agricultural Report, (MONTHLY RE-

GISTER,) 2, 19, 37, 55, 75, 95.

Albatross, the, 223.

Ali Pacha, death of, 397.

[blocks in formation]

America, alarm first caused in, by the Bunbury, 26.

Stamp Act, 417.


Buonaparte, his residence at Elba, 272-
his will, 399-manner of living at St.
Helena, 572-his apartments, 573-
anecdotes, 574.

Burghersh, Lord, his Bajazet, 490.

Burying-ground, English at Leghorn, 64.
Byron, Lord, review of his Sardanapalus,
&c. 66 his Aristocracy, 66-Excellen-
cies, 67-Sardanapalus, 67-Two Fos-
cari, 69-Cain, 70-contrasted with
Scott, 296.

Cain, by Lord Byron, remarks on, 70.
Cambridge, R. O., life of, 403.
Campanella, Tommaso, account of, 50.
Canals, Shares, &c. (M. R.) 17, 35, 53,

Chirayita, a plant, 196.

Christmas described, 90.

Clare, John, Hymn to Spring, 43-To

***, 128 The Approach of Spring.

216-the Cowslip, 444.

Colman, George, 581.
Comedy, remarks on, 305.
Commercial Report, (M. R.) 2, 20, 40, 59,

78, 97.

Complaint of the Decay of Beggars, 532.
Concerts: of Ancient Music, 287-Sub-
scription Concerts, 288-Royal Con-
certs at Brighton, 390.
Congreve, character of his Comedies, 306.
Contributors to the London Magazine, re-
marks on, 469.
Correggio, remarks on his Io, 452.
Correspondents, distant, 282.
Counter-charms against Witchcraft, 480.
Courses of Foreign Exchange, (M. R.) 15,
33, 51, 71, 91.

Crimson Hermits, the, a Melodrama, 253.

Cumberland, Clifford, Earl of, 409.

Currency, on a Free Paper, 185.

[blocks in formation]

Elba, 272.
Elgin Marbles, the, 153-not ideal forms,
153-paper on, continued, 445.

Elia, papers by; Dream Children, a reve-

rie, 21-Some of the Old Actors, 174-

Distant Correspondents, 282-the Old

Actors, 305-Praise of Chimney-sweep-

ers, 405-Complaint of the Decay of

Beggars in the Metropolis, 532.

Elizabeth, Queen, letter of, 387-verses
of 338-letter to the Bishop of Ely, 411.
Elphin Irving, the Fairies' Cupbearer, 13.
English Poets, new Edition of, 295.
England, peculiar currency requisite for,

Epistolary topics, 282.

Exhibitions: Drawings, Soho-square, 295
-Williams' Views in Greece at Edin-
burgh, 425-Water-colour, 470-Mar-
tin's, 471-Somerset House, 471, 550.
Expression in Painting, 452.

Fine Arts: Drawings, Soho-square, 295
Williams' exhibition at Edinburgh, 425
-Water-colour exhibition, 470-Mar-
tin's Herculaneum, 471--Somerset House,
471-see also Sculpture.

Foreign Commerce, (M. R.) 4, 23, 42, 61,
81, 99.

Forms, ideal, 153.

Fortiguerri, the author of Ricciardetto, 429.

Foscari, critique on Byron's tragedy of the

Two, 69.

France, see Public Events.

Free Paper Currency, 185-petition for,

191-benefits of, 192.

French Poets, early; A. Heroet, and M.
de St. Gelais, 37-Hugues Salel and
Oliver de Magny, 157-Joachim du
Bellay, 231-Remy de Belleau, and
Jan Antoine de Baif, 331-Jan de la
Peruse, 456-Pierre de Ronsard, 501.
French Dramatists, 47.
French Versification, 44, 46.

Galloway, description of a vale in 540.
Gaull, John, his account of the initiation of
Witches, 377-of the power of Witches,

German Translations, 196.

Geology, 196.

Giovanni, Don, the XVIII. a Musico-
&c. &c. Opera, 436.
Glenbervie, Lord, review of his translation
of Ricciardetto, 429.

Glossary to the second Tale of Lyddal

Cross, 101.

Gn, account of his visit to the Theatre
at the first performance of his Antonio,

Goldsmith, Dr., life of, 105-character,

110-remarks on his works, 111-scene

of his Deserted Village, 111-incon-

sistent reasoning in his Traveller, 112-

Dr. Warton's opinion of him, 268.

Grace in Art, 455.

Grandeur in Art, defined, 156, 453.

Gray's Inn Gardens, 177.

Gray, Lady Jane, 166-Stanzas to, 171.

Green Room, 236.

Greece, spirit of its Mythology, 118-
Williams' Views in, 425.

Haddon, description of a hunting festival

at, 247.

H-yd-n, Mr., his opinion respecting the

Theseus, 449.

Henry, Patrick, life of, 413-his clo-
quence, 416-speech in the Assembly
of Virginia, 420--elected Governor of Vir-
ginia, 564 speech for the return of the
British refugees, 566-ditto on British
debts, 568-his private character, 571.
Herbert, Edward, Letter III. The Green
Room, 236.

Herculaneum, Martin's Picture of, 471.

Hexameters, English, 45.


Hogarth, 451.

Homer's Hymns to Pan, 161-to Ceres,


Horace, Wrangham's translation of the
odes of, 277-compared with Catullus,
277-various English versions of, 279.
Horticultural Report, (м.к.) 38, 57, 77,


Ideal, the theory of the, misunderstood,
154-defined, 156, 450-ideal forms,

Ilissus, remarks on the statue of, 153, 453.

Imitation, on, 51.

Inchbald, Mrs., observations of, on the
character of Malvolio, 175.
Interpretations of Mythological Tales, 116.
Ireland, see Public Events.

James I., 218-verses by, 219-his De-
monologie, 211.

Janus, Letter from, 468.

Johnson, Dr., his opinion of Goldsmith,

106, 108, 160.

Journals, Polish, 296.

[ocr errors]

Leisure Hours, No. V. Introduction to a
Translation from the Homeric Hymns,
44-No. VI. Homer's Hymn to Pan,
161-No. VII. Ditto to Ceres, 340.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Lives of the Poets, No. III. C. Anstey,

24 No. IV. Oliver Goldsmith, 105-

No. V. Joseph Warton, 264-No. VI.

James Beattie, 312-No. VII. R. O.

Cambridge, 403-W. J. Mickle, 559.

Lloyd, Mrs. Winifred, Letter of, describing

Martin's Pictures, and the Bonassus,


Loveday, Miss, conversion of, 199.

Lucca, 63.

Lyddalcross, Twelve Tales of, (see Tales.)

Magic, 473-Charms, 384.

Malvolio, the character of, 175.

Markets, (M. R.) 161, 34, 54, 72, 92, 110.

Marriages, (M. R.) 6, 23, 47, 67, 86, 106.

Martin, 'characteristics of his style, 448-
his picture of Herculaneum, 471.

Mathews, Mr. 395.

May-day effusion, by Elia, 405.

Melo-dramas, observations on, 253.

Meteorological Journal, 10, 32, 50, 70, 90,


Mickle, W. J., life of, 559.
Minichino, Abbate, account of, 49.
Mittau, improvements at, 196.
Money, extract on the subject of, from
Caxton's Mirrour, 187.

Mff, Mr. 436.

Montgomery, J., War-song by, 456-Re-

view of his Polyhymnia, 557.

Morra, a Neapolitan game, 521.

Mosca, Signor, the composer, 490.

Moscow, the burning of, 576.

Music, Report of. JAN. Madame Catalani;

King's Theatre, 95-Mr. Bishop, Na-

tional Melodies, new Musical Publica-

tions, 96-FEB. Encouragement of En-

glish Music, 193-Establishment pro-

jected for the education of young Mu-

sicians; the Opera; Signora Carridori,

Ambrogetti, Camporese; Madame Mora,
194-New Musical Publications, 195-
MARCH. The Opera; Il Barone di Dol-
sheim; Concerts of Ancient Music;
Oratorios at Covent Garden, 287-
Bochsa's Oratorio of the Deluge; Con-
certs; Madame Catalani; New Musical
Publications, Beauties of Rossini; the
Pirate, Kiallmark, &c. 288-APRIL.
Royal Concerts at Brighton, the King's
Patronage of English Music, 390-
English Composition; Concerts of the
Royal Harmonic Institution, Italian
Music, 391-Rossini's Mosé in Egitto,
Handel's Messiah, Bochsa's Deluge,
392-Concerts; Opera; Singers, Gra-
ziani, Begrez, Master Ormskirk, Sapio,
Miss Fearon, 393-New Musical Pub-

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